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Chapter 4: Development

Two days later after the breakthrough at 05:25 in the morning,

Jack woke up early in the morning to absorb the first ray of the sun because he discovered that the solar radiation at this time is the purest and strongest, especially after he broke through last night making his absorption speed 10 times faster, besides this, his first superpower has manifested in the form of X-ray vision, Jack also learned some very horrifying facts from Selvy about his Kryptonian body and his Star forging exercise,

* According to Selvy, the <<Star forger>> is a very difficult and painful cultivation skill for ordinary people that take tremendous time and resources to keep up with it, but because of his body, the Skill fit perfectly with him to the point that the <<Star forger>> only use 5/10 of his solar radiation to strengthen his body from the root while the remaining fifth charge his other natural abilities, and as long as he keeps absorbing solar radiation his <<Star forger>> will keep running naturally, making him stronger all the time and achieve the 24h/7 days cultivation, especially after his cells widened by 10 times upgrading his absorption speed.


Jack closed his eyes and felt the gentle rays of the sun shining on his entire body, he felt so comfortable, his body is getting stronger every second, he stayed like that for about 30 min before returning back home while his adopted mother Sam still sleeping, he took a cold shower, brushed his teeth and wore his clothes for school, then he went to awake his little Ashley.

Jack said while trying to remove the blanket: "Ashley wakes up or we're gonna be late".

Ashley said with her eyes close: "Jaaack give me five more minutes"

Jack looked at Ashley with some helplessness, this lazy girl is getting more rebellious.

Jack: "Ok, five min, I will go to eat breakfast now, I hope you don't regret coming late before your favorite food get cold or eaten by me"

Ashley who was sleeping opened her eyes and stood up straight shouting: "No, don't eat my waffles.."

before she could finish Jack interrupted her with a sly smile: "then hurry up wear your clothes", he felt funny at her reaction and how she always falls for his words.

Jack went down from the second floor to the kitchen and saw Sam making some breakfast: "Goodmorning Sam how was your sleep last night".

without turning her head she replayed: "I slept very good, thank you for asking, now hurry up eat your breakfast before it gets cold..."


seconds later and a scream came from the stairs: "Moom stop him, don't let him do it" after she finished she already arrived at the kitchen only to see the two of them smiling at her, at that moment she knew that she was fooled by the two: "Hey why the two of you do this to me, stop playing tricks with me"

15 min later the family finished its breakfast and all of them headed back to the car, Sam always takes them to school before she goes to her work.


At school, Jack greeted these kids and headed with Ashley to there seats while thinking about his future in this world, he said in his mind: "Selvy can you tell me how much knowledge I received from the last universe and tell me about traveling to other worlds"

Selvy replied immediately: "the knowledge you received is all-round because that universe is very advance giving birth to a star warrior that reached the chaos level, and this is also one of the reasons why he tried to fuse your universe with his so that it can get stronger which in turn it will allow him to take a glimpse at a higher realm in his path. For the second reason, your universe and his universe are twins that are so rare..."

Jack went into deep thought before he said: "so you're telling me that my universe is almost a copy of the other universe, then doesn't that mean that there were supernatural powers"

Selvy: "you are right, your universe is also an advanced one but there are epochs and in each epoch a civilization rise or falls. there are many of them, some of them went in the road of technology, while others walked in road of comprehension or magic, apart from the human race heritage, there are still other civilizations like the angel race, demon race, soul clan, and the monster race ...etc and what you got is all the knowledge of every civilization that has ever existed from the birth of that universe, and now, you have only unlocked part of the science epoch and the star warrior epoch, once the progress in the panel reaches 10% then another inheriting will be unlocked for you."

Jack listened carefully and said: "then what about the crossing option and since this world is only 90% Marvel and dc universe, then what about the other 10%"

Selvy replied: "Jack, for the crossing option, it will be unlocked when you reach 13 years old, only because of how fast your body is growing, if you were a normal human being then the crossing function will be opened when reaching 16 years old, as for the location, it will be random, but I can adjust it a little bit, for example, if you want to reach a martial art world then I will narrow the scoop of search in the category of martial art, and so on.

For the 10% you're talking about, it's a combination of movies and series you watched in your past life and if you want to know them then you need to be near the character just like now hehe " once Selvy finished she started laughing happily.

Jack who's mind was in deep thought at class, dropped his pen from shock when he heard the last part, he quickly woke up, pick up the pen and said: "Selvy why didn't you... never mind that, if what you said is true then tell me which story am I in?" Jack who wanted to complain stopped when he remembered the novels he read about systems.

Selvy who was eagerly waiting for his complaints and questions was disappointed: "Jack why didn't you ask me 'why you didn't tell' and the like so that I can say the legendary words 'you didn't ask' ".

Jack laughed inside and said: "well, you already know, now hurry up and tell me in which movie I am in"

Selvy: "Ok...Ok, the movie you're in is one of the early movies that Scarlett Johansson played in when she was a teenager who is about 17 or 18 years old, her name in the movie is Ashley Parker"

Jack was a little bit surprised but very happy, he knows this movie, it's called <Eight Legged Freaks> and he liked it. Since he's now her brother he can build some emotional foundation until they grow up.

he asked with some puzzlement: "but doesn't that mean that there are two Scarlett Johanson"

Selvy: "No Jack, the marvel Black Widow is not Scarlett Johanson but she looks about 40% "

He took a deep breath and understood what he should do. Like this, days passed on, Jack drew some future plans and started deepening his relationship with Ashley, he also started studying Rune science deeply so that it can be on pair with his scientific knowledge, with his current brain development his research advanced by leaps, and like this years passed on.


