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The White Tiger in the Marvel Universe The White Tiger in the Marvel Universe original

The White Tiger in the Marvel Universe

Author: dtier

© WebNovel

Characters and info

Warning!!! Spoilers are present!

The Responders:

Shiron White West/The White Tiger

Description: Has shiny or glossy dark with a silver hue to his skin complexion and spiky snow white hair and sky blue eyes (looks similar to omoi from naruto). Has a slim and athletic build to his body. His height is 5'10" and his weight is 167 pounds. His friends call him Ron.

White Tiger Suit: Its a white suit and mask with glowing blue eye lenses and black claw marks on the sides of the suit with a blue eyed white tiger insignia in the middle of the chest or torso(looks like Hector Ayala suit but less buff, no cat ears and a blue eyed white tiger insignia instead of jade. It has the same body type as spiderman).

Powers and abilities:

White lightning: Shiron is able to create and manipulate this white lightning as the purest form of electricity and power. He can also use this lighting to purify and temper his body. He can control this down to a molecular level. Only Shiron is able to use, contain and control this lightning. This lightning can create, shape and manipulate electricity of beneficial nature; that which strengthens, enhances and causes anything and everything it comes across to flourish, representing the sustaining and preserving side of electricity, which in turn ignores most of the common limitations and weaknesses of its normal elemental variety. In essence, this is about solely controlling the positive powers of electricity. Shiron can also remove the darkness or evil from a person or objects, often including demons possessing it or mind control affecting it. It can turn evil to good or merely make someone pure.

Electricity manipulation: Shiron can create, shape and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles  (such as electrons  or protons), allowing control over electric fields, all charge carriers (Ions, Electrons, Protons, and Positrons), electronics, and electromagnetic forces. Shiron can also generate his own energy instead of always depending on the energy around them. The energy produced can be utilized for a number of uses such as enhancing their own physical or mental attributes to the superhuman level or above.

Infinite Charge: Shiron can draw power from a specialized storage unit in one's body and is able to channel that power to fuel their attacks. The user can call upon limitless electrical energy.

Electricity immunity: Shiron is immune to electricity, being completely invulnerable to direct and indirect effects.

White Bio-energy/Chi: Shiron is able to create and manipulate his body's energy which is also the purest form of energy and has the power of life. He can also use it to enhance his senses. Shiron is able to control chi that has been purified and controlled by positive energy a.k.a good. Due to this, he gains access to powerful abilities and forces that are able to give Shiron incredible power when fighting darker forces. However, he must maintain a mind clear of emotion or thought, free of fear, anger, and ego, at peace with the world around them without being burdened with worry, desire, or doubt.

Chi/bio-energy manipulation: Shiron can create, shape, and manipulate Chi. By learning to harness this inner latent energy, he can gain superhuman capabilities and use them in cases of extreme combat. Some examples include physically manifesting all of his inner strength and unleashing it to the fullest extent of its power through sheer force of will. The control of one's chi can allow extraordinary abilities, strength, speed, durability, and reflexes, or in some cases, enabling the use of energy blasts, elemental manipulation, hyper awareness, and sometimes invulnerability. In different cases, Shiron can produce chi by channeling the energy through the physical body or by using the natural energy of the planet or cosmos.

Absolute Stamina: Shiron possesses limitless physical energy, stamina and vitality, is essentially untiring and can keep working, fighting, mowing, etc at optimal efficiency under any circumstances and for an unlimited duration due to the fact that their stamina can precedingly regenerate.

Unlimited stamina: Shiron has access to an unlimited supply of stamina. Shiron has an independence from energy having no need to eat, drink, sleep, and they do not fatigue or get tired. Those users that have powers can use them continuously/repeatedly without need to recharge or refill their energy.

Electrical Flight: Shiron is able to convert his body into electricity and fly.

White Flash: Shiron is able to convert his body into white lightning to move at light speeds. Shiron can also use this to dodge or counterattack(basically flash step or body flicker).

Metal manipulation: Shiron is able to create and manipulate all metal to a molecular level. He can also create his own metal called tiger steel.

