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80% The White Tiger in the Marvel Universe / Chapter 3: Potential

Chapter 3: Potential

After me and Jean talked about our new powers and what we're going to do as heroes she decides that it's getting late and doesn't want her parents to freak out. I honestly didn't expect her to accept it so easily. I not gonna lie, it really freaked me out. But despite that we both decided to get more familiar with their new powers tomorrow after school. So I decided to brainstorm on what our suit is going to be made out of even though I wanted the unstable molecule technology but knew I didn't have the money for it yet. I also don't want to take money from my sister who is on a business trip at the moment. That's when I realized that me and Jean released a world wide blast of energy that must have got everyone's attention so we'll need to learn control fast and S.H.I.E.L.D is probably on our ass now that there is a chance of a world wide threat.

'Crap! I hope they don't send Agent Romanoff after us but the chances are that they probably will.' Shiron thought

I found a tomb or temple in some mysterious forest made for the White Tiger, Phoenix, Black Tortoise and Azure Dragon which we could use as a base and place to become stronger. I also thinks that we need someone to teach us about martial arts and maybe create our own just in case we can't beat them with our power.

'It was really weird how drawn I was to the forest. I was like I was connected to it. Well I'll worry about it later. It's time to head to school.' Shiron thought

I got ready to go, made breakfast for myself and left for school. I began to run until I realized that I unconsciously used my white bio-energy/chi to move faster and almost break the sound barrier but didn't, even though I knew I was close. I decided to slow down just in case there hidden cameras watching me.

I saw Jean ahead but something was wrong. She looked like she was in pain with the worst headache ever.

"Jean, what's wrong. You look like you have a migraine." Shiron said worried about her

"The thousands of thoughts are too loud. I can't control it." a panicked Jean said

"Jean calm down and imagine a volume knob. Then turn the knob down all the way, until you can't hear anything." Shiron said while trying to calm her down

After Shiron said that Jean started to visually calm down.

"I'm Ok, thanks Ron. That was starting to get scary. Sorry if I made you worry."Jean said

"It's fine, as long as you're okay." Shiron said with relief in his voice

Jean POV:

I blushed. I realized that ever since that time we got our powers Shiron has looked more handsome and attractive than usual. I've always had a crush on him but now it was becoming unbearable. I realized I didn't have any more attraction towards other men. I just couldn't stop thinking about him.

Shiron POV:

We walked into school where they saw Peter and Cindy talking about what looks like something important. I uses my white bio-energy to enhance my sense of hearing to listen to what they are saying.

"So, what are the suits going to look like and what type of bad guys are we gonna fight?"Cindy asked exited to start crime fighting.

"I think we should work on our powers first before we fight any crime." Peter said while wondering how they would train.

"You're probably right." Cindy admitted

Me and Jean went towards Peter and Cindy to sit with them. Apparently Peter's Uncle Ben survived because of Cindy's interference. When Peter woke up from his deep sleep he realized something had changed and felt a weird connection towards Cindy. He felt and looked better, stronger, faster. Then Peter noticed the he had bone marrow spider stingers on his wrist that he could activate and deactivate at will(kinda like wolverine's claws but with only 1 big claw that came from each wrist). He was able to stick on walls and shoot out super strong spider silk out of his wrist that looked like it could stop a plane from crash landing. He also had a healing ability that gives him the power to heal from any amount of damage but it takes a long time to finish. Peter also had a sixth sense that warned him and gave him five seconds of foresight into the future. His body looked like it was molded by a handsome and athletic god. Peter didn't even know what happened but felt like he needed to get to Cindy and the same thing happened to her. They decided to keep it a secret and become superheros based on Uncle Ben's modo which is "With great strength comes great responsibility." Thanks to the meet up between Peter and Cindy, Uncle Ben survived instead of going off to find Peter. Now Peter and Cindy are going to try their best to become heroes as Spiderman and Silk.

"Hey Cindy, Peter are you guys okay? You both fainted on the trip." Jean said

"Yep we're good, just had a bad allergic reaction to a spider bite." Cindy answered

"Yeah, thanks for asking your sister to drop us off at home Ron. Aunt May would freak out if she found out I was late because of an allergic reaction." Peter explained with gratitude.

"It's all good Pete, just try not to get another allergic reaction because my sister is on a business trip." Shiron said

We talk to Peter and Cindy for the rest of our classes until the school day ends. Then I lead Jean to the temple that I found in the forest. We stand at the entrance debating whether its safe to go in or not.

