As expected the very next morning things did change not only for Jane but for Juan as well. Jane was a little busy in the morning so she could not talk much but just as she got free the very first thing she did was texting Juan.
"Why am i waiting for him to be online when it has only been a day since i started talking to him",said Jane to herself.
"Stop being such a desperate one and ignore as you did earlier", again a thought striked Jane,but no matter what Jane kept on checking her phone and they both started talking.
"I rarely talk to anyone this much but still I'm talking to you" ,said Jane to Juan.
Hey! how come you accepted my request and even replied back? asked Juan.
Jane was a little confused in the beginning about what to reply but she answered honestly that it was just a random case.
Juan loved joking around and making the other person laugh so out of habit he would send texts to Jane which automatically made her laugh like nothing else and she thought "Is Juan really that insane or acts just infront of me"?