Metal mind: Shiron is able to block telepaths and psychics from reading his mind by converting it into tiger steel which blocks telepathic and psychic waves.

Super strength: Shiron has strength comparable to superman's.

Super Senses: Shiron has enhanced senses.

Animal Instinct: Shiron is able to react to any attack but he must have the capabilities to do so unlike Peter's spider sense that gives him a five seconds of foresight into the future.

Super speed: Shiron is able to move at incredible speeds.

Super agility: Shiron is really agile and flexible.

Super durability: Shiron's body is physically tougher and more resistant to some types of injury than the body of a normal human.

White bio-energy/chi healing: Shiron can heal himself or others at a rapid rate by using his pure bio-energy/chi.

Electrokinetic combat: Shiron is able to utilize electricity manipulation with physical combat, granting him impressive offensive capabilities, while sometimes leaving his defensive abilities somewhat lacking.

Energy absorption: Shiron is able to absorb any type of energy.

Electroreception: Shiron can use electroreception to locate objects around him. This is important in places where the he cannot depend on vision: for example in caves, in murky water and at night. Predators who have this sense use electric fields to detect buried prey. This sense can be passive or active. In passive electrolocation, Shiron senses the weak bioelectric fields generated by living beings and uses it to locate them. These electric fields are generated by everything living due to the activity of his nerves and muscles. In active electrolocation, Shiron senses their surrounding environment by generating electric fields and detecting distortions in these fields using electroreceptor organs. This allows him to detect non-living objects as well as living beings.

Electricity solidifacation: Shiron can manipulate electrons to solidify the electricity, with the level of solidity going from loose jelly to metal-like hardness or beyond. This allows him to create electricity constructs and lasers.

White Rail Gun: Shiron shoots a laser of white lightning by solidifying the electrons of the lightning.

White lightning breath: Shiron is able to generate and manipulate white lightning within him in a way that allows him to shape the exhaling of the effect. These shapes can include bursts, streams, spheres, even a mist of it from the mouth.

White lightning bolt projection: Shiron can summon lightning bolts from the sky or project them from his hands, using them to pierce and severely burn his opponents even to the point of death. Unlike normal bolts of lightning, he could use them as concussive or even piercing forces, which could be strong enough to affect even greater beings of strength and durability.

Electricity infusion: Shiron can infuse objects (usually a weapon), beings or powers with electricity, empowering and energizing them and allowing the user to manipulate their qualities and efficiency and use electricity in various ways to attack.

Strength manipulation: Shiron is able to manipulate the strength of himself or others, turning a weakling into a very strong person and vice versa, manipulate material strength and can make other objects weaker or stronger, etc.

Strength augmentation: Shiron can enhance the physical strength of himself or others' so that they can reach high level mastery and control instantaneously, even reach a level of strength that is usually beyond their limits alone. Users cannot steal or give power, only enhance the ones their targets already have.

Strength absorption: Shiron can steal or absorb the strength/physical power of others and add it to his own to increase his physical attributes. Shiron can drain away the level of strength an opponent possesses and render them physically weak temporarily or permanently depending on his level of skill. Shiron can also absorb the physical power from attacks to render them inert.

Physical augmentation: Shiron can enhance the physical capabilities of themselves or others so that they can reach high level mastery and control instantaneously, even reach a level of power that is usually beyond their limits alone. Users cannot steal or give power, only enhance the ones their targets already have.

Physical negation: Shiron can negate the physical abilities of others, such as their strength, speed, durability, etc making them weak, slow and vulnerable.

Pure Metal manipulation: Shiron can create, shape and manipulate metal of beneficial nature; that which strengthens, enhances and causes anything/everything it comes across to flourish, representing the sustaining and preserving side of metal, which in turn ignores most of the common limitations and weaknesses of its normal elemental variety. In essence, this is about solely controlling the positive powers of metal.

Burūgan/Blue eye: Shiron is able to see physical energy electricity, various types of energy, ambient energy, electromagnetism and the bio-electric aura of entities.

