2018 November
I want you to fall in love with you.
See the truths in view
Shy and sincere, and brave
Your beautiful eyes and the calmness of the sea.
An allure, and a curiosity
The gleam of wit and amusement
An gravity-enchantment…
Always gentle and caress,
Breathe in confidence with ease.
You're happy here.
Content and sweet.
An excitement uncontained as
You inspect the morning dew
Droplets on the flowers
And every hour
I fall in love with you.
Blue bells and forget me nots a sweet and bitter story
With sadness and compassion you care
For this life. No matter the gory glory
You kno one of strife, and what makes
You beyond ompare, regardless
Of tears shed you'll be there.
Becasue no one deserves hate and harm, you welcome all.
Entranced by charm, a confort of
Peace. Breathe in, release.
You are beautiful. Courage and true,
And I want you to see that in you.