"So, why exactly are we visiting this temple?" Jean asked in a confused manner

"I thought you of all people would be excited to adventure into the unknown territory of an ancient temple." Shiron answered with a smile on his face.

"I'm just bored and burning to test my powers but instead we're here at a temple." Jean said in a disinterested manner

"Well don't be too disappointed because this is what we will use as a base for training and superhero stuff. Now, after you." Shiron said in a playful manner.

As we enter the temple me and Jean realize that the interior is full of other different temples or bases the size of mansions with a variety of metals and materials for every celestial beast. Gold for the Phoenix section, Vibranium for the Black Tortoise Proto-Adamantium for the Azure Dragon and an unknown white and black metal for the White Tiger.

We decided to explore the huge temples that we later named houses. As we put our hands on the door of the White Tiger and Phoenix house our hands glowed. Mine white and Jean's gold.

Jean POV:

I entered the house of The Phoenix and immediately felt rejuvenated, like I belonged there. The house of The Phoenix looks like a massive mansion with infinite space inside. Even though the house had infinite space, I already knew the place like it was the back of my hand. I instantly went to the bedroom and found a room for royalty. The room was big with a red and gold king sized bed which was filled with jewels that looked like a the biggest fortune in history. I was filled with so much joy that I shouted:

"OMG! We're gonna be rich!" Jean shouted

'Jean is right. With all the gold she has we wouldn't need money for the rest of our lives. But it appears that we can't access the house of the Azure Dragon or Black Tortoise so we won't be able to gain their metals.' Shiron thought while entering his own house.

Shiron POV:

I surprisingly felt the same connection that Jean felt about my house which was white and black. I relaxed in my bedroom until I remembered that we had a purpose for coming here. I went to the house of the Phoenix and told Jean to meet me at the main temple were we came from. Moments later Jean could be see at the main temple with me.

"Jean I want you to try to read my mind and tell me if you here anything." Shiron said

"You got it tiger." Jean said

'Now?' Shiron thought

"Yes" Jean answered

"How about now?" Shiron asked

'Your so damn hot! Please marry me!' Shiron thought heatedly

"No, there's nothing on your mind." Jean said

"Well what if I said I had a power that gave me a way to prevent you from entering my mind." Shiron said

"Not possible. I'm able to read everyone's mind. How would you even be able to stop my powers from invading your mind?" Jean asked

"By doing this." Shiron answered as his body turns into an unknown metal.

Earlier that day I was playing with a metal ball until it started floating and my hand had turned in to a black metal and that's when I found out that I was able to create and manipulate metal. I experimented with this power until I realized that I could convert my whole body into metal like Iceman can convert his body into ice. It seems that unknown metal has the ability to block psychic waves too, proven by Jean who is possibly the most powerful psychic who could even overpower Charles Xavier. I named it Tiger Steel. I could also create and control other metals if I am able to get information about their molecular structure. I might even be able to go toe to toe with Magneto if I learn how to use my powers to it's full potential.

"This is my ability to create and control any metal. The reason why you couldn't read my mind is because I converted my mind into what I call tiger steel. This ability is called metal mind. It can block psychic waves from my mind." Shiron explained

"That's not fair. Now I'm never gonna be able to know any of your deep dark secrets and feelings." Jean pouted in a cute manner.

"Sorry Jean, but what goes up here stays up here." Shiron said while wondering why she was so damn cute.

"So, how are we going to figure out more about our powers? It's not like there's an instruction book to these things." Jean said

"I think we should try to get a better understanding of our abilities and then figure out our current limits." Shiron explained

Jean agreed, so we started to get more familiar with their powers. I tried converting my entire body into white lightning so I could be in the purest state of energy and fly at the speed of light. I succeeded, so I named this ability white flash and started flying around the temples. I could also go into electronics and live in the digital world. Jean found out that she can use her golden fire to fly and make fire wings and talons although she doesn't need them to fly. She also discovered that she can use her golden flame to heal herself and other people if she wants. And when Jean was experimenting with her psionic/mental energy she discovered that she could make psionic constructs. Since we practiced with our powers for a few hours I suggested that we explore more of the main temple instead of the houses.

As me and Jean explore the temple we come across a room with a man sitting in the lotus position waiting for us.