Bio-electric manipulation: Shiron has control over the physical energy electricity and electromagnetism which has scientific properties that surpass it's previous nature. This power could be used to revive dead neurons, split elements into their original states and control charged particles such as electrons, protons, etc. Basically this is generation and manipulation of all electrical/electromagnetic phenomena in the universe.

Aura Manipulation: Shiron can create, shape and manipulate aura, the invisible etheric phenomenon/emanation produced by and surrounding a person or object. Much like the ability, Life-Force Manipulation, Shiron can manipulate this kind of energy in various ways. However, this ability deals with the strength of his spiritual essence instead of the entire universe. Aura is the energy that is formed from one's achievement of spiritual power through extreme mental focus and strong emotions. Shiron is able to increase his natural abilities, attract and repel the aura of others, sense the aura, and project it. Different types of aura are located in various parts of the physical body such as the forehead, spine, throat, heart, and stomach. The power of the aura also changes with one's mood. Shiron's aura is blue which enhances his intelligence and grants him the ability to create and manipulate all aspects of electricity and light. He also has a red aura which enhances his physical power and grants him the ability of metal.

White Aura: Shiron can manipulate the aura around them that has been purified of dark forces. Shiron is capable of withstanding the power of his aura with intense discipline, rather than being subsumed with dark intent. If not only discipline, Shiron could also be one of iron faith and determination. Similar to its counter-ability, White Chi Manipulation, the users gain a multitude of versatile powers to use their command, but Shiron does not only have these abilities active when facing those who have darker intent.

Bio-electric Aura: Shiron possesses and is able to manipulate his own bio-electric aura, which functions like a second skin and does not extend far from the body and can make him invulnerable to small arms fire to nuclear bombs. Without practice the aura doesn't extend far from the skin, leaving even loose clothing without protection, with practice Shiron can even extend the aura further out from his body to protect others. When combined with his super strength, it allows Shiron to lift objects much larger than himself like mountains or cruise liners and move them without the objects buckling like physics dictate they should. He is also able to withstand various forms of energy, concussive, electrical, or heat-based attacks. He can even release and surround himself with electricity to possibly become almost untouchable and granting them various abilities/attacks. The auras may also give Shiron enhanced physical capabilities such as speed, strength and durability.

Metal Aura: Shiron can release and surround himself in/with metal for defensive and offensive purposes, possibly becoming almost untouchable and granting them various abilities and attacks. The aura may also give Shiron enhanced physical capabilities such as speed, strength and durability.

Geoelectricity manipulation: Shiron can create, shape and manipulate the geoelectric energy, the electrical energy generated by the planet, typically in the form of telluric currents, the electric currents that run underneath the planet's surface or throughout the oceans. These currents are usually generated by alterations in the planet's magnetic field (geomagnetic), but can originate from human activity (man-made networks like power grids). They flow under the planet's layers towards areas that receive the most sunlight (equatorial areas on the day side and polar areas on the night side).

Electromagnetic manipulation: Shiron can create, shape and manipulate electromagnetism which (with the exception of gravitation) account for almost all physical phenomena observable to the unaided human senses, including light and other electromagnetic radiation, all of chemistry, most of mechanics (excepting gravitation), and of course magnetism and electricity. Due to the intense versatility with electricity (such as electrocution, heat generation, computer and mind hacking, and electrolysis) and magnetism (such as metal manipulation, magnetic levitation, atomic manipulation, and attract and repel), electromagnetism is one of the most powerful and versatile abilities in existence.

Light manipulation: Shiron can create, shape and manipulate visible light, commonly referred to as light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, and is responsible for the sense of sight. Primary properties of visible light are intensity, propagation direction, frequency or wavelength spectrum, and polarization, while its speed in a vacuum (299,792,458 meters per second/186,000 MPS) is one of the fundamental constants of nature. Visible light, as with all types of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), is experimentally found to always move at this speed in a vacuum.

