Cylian, our MC is 'born' in the Dothraki sea in a camp of Valyrian pure born including Dragon lords with an army planing to remake their former Empire in Essos while having made a deal with the Night King to stay away from Westeross resulting in Cylians birth, with this novel in the same universe as GOT:Breaking the iron throne our naturally skilled MC is an outcast from birth having made his first kill a few minutes outside of 'birth' our MC is not a mysterious as the night king and not as magical as Valyrian dragon lords, he is something more and something less, Born practically emotionless and unkillable Cylians goal is not to survive or gain power it is to find out why he wants to live and what his purpose is.
he also has found an interest in a particular man named Empyrion he does not know if this interest to serve or kill him yet but he will find out.