He looked asian and had yellow blonde hair with glowing yellow eyes. He also looked like he was in his mid thirties. His height looked about 5'11 from what I can tell.

"Ah, It seems that the celestial beasts have come. I have been waiting for a long time to serve them." the mysterious man said

"Who are you and what do you mean by celestial beasts?" Jean asked

"I am the celestial beast teacher Chuo Oryu. You are the reincarnation and the perfect avatar of the Phoenix and White Tiger. I have been waiting here for centuries. Only the celestial beasts can make it to this temple. I'm here to teach and you about how to use your power and abilities as celestial beasts. I will serve you to the best of my ability." Chuo explained

"That's crazy! There's no way that's even possible. C'mon Ron, you really don't believe any of this, right? Jean asked

"Jean it makes sense. When you awakened your powers you emitted a powerful Phoenix that let off a huge energy signature. I don't think it's to much of a stretch to think that we might hold a special entity inside of us. Plus we could use all the help we can get. Thank you Mr.Chuo we will be in your care." Shiron said with a respectful tone.

"Fine. I guess you're right. I can't believe I'm trusting and believing a complete stranger that thinks we're animals or beasts but Mr.Chou if you can help us... then I will be in your care." Jean said

"Then allow me to start." Mr.Chuo said

Then Mr.Chuo started drilling us with information, teachings and training for our lives as celestial beasts. He told us that I was the first avatar of the White Tiger because I'm the perfect vessel for it. He also explained to me that the White Tiger's metal is called yin and yang alloy which is a mix of the yin metal and yang metal. Apparently yin and yang alloy can balance the physical and spiritual energies in the body or absorb the energies in the area. It's supposed to be the strongest metal in existence and supposed to be stronger than proto-adamantium and vibranium. Mr.Chuo also told us that the Phoenix gold is actually pure gold uru forged from the purest golden star. It's actually stronger and denser than regular uru and can hold an almost infinite amount of enchantments. Chuo informed us that celestial beasts are one of the most powerful entities of the universe. He also started to teach them all of the martial arts he knew of from his immortal experience.

Mr.Chuo might be number one in the slave driver industry because he taught us karate, taekwondo, jujutsu, muay thai, judo, krav maga, aikido, hapkido, kenpo, jeet kune do, tang soo do, ninjutsu, shaolin kung fu, kyokushin, mixed martial arts, boxing, kick boxing and even his sacred tai chi which is the is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for both its defense training and its health benefits by using the philosophy of the forces of yin and yang, for months. Then he told me to combine my white lightning with my physical combat which enhanced my offense capabilities greatly and allowed me to electrically paralyze my opponents. I decided to call it electrokinetic combat. Mr.Chuo also told Jean to fuse her telepathic, psionic and pyrokinetic powers with her physical combat which allowed her to know the enemies move before they even make it and burn them while doing damage. Jean decided to call it telepathic combat and pyrokinetic combat.

Four months later:

After a few months Mr.Chuo deemed us worthy and ready to know the martial arts of the White Tiger and Phoenix. He taught me the Tiger Fang martial art which I fused with my electrokinetic combat and Jean the Phoenix Wing martial art which she also combined with her telepathic and pyrokinetic combat. The Tiger Fang martial arts has me use my electrical or metal abilities to create claws and fangs that I use to strike with abnormal precision and great strength. This martial art is very lethal and I don't plan to use it anytime soon. He trained our senses to the limit helping us achieve a celestial beast skill. Mr.Chuo trained us in the skill that every celestial beasts has, called animal instinct that gives the user the power to react to any attack but if the user doesn't have the capability too, then they won't be able to react. The moment I saw it I knew it was basically cheating. I could win so many fights if I trained it to the max. I would become untouchable. Mr.Chuo told me that my bio-energy is white and pure because it is the chi of the White Tiger himself. He also taught me a cultivation method by telling me to cultivate my white bio-energy to purify or heal my body and get rid of impurities while white lightning tempers my body into the first immortal stage physique. I also used the White Tiger's Body Cultivation manual that Mr.Chuo lent me to give my self the beginner White Tiger physique. My body had become very muscular and lean which made me look like an athletic pro. I became 5'10" and weighed 167 pounds. I even had an eight pack that was a little too noticeable. After that he told Jean that her golden flames can revitalize her body and soul so Mr.Chuo taught Jean a cultivation method by telling her to use her golden fire to cleanse her body of impurities and revitalize her soul and body into the first immortal stage of the soul which increased her life-force by a great amount. Then he also taught Jean how to create and manipulate spiritual energy giving her complete control of her soul and life-force. This also granted her the ability of astral projection, soul splitting, the power of possession and more. She also used the Phoenix Soul Cultivation method to boost her psychic and spiritual abilities. After the training she looked even better! She had a six pack and F cup breast. Now my strength is comparable to superman's and I can use my white bio-energy to speed up my natural healing process. Jean has psychic abilities stronger than anyone else in the world and has a golden flame healing factor that rivals wolverine's. Our bodies are so strong and beautiful that even the top models wouldn't even be able to compete with our beauty.