Invisibility manipulation: Shiron can render himself unseen by the naked eye and become invisible in visible spectrum. He can move about an environment unseen by others and act without being observed. Shiron can also choose to let certain people see him, while staying invisible to others. He can also infuse objects (usually a weapon), beings or powers with invisibility, empowering and energizing them and allowing Shiron to manipulate their qualities and efficiency.

Light solidifacation: Shiron can manipulate photons to solidify the light, with the level of solidity going from loose jelly to metal-like hardness or beyond.

Tiger transformation: Shiron is able to turn into a White Tiger.

Feral mind: Shiron can tap into primal, unstoppable rage that allows them to perform in vastly increased capacity, taking and inflicting damage that he wouldn't in his normal state. In some cases, the Shiron's mind descends so far into the feral rage that, mentally, they are little more than animals. This also stops mind readers because the mind is too primal to read.

Beast control: Shiron has the ability to attract or influence animals as the beast master.

Demon Tiger Mode: Shiron enters a dark state of pure rage with unfathomable anger that fuels his power. He has an aura of death and destruction around him.

Dark lightning manipulation: Shiron can create, shape and manipulate the electricity of a darker, detrimental nature; that which damages, destroys, and consumes anything/everything they come across, representing the hazardous destructive side of electricity, which in turn ignores most of the limitations and weaknesses of the normal electricity. In essence, this is about solely controlling the negative powers of electricity. Only Shiron can contain and control this lightning.

Demonic lightning manipulation: Shiron can create, shape and manipulate lightning derived from the deepest pits of Hell, sporting the capability to destroy nearly anything it strikes with absolute malevolent intent. In addition, demonic lightning is capable of inflicting excruciating pain; both physically and spiritually tormenting the victim, has the potential to corrupt one's soul, and is very effective against the holiest of supernaturals, such as angels. More powerful users can even ultimately summon/resurrect/create evil spirits, elemental entities and/or demons from Hell, as well conjure and control hellish thunder storms.

Dark bio-energy/chi: Shiron is able to create and manipulate his body's energy which is also the crudest form of energy and has the power of death.

Dark Metal: Shiron can create, shape and manipulate the metal of a darker, detrimental nature; that which damages, destroys, and consumes anything/everything he comes across, representing the hazardous destructive side of metal, which in turn ignores most of the limitations and weaknesses of the normal metal. In essence, this is about solely controlling the negative powers of metal.

Rage manipulation: Shiron is able to create and convert his rage into physical strength. Eventually he will be able to convert his rage into any type of energy.

Berserker transformation: Shiron is able to empty himself of all rational restraints in battle and completely immerse himself in combat becoming a dangerous warrior for both friend and foe. The ability allows Shiron to ignore fatal physical damage as if it never affected him and continue fighting with a frightening level of stamina while also being unpredictable and erratic in combat, making it hard to counter him. It also boosts the Shiron's adrenaline and stamina to the point where he is able to wear out his opponent through sheer tenacity and ferocity alone. In some cases, he is able to go in a berserk form through sheer rage or when he is in imminent danger.

Dark Aura: Shiron can manipulate the aura around them that has been tainted by dark forces. When this happens, he tends to experience dark emotions such as hatred, anger, or despair. The more Shiron experiences these emotions, the darker and colder his aura grows. Similar to its counter-ability, Dark Chi Manipulation, Shiron gain incredible dark powers to use their command, however Shiron does not lose their sanity or force of will. Shiron may not be evil, or depend on dark emotions, but possesses a link to the dark aura.

Killing Intent: Shiron can control his killing intention and use it to intimidate others, it can be used in two ways: Shiron can give off his pure killing intent, affecting opponents, himself, and others around the vicinity. Particularly strong killing intent can paralyze the victim in fear, causing them to morbidly hallucinate their own deaths, or even kill them by forcing the mind to believe their death is a reality. If Shiron has mastered control over his emotions, he can control his killing intent by suppressing it, to prevent his opposition from discovering it, thus hiding his motives and preventing him from being tracked by such emotions. Anyone who can also perceive a foe's killing intent can perceive the foe's next move and prepare the next appropriate move in advance.

