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Start Crossing

On a highway outside of the quiet mining town of Prosperity, Arizona, Jack was running at a speed close to sound, as to why he didn't break through it, is because once he does so, the sonic boom generated by his speed can destroy almost everything he passes by, that is why he never goes beyond the speed of sound.

Jack returned home before dinner so that he can start supervising the training of Ashley. In the past 2 years, he started training Ashley in all kinds of martial arts, and he also created a scientifical method that can strengthen her body to its peak, this allowed her to have a strong physical fitness, and also making her body develop faster taking the best shape, as for why he didn't teach her any special cultivation technique from his inherited, it's because the requirement for them is that the person needs to reach the peak physical strength, like Captain America, black widow and the likes, that is why Jack used his extraordinary mind to develop a special exercise routine for her so that she can reach her peak physical fitness as soon as possible.

In the kitchen, Jack is sitting with his adopted mother and sister eating lunch.

Sam said: "Jack what do you think of the suggestion you grandpa said about me joining the military school", In the years that she lived with Jack, Sam understood one truth and that is, there is nothing that Jack can't solve, she found that Jack has a profound knowledge in almost every field she knows, even in some cases, Jack helped her in her Job to find clues that could not be noticed and he is always patience when he starts explaining how he did it and telling her to always keep an open mind to every possibility no matter how impossible it is, besides this, he also took care of her and her daughter which is one of the reasons she didn't prevent her daughter from falling in love with Jack at an early age.

Jack thought for a moment and said: "Yeah sure with my grandpas' background and your clean history, you have a High school diploma and you look like a young woman who's 21 years old this year, with these qualifications you can join a police academy as a sheriff candidate with a recommendation letter from the old man.

Upon receiving admission to the academy, you are expected to enroll in an 18 to 24-week program that will combine the rigors of a military-style boot camp with an intensive educational curriculum.

So if you want to go you can go now."

Sam said with some worries: "But who's gonna take care of you two, and I have never left the town"

Ashley who was sitting next to them jumped: "No problem mom, we can take care of ourselves, and you know that Jack will not let anything happen to me, you can join the academy with peace of mind "

Sam squinted at her daughter and said: "well ok, you're right, Jack is mature enough to take care of you, but the two of you still have to go live with mom and dad until I come back"

Jack said: "ok Sam, there is no problem".


Two days later, Sam packed up her staff and took the bus to the phoenix police academy.

Jack and Ashley went to live with there grandparents, and everything returned to its normal track.

late at night,

Jack looked at the clock in the wall, and when he saw that it's 12 and everyone is asleep he disappeared from his place.


In a white space, Jack appeared looking around with some curiosity only to hear Selys' voice: "welcome Jack to the space point where every world is connected"

jack said with curiosity: "so here is the communication center of all world"

Selvy coughed a little and said: "no Jack, this is not just a communication center but also a travel point for you and an exchange point where you can buy anything you want from the world you conquer by using the points you win from completing the missions, any questions ".

Jack said seriously: "Selvy I don't want you to play any trick, and tell me what I should know"

Selvy pouted and said: "why don't you follow the routine of the novels"

Jack: "ok Selvy hurry up"

Selvy: "ok...ok, the first thing you need to know is that once you cross to other worlds with your soul you can only bring 1/10 of your strength with you, but when you return you can take back everything you have learned or cultivated, besides this, there is another important thing that has a lots of benefits for you, because only your soul is gonna travel then there will be a need for a body in that world so that you can an identity, it can be a random stranger, a villain, or the protagonist himself, and once you take his body you need consume his soul to strengthen yours so that the rules of that world will not exclude you or hurt you, and if the body you took had an innate talent then it will be your from then on, and finally, I won't be able to go with you I will stay in this white space until you return and don't ask me why. But you will hear a mechanical sound, so, shall we begin "

Jack said in a hurry: "wait...wait if I consume the soul wouldn't I be influenced by it"

Selvy laughed: "hhh... no Jack you won't, because I will help you to transform it into a pure soul power and for the memories, you can choose to either watch them in the form of film or experience them"

Jack said with relief: "Good, then let's start".

[searching for world coordination...]

[search complete]

[start crossing...]

[successfully arrived, searching for a young random body...]

[search complete]

[Start fusing the soul...fusing successfuly]

[warning because the current body is too weak, it won't be able to withstand 1/10 of the host power start safety mesure]

[found safety measure, the strength of the host will be released slowly until his current body adapt]


Jack opened his eyes and looked around him in confusion, he is now standing on the street holding a pink book in Japanese, he looked at himself and found that he is now wearing a blue school uniform and before he could figure out his situation he heard a mechanical sound.

[host do you want to experience the memories or watch them]

Jack said: "watch the memories"

[start transfer...]

Jack didn't close his eyes, but if someone looked at them carefully they will find them hollow and empty like a zombie, but this situation didn't last long before Jack took a deep breath to calm himself, he opened his school bag and put his book inside.

Jack found himself in an old animation that he loved when he was a young boy, it's called <<History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi>>, and this is not the only thing because he found himself in the body of the protagonist Kenichi Shirahama, and apparently he is in the first episode when Kenichi met Miu Fūrinji by accident.

Jack said while walking: "panel"


[Name: Kenichi Shirahama (J.M)]

[Race: human]

[Bloodline: Kryptonian]

[Innate talent: yellow sun absorbation*(Y.S.A); Indomitable Will]

[ strength: 0.1/1440 ]*(0.5 point= the peak strength of a normal human being= 500 kg)

[speed: 3 m/s]*(peak speed of a Kryptonian without yellow sun= 50 m/s)

[Mental strength: 10/1400 ]*(peak mental strength of human= 1 point)

[Soul root: 2]*(Any being has only 1 point of soul root)

[brain development: 10% ]*(normal human brain developement= 8%; genius= 10%; pseud super genuis= 11% --> 20%; super genuis= 21% --> 99%; Nigh-Omniscient: 100%)


Photographic memory;

Critical Thinking Lv20/100;

Deductions Lv.19/100;

Computer science Lv.22/∞;

Cooking Lv.15/100;

Combat mastery Lv.10/10;

Hot Weapons mastery Lv.15/100;

Cold weapons mastery Lv.20/100

Science knowledge Lv.20/∞;

Rune science Lv.20/∞;

Star forger Lv.7/100; ]

[Knowledge received from the universe: 2% ]


Jack looked at the panel with some helplessness and surprise, his current body is too weak compared to his former, and surprised because of the innate talent and the new column of Soul root.

Jack said: "explain everything about these two"

[yes host, the Indomitable Will is a skill that can only be acquired by those who have experienced years of temptation and torture by life and people but still hold on to there belief and heart, but Kenichi Shirahama has it naturally since he was a kid and since your soul fused together then you will naturally acquire it.

As for the soul root, every existence has only one soul root, it can only be upgraded by special cultivating methods, so the host should understand that a person with 1 point in his soul root is not like another with 2 points, because once he wants to break through the bottleneck that is between the first stage and the second stage of the soul he needs a lot of time and understanding, as for others who have 2 points will not even have a bottleneck when upgrading from the 1st stage to the 2nd stage.]

Hearing this Jack nodded in thought, but then he was awakened by the student who started running to school, he looked at his watch only to see that only 8 minutes left before the school gate close, at the same time he laughed inside and start running too, right now he will meet one of his favorite girls in animation.

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