The time has come for our last training session. In this test of strength we will be fighting Mr.Chuo with everything we learned. Here we will prove to Mr.Chuo that we're ready to be heroes and live as celestial beasts.

"Are you ready Mr.Chuo. Were about to show you what our 4 months of training are for."Shiron said with vigor

"This will be the last time we lose too you in hand to hand combat!" Jean shouted with confidence

"We will see my students. We'll see." Mr.Chuo said

I immediately rush in with a flurry of electrical punches and kicks to all of Mr.Chuo's weak spots in order to paralyze him. Though he dodges all of them and covers all of his openings until Jean dashes in with some fist of fire that are able to hit Mr.Chuo right on his back by telapathicly predicting where he is going to move. Mr.Chuo tries gains some distance from them but I close in the distance in seconds by white flashing towards him. As I approache Mr.Chuo at a rapid pace I land a bio-energy powered punch on his face, successfully knocking Mr.Chou of his feet and into the wall. Shiron and Jean fly over Mr.Chou and look down on him menacingly.

"It's over Mr.Chuo. We have the high ground."

"Yes, that is true but I think you already noticed that I didn't even throw a punch yet." Mr.Chuo stated

The second after he said that Mr.Chuo jumps to his feet and attacks me by punching my throat so fast that I can't even use animal instinct to react fast enough to dodge or counterattack. Jean decides to engage Mr.Chuo in a close quarters fight while I cough up blood.

'That impossible! I'm sure I can react to a fraction of a millisecond but that attack had to be faster than light! How powerful is he?!'Shiron wondering in thought

Mr.Chuo is doing a great job at attacking Jean but just as he looks like he'll best her, I flash behind him and land a paralyzing punch on him. This gives Jean an opening so she attempts a fire kick that lands on his stomach successfully knocking the wind out of him. Shiron uses this as a chance to punch Mr.Chuo with a super charged punch that could destroy a truck. It knocks down Mr.Chuo. Shiron and Jean walked over to him and asked the last question of their teachings.

"Do you yield Mr.Chuo?" Shiron and Jean ask

"Yes I yield. You both have grown very strong in such a small amount of time. I have taught you all that I can and the rest you must find out on your own. Now you will be ready for those who might seek your power." Mr.Chuo said

"Thank you Mr.Chuo, we're very grateful to you for teaching us how to be better celestial beasts. Now we can defend ourselves against any villains who might be stronger than us." Shiron said with the utmost respect

"We can also take pride in being the Phoenix and White Tiger thanks to you. Ron we have to go or else my mom is going to be worried about why I wasn't there for dinner."Jean said

"Ok, We will see you later Mr.Chuo." Shiron said

Shiron and Jean walked back home. By the time they were half way their Jean asked Shiron an important question.

"What will our suits look like when we become heroes? I think I want to look good when we save the day."Jean said

"How about you give me your design of the suit you want and I'll make it." Shiron answered

'So I can make it as tight as I want!' Shiron thought deviously

"I think I'm good tiger. I want to make the suit myself. I've been thinking of making my own design since we decided to become superheros and I don't want you too make them too tight or else I won't be able to move. Just give me the materials when you get them."Jean explained smiling because she knows what Shiron is thinking

"Ok Jean, I was just suggesting." Shiron said with a hint of sadness

'Did she just read my mind?! I might have to leave metal mind active at all times so stuff like that doesn't slip out. Still I didn't she was so passionate about the suit design.' Shiron thought

From this point on Shiron kept his metal mind active at all times.

As Shiron and Jean got home they could only think of one thing:

The White Tiger and Phoenix are going to become legends!

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