Killing Instinct: Shiron possesses the capability that enables him to become the "ultimate killing machine". He has instincts to kill by any means and in the most effective ways possible, use anything at hand to do so and have no mental issues or moral dilemmas either before, during or after the deed. He is, in short, a cold and merciless killer. He can also give off a murderous aura, inducing fear into his opponents.

Death lightning: Shiron can create, shape and manipulate death electricity; lightning capable of destroying/weakening/removing life. This allows him to not only destroy and erase life with the electricity, but it also allows him to possibly mutilate or even destroy the souls of any living person.

Raw Power: Shiron can resist, breakthrough, and may become immune to powers/abilities, laws, natures, illnesses, etc, through sheer force and strength alone. Shiron may even become completely immune to weaker opponents. Eventually he may be able to negate durability and possibly defy logic itself.

White Tiger's Heart: Shiron possess a very potent heart both spiritually and physically letting him survive most heart diseases. Shiron's heart also possesses a grand form of power, allowing them to survive most forms of corruption or whatever seeks to harm it. 

White Tiger's Will: Shiron has unnaturally strong willpower, enabling him to be immune to all forms of temptation including subordination manipulation, telepathy, mind control and subliminal seduction. Through his will the he can face great physical pain and psychological trauma and will refuse to surrender no matter how much the odds are stacked against him, possibly up to the point of cheating death and pushing himself past his own limitations. Shiron also holds a strong soul that is equivalent to the power of many souls which comes in handy in situations that test one's spiritual fortitude and grants spiritual abilities. The user's soul is unable to be bound by anything and lives free without anything holding it back. It is also strengthened by Shiron's desire to get what he wants, no matter the cost.

Inner strength: Shiron is able to push his hidden strength within himself and amplify it, gaining much untold power due to his incredibly strong force of will. Shiron will be able to bypass all limitations he had possessed on his offensive and defensive capabilities along with his overall abilities, increasing them to the fullest extent, whether it be from the heart, mind, soul, etc.

Strength Infinitum: Shiron has strength that increases over time without limit to how strong he can become and can increase his strength for essentially forever. This makes his potential for strength limitless and immeasurable, allowing them to perform any feat of strength in time. With training Shiron can learn to control his might to help people in situations that require greater strength.

Autamn manipulation: Shiron has the ability to harvest, hunt, tire, age and rot anything. He can also use despair inducement/nostalgia inducement, rot inducement, fatigue manipulation.

Hibernation mode: Shiron is able to fall into a deep sleep and wake up with an insane amount of power.

Divine Tiger Mode: Shiron is in a state of divine being and power. He can only remain in this form for 10 minutes.

Divine lighting manipulation: Shiron can create, shape and manipulate holy lightning/electricity that's highly effective against the supernatural, such as demons and/or angels. The effectiveness, in question, can range from trapping and/or immobilizingto outright banishing or killing supernatural threats. Furthermore, divine lightning may have other properties and abilities, such as healing, Resurrection, summoning angelsand/or spirits of the deceased from Heaven to the material plane.

Deity lightning manipulation: Shiron has control over lightning that can be only used by deities which has been mostly used by sky/storm/thunder deities to fulfill various feats. It is so powerful that it can also be used to harm even a deity. By wielding this form of lightning, Shiron may even transcend into a deity themselves.

Divine Force manipulation: Shiron has control of anything that is symbolized as divine and holy connections to divine and sacred being. He is able to manipulate sacred objects and relics that are connected to the gods, angels, or divine power. With this, Shiron is completely considered worthy of spiritual respect, allowing him to achieve feats that are impossible to be reached by mere mortals.

Divine Aura: Shiron can surround himself in almighty divine energy, which can cause others to submit to them.

God-Eater: Shiron can kill and absorb gods, demigods, angels and other divine being's energy and power or seal their divine essence within his body.