3 years later,

In a very spacious underground, a very handsome young man can be seen training with his upper body exposed full of sweat, his muscles are like any other, full of beauty, like a perfect painted art, he holds in his hand a long black sword about 1.5 m, he kept swinging it for 10 of thousands of times at a speed that a normal eyes can't keep up with. He just kept swinging the sword like a machine, if someone sees his eyes he will find them calm but with an unyielding will.

This young man is Jack, in the past 3 years he did some things that are beyond anything a man can do in his entire life, he now has deep and profound knowledge about Rune science allowing him to reach Lv.12, especially with the new universal Runes, like gravity runes and so on, and with his knowledge, the first thing he did was building a 'puppet robot' with primary intelligence using both modern science and Rune science, each robot has a 50 ton of power making them the perfect tool for mining, building and fighting, and with them, he upgraded his place and even dug 500 m underground, building his own lab there where he created some high tech machines and gadget that are beyond any current technology by hundreds of years, he also made a gravity room where he is now training in, it can reach 500 times the gravity of earth, this helped him controlling his powers. Besides this, his strength has made great progress, he unlocked all of supermans powers except the flight ability.

Jack ordered: "Sarah deactivated the gravity device", once he finished a beautiful young-looking woman came in with a towel in her hand, she said: "as you wish master Jack" when she finished the gravity turned off. She is a bio-robotic woman with a high-level intelligence, she is simply the perfect home keeper. In order to make her, Jack studied genetic technology, bio Ingenieuring.

took a towel and wiped his sweat and said: "Selvy, show me the panel"

[Name: Jack Ming]

[Race: human]

[Bloodline: Kryptonian]

[Innate talent: yellow sun absorbation*(Y.S.A)]

[ strength: 7200+(7200 points bonus of the solar energy) ]*(1 point= the peak strength of a normal Kryptonian without any yellow sun = 1 ton of force)

[speed: 3500 m/s (≈10 times the speed of sound)]*(peak speed of a Kryptonian without yellow sun= 50 m/s)

[Mental strength: 14000 ]*(peak mental strength of human= 1 point)

[brain development: 20% ]*(normal human brain developement= 8%; genius= 10%; psedu super genuis= 11% --> 20%; super genuis= 21% --> 99%; Nigh-Omniscient: 100%)


Photographic memory;

Critical Thinking Lv20/100;

Deductions Lv.19/100;

Computer science Lv.22/∞;

Cooking Lv.15/100;

Combat mastery Lv.10/10;

Hot Weapons mastery Lv.15/100;

Cold weapons mastery Lv.20/100

Science knowledge Lv.20/∞;

Rune science Lv.20/∞;

Star forger Lv.7/100; ]

[Knowledge received from the universe: 2% ]

Jack looked at his progress with great satisfaction, in the past 3 years his <<Star Forger>> kept upgrading by itself reaching the 7th level of the 1st stage, his speed was upgraded by 7 times, and his mental strength was the most terrifying as it is 70 times stronger than before, making his learning abilities way terrifying, and this is not the only thing, because once his mental strength reached 1000 he started feeling everything around him within 100 meters, and now with 14000 points, he could scan everything within 1.4 km. Unfortunately, he can only use it to scan his surroundings.

He also launched a very advance stealth satellite as small as a cell phone to space in order to connect all the network using quantum communication, so that he can search for possible characters from the movies and tv series he knew from his past life. He also created some nanorobotic bugs and launched them into the world to cover every blind spot that the satellite can't reach, they can multiply by themselves by absorbing any energy they eat, at the lab underground there is only one brain that can control them, and if anything strange happen in the world, the brain will notify Jack immediately.

In addition to these, Jack has made great progress in his relationship with Ashley, unfortunately, Jack didn't cross the line, but one thing is for sure and that is Ashley is definitely in love with him but she doesn't notice it, as for how Jack knew that it's actually very simple, Jack has studied psychology and body language. Lately, Ashley never made eye contact with him when they talk, especially if they were talking about some sensitive subject, she always tries to hold his hands and swing them while talking... and so on, what is even more adorable is that she herself doesn't notice it, she is still pure in her heart even if she has friends, no boy dare to approach her or confess, even when they talk with her they never use street language and this is all thanks to Jack educating them when they behaved badly, and now, Jack is waiting for the right moment.


guys for the level of skills, I classified them here:

the level are graded by Tiers:

* Human Tier or human limit: which is from Lv.0--->Lv.10

It represents the limits of what a human can achieve with his normal body, Captain America's skills are most of them at Lv.10 while most other elite like special solders and most of there skill can reach Lv.5 to Lv.7, and there are some exceptions like Tony Stark, and others like him who are beloved by the world.

* Superhuman Tier: from Lv.11--->Lv.100

When a human being goes beyond his limits by miles, his physical fitness is strong to withstand the effect of his skills.

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