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22.58% Young Justice: The super soldier / Chapter 7: The Team Assemble’s in Happy Harbor

Chapter 7: The Team Assemble’s in Happy Harbor

Coming down the elevator they stop at the hangar. "It's my Martian Bioship," M'gann explains as the doors open. Leading the now curious boy towards a red oblong shape in the hangar.

Cute." Wally says. "Not aerodynamic, but cute."

"It's at rest, silly." M'gann smiles bright, reaching her hand out. "I'll wake it." as she does the oblong turns into a shape recognizable as a ship. She even spins 180° with just a motion of her hand. A small staircase comes off the back, showing off some of the insides. She walks towards it but soon realizes the boys aren't following. "Well, are you coming?" (for now on I'm using bit M'gann and Megan just so it doesn't feel like a broken record)

Four of them hesitate and board with nervous expressions except for Steve who was calm as if he saw it before. Once inside the front opens up to reveal a captain's chair and five more side chairs. (Megan made the fifth chair on her ship if were wondering)

"Strap in for launch." M'gann tells them. Kid Flash and Robin exchange bright grins before sitting down

As he does Robin goes to lean forward as the chair moves, eliciting a "whoa" from the stunned- and possibly scared- Boy Wonder. The chair reaches out and creates chest restraints that hold the thirteen-year-old in place.

Kid Flash sits down next and now knowing what happens, doesn't panic. "Cool," he tells Megan.

"Red Tornado," Megan says, sitting in the captain's chair. "please open the bay doors."

As the bay doors open two control towers form by M'gann's hands.

Once open the Bioship flies out at impressive speeds, only to slow just above the surface of the water and begin a near 90° upward flight, before barrel rolling to face towards the mainland once more.

"Incredible!" Robin tells Megan, more likely impressed with the responsiveness and her piloting skills than anything.

"She sure is…" Wally agrees, but is entirely focused on M'gann, once she turns towards does he realize what he said. "I-I mean the ship, which like all ships, is a she."

Robin is the first to point out Wally's crappy attempt at covering up what he said. "Fast with his feet, not so much with his mouth."

"Dude!" Wally yells, mostly embarrassed, but clearly still at least a little annoyed.

"Hey, how 'bout showing us a little bit of Martian Shapeshifting?" Robin asks, Megan nods subtly

before stepping up and gaining Kaldur and Superboy's attention as her clothes begin to change. Making her look like a girlish version of Robin, costume included. Catching Wally's smirk she turns into a girlish version of Kid Flash.

"Is it wrong that I think I'm hot?" Wally questions.

No one responds to him, and Robin applauds M'gann. "Impressive," she turns back into herself. "but you know you're not exactly gonna to fool anyone with those."

Megan smiles softly as she sits down. "Mimicking boys is a lot harder."

"And your clothes?" the Atlantean questions.

"They're organic like the ship. They respond to my mental commands." M'gann explains, pulling on her jacket slightly.

"Can you do that ghosting through walls thing Manhunter does?" Wally asks.

"Density shifting?" M'gann questions, though her smile doesn't return. "No, it's a very advanced technique…"

Robin leans forward. "Flash can vibrate his molecules right through a wall." Then chuckles before gesturing to Wally. "When he tries it, bloody nose."

"DUDE!" Wally snaps, annoyed that he would tell her that.

Listening to Robin 'I mean not if he had the speed force' Steve thought.

"Here's something I can do." Megan says brightly, then the entire ship disappears from sight. "Camouflage Mode."

"Red Tornado to Miss Martian. An emergency alert has been triggered at the Happy Harbor Power Plant. I suggest you investigate covertly. I'm sending coordinates." all four are on high alert as the ship bings.

"Received. Adjusting course." Megan says.

Robin scoffs. "Tornado's keeping us busy again."

Megan replies optimistically. "Well, a simple fire led you to Superboy. We should find out what caused the alert." as she takes the Bioship down and mere feet above the surface of the parking lot.

Connor turns out the side window. "I think I know the cause." he says, right outside the Bioship is a tornado. Heading right for them. M'gann attempts to alter their course so not to be swept up but is unsuccessful and the Bioship glitches out of Camouflage Mode as they get fully entangled in the tornado.

Trapped inside the tornado all of them hold on and grunt as the wind whips them around. M'gann manages to open her eyes and reorientate herself, as she does her brow drops in concentration and her hands firmly press on the control towers, illuminating them as she gets them out of the tornado and to the parking lot. Where Cap, Robin, Kid, Miss Martian, Superboy, and Aqualad all drop out of a door created in the bottom of the ship.

At the Power Plant all the works are evacuating and screaming in fear.

At the Power Plant all the works are evacuating and screaming in fear.

"Robin, are tornadoes common in New England?" Aqualad questions, hearing no response he turns to where the Boy Wonder just was but finds the space between him and M'gann now empty. "Robin?"

The Boy Wonder's laugh echoes, but none of them can locate him.

"H-he was just here." M'gann objects

"So was Cap," Superboy says getting the attention of all four of them.

Their attention turns back to the Power Plant where the windows are being blown out.

Inside the Power Plant is a red and black exo-suit, with blue tubing running from his shoulders, up and to his lower back, and a brown scarf covering his mouth. Tornado-like funnels coming from each hand.

The funnels hit Robin directly and slam him into the support pillar nearly eight feet off the ground, then him fall to the ground. Hitting his back both times.

The other members of the Team running in through the loading bay doors, Superboy jumping the stairs to land beside Robin as the Boy Wonder sits up. "Who's your new friend?"

Robin looks to Superboy, grimacing at the motion. "Didn't catch his name," the clone jumps at the villain. "but he plays kinda rough." he finishes, warning the clone.

The exo-suit wearing villain stands ready, air pulses still coming from his wrists, though the bright blue tubing is now confirmed to be going to the tops of his wrists as well. "My apologies." he says, revealing his robotic tone. "You may address me as Mr Twis-" before he finished a metal frisbee hit him in the head making him fall.

"What was that?" a voice on top the railing above the team echoed and it was soon shown to none other than Steve Aka Captain America catching his shield "Did you say something?."

"Yo Cap where were you a few minutes ago? When I was getting my butt kicked" Robin asks while rubbing his neck.

"I was surveying the area, Robin did you bring your belt?" Steve asks.

"Never leave home without it-" Robin confirms and defends, clipping it together. "First thing Batman taught me."

"Yeah, right after don't go to the bathroom without it." Wally grumbles.

"Kid Flash go and help the civilians and come back when you're done" Steve commands.

"why do I get stuck with evacuation duty when you guys can kick tin cans butt?" Wally asks only to get a Cold glare from Steve "hehe... on it" Kid awkwardly says before putting on his goggles and leaving.

When Cap was about to make another order until Mr Twister threw multiple tornadoes at him so he dodges them by somersaulting of the railing and landing next to the team when he landed he look towards Miss Martian and pointed at his head which she understood.

'Team, can you hear me?' Steve asks telepathically.

'yes we can, so what's the plan on this guy down?' aqualad answers back telepathically while dodging tornadoes.

'Miss Martian push him outside using your telekinesis, Aqualad try to get behind him and cut those blue wires near his neck and back, Robin help out Aqualad by blinding him with smoke and lastly both I and Superboy will hit with everything we got everyone got that?'

'Got It!' everyone shouted in unison first up was Megan she picked him up and threw him outside but he stopped himself mid-air and started to call a massive storm above him with vicious lightning but he was in position Robin threw multiple smoke bombs blinding him.

"you think that will stop-" before he could finish Kaldur jumped above him cutting the blue cords stopping him from flying then both Superboy and Cap went first was The Captain dodging all of Mr Twisters punches and Tornadoes and returning multiple hits and backing him was Superboy using brute force making Mr Twister fall back near the pier both Superboy and Cap grin as they move aside and Speeding Kid Flash barges shoulder first into him sending Mr Twister into the ocean.

A drowning Mr Twister finally had breathing room only to get smacked around again but this time it was Kaldur doing an underwater assault Since Kaldur was in his element he wiped the ocean floor with Mr Twister when he was done he sent him back flying onto the surface landing head first Mr Twister was already broken he had enough of this team of teenagers.

Cap yelled "M'gann let's finish this!" and threw his shield in the air so she could catch it with her telekinesis and send it through each of the arms cutting them off even with no arms Twister rises to his knees, only to find the whole Team before him. The chest panel opens, revealing a man, forty (ish) , medium length brown hair in a green and white suit. He falls out of the exo-suit and to the ground. "Foul. I-I call foul." he stutters.

Steve gave a nod towards Megan as she telekinetically reaching over to pull up a massive slab of the ground. The rock hits, crushing him no one in the team attempted to stop Megan as they already figured it out Megan then begins to Lift the boulder to reveal another android, though now it's in crushed pieces.

"We should call Red Tornado and I already have an idea of who built this" Steve said as the starts to walk back to the ship.

Wally steps up and grabs one of the eyeballs. "Cool. Souvenir." flicking in so he can catch it in in his fist as he looks to M'gann As the android's eye turns red.

The live feed from the eye is transmitting to a lab. A man in a blue work suit stands before the screen and a scientist in a white lab coat steps up to him with a chuckle. "Now, Brom, aren't you relieved I didn't let you wear the armor?"

'Brom' turns revealing he is the one the android inside the exo-suit was based on. "Extremely, Professor," he admits shakily. "but you're not upset?"

"I'm convinced our tracking program was operational," this 'Professor' says, he's a taller, slightly tanner man than Brom, with black hair a small mustache. "and that the real Tornado was somewhere in the vicinity. Besides you know science advances in fits and starts." Brom is still very tense. "Even failure can be instructive, and I'd say we learned quite a lot today."

Inside Mount Justice, the Team is conversing with Red Tornado.

"It was clearly created to sabotage or destroy you." Kaldur tells the Leaguer.

"Agreed." Red Tornado says, looking over the pieces of the android and the computer readouts.

if you're in danger…" M'gann objects.

"I do not believe it is my role to solve your problems for you. Nor should you solve mine for me." Tornado says simply "Consider this matter closed." Red Tornado states then walks off.

Guess if we're going to have a babysitter, a heartless machine is exactly what we need." Robin says.

"Dude! Harsh." Wally hisses but doesn't object to it in any other way.

"And inaccurate." both boys stop dead. "I have a heart , carbon-steel alloy. I also have excellent hearing."

Kid Flash's eyes clench closed and he frowns, just opening one eye to look at the Boy Wonder. A silent 'help ME!' gesture that he doesn't want Tornado to see.

Robin forces out a nervous chuckle as. "Right. I'll strive to be... more accurate."

Kaldur grabs Robin's shoulder and brings the Boy Wonder's attention to him. "And more respectful."

Red Tornado says nothing more as he walks away, but M'gann stands at the entrance of hall as the boys head to the dorm section of the Cave.

"Speedy was so wrong." Wally says happily. "This Team thing…"

"Might just work out." Kaldur agrees.

M'gann smiles softly and follows them.

Meanwhile in star city...

A guy in a red suit with a quiver was overlooking the city only to hear the footsteps behind him so he quickly grabs his bow and pulls back his arrow to see a man

"so it's you?" Red Arrow says still holding his bow and arrow.

"yep, I got some free days so I thought I would hang out" the man was none other than Steve in his Captain America suit holding up his hands.

"and why "hang out" with me?" Red Arrow question right now he was probably on the shit list of the league so why was Steve 'hanging out with him'.

"put it simply you have your own opinions and I respect that and also looks like you need a partner," Steve says still holding his hands up.

"I don't need another damn partner" Red Arrow in anger.

"okay fine" then Steve raised his hands higher to his head which startled Red Arrow almost letting go his arrow but stopped as Steve took off his mask showing his key features the Slick black hair and blue eyes "my name is Steve Rogers and I'm here to help."

techashi techashi

Next chapter Captain America and Red Arrow team up

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