Old Power: Shiron has the ability to wield the Old Power, letting him channel the tectonic energies of a planet, granting him mastery over earth and stone. With the Old Power, he can break or mend the earth as he sees fit, turn his body to stone, and call up magma from the depths. He can also increase some of his natural attributes to superhuman levels.

Tiger force: The total sum of all physical and powerful energy that has and will ever exist in the omniverse. The Tiger force is practically omnipotent, but is limited in undetermined and undefined ways as seems to suit its current mission/purpose. As the White Tiger of the Blade, it was able to warp reality on an universal scale. This was not the result of divergence, but rather the effect of reality manipulation which changed history. The Tiger force can tap into the energy provided by physical-forces reserved for future generations, thus denying them existence. The Tiger Force possesses limitless cosmic energy. With or without a host, it is one of the most powerful entities in the Marvel Universe, capable of existing in any plane, time-line or dimensional existence. It can wield this energy to project beams of immense concussive force powerful enough to destroy whole planetary bodies. It can transmigrate throughout time and space by folding its energy back into itself, causing it to collapse akin to a black hole. It then reforms itself upon reaching its destination. It can directly absorb, manipulate, and fully control any type of energy such as Cyclops' ruby-red-colored optic blasts or the entire energy of a star, black hole, white hole and even a whole galaxy. The Tiger Force can control and manipulate strength and power itself, as such, it can take the strength or power from something, rendering it "dead" or vice versa. As the nexus or center of all physical power and energy throughout the cosmos, the host attains nigh-infinitely powerful energy based abilities, including electrokinesis, ergokinesis, and true strength, and often seeks out hosts who have energy or strength based abilities(i.e. Shiron West). When bonded with a host, the Tiger Force vastly strengthens and amplifies all of their superhuman mutant powers and abilities to immeasurable and innumerable power levels that have been shown to be near unlimited such as the White Tiger's one-true host. It can manipulate and transmute matter on a sub-atomic level (e.g., turning wood to gold, stone to crystal, cause physical bodies to disintegrate by altering their molecular structure, etc). It can teleport others across vast distances such as another planet or galaxy, and the vast vacuum of space itself or even an entire timeline all-together. It can consume and remove a near infinite amount of molecules per second. The Tiger force is immortal and indestructible. It can't die or be destroyed. Some hosts get true immortality, but others get it from never aging or needing food, water, and oxygen to breath. It can create 'cosmic' energy or electricity under any conditions even the impossible ones such as vacuum space or underwater. The Tiger Force can manipulate the past, present, and future across large temporal distances and with a profound knowledge of the causal effect it actions will have. The Tiger force is capable of manipulating and creating cosmic weather. It can create cosmic storms, solar flares, geomagnetic storms, cosmic rays , coronal mass ejection, black holes and white holes. It possesses total control over the entire existence. It can warp the reality, bring anything into existence, freely manipulate all existing things, and return them to nothingness when their purpose is extinguished. Its immeasurable cosmic powers and abilities appear to be at their strongest and most powerful when bonded to Shiron West ("The One-True White Tiger") who is completely compatible with the entity, possessing incredibly strong and powerful levels of strength, power and ergokinesis godhood status abilities, complete control and manipulation over the realms of matter, energy, space, time, existence and thought), as the two have a strange, profound connection to each other (Shiron is the closest thing the Force has to physical form).

Cosmic Tiger Mode: Shiron can enter a state of complete cosmic power. With this mode he can transform into a Cosmic Entity, a being who possesses powers so great they can affect entire worlds (or in some cases, entire universes.) He can only stay in this form for 3 minutes.

Cosmic Electrokinesis: Shiron can create, shape and manipulate cosmic electrical energy, sprites and blue jets with his mind.

Plasma manipulation: Shiron can manipulate upper-atmospheric electrical phenomena that exists above the earth's atmosphere. Due to the anti-gravity environment, the electricity takes on unusual form. Shiron can manipulate and manifests various phenomena including Blue Jet, and Sprites.

Physical Lightning manipulation: Shiron has control over the physical energy electricity and electromagnetism which has scientific properties that surpass it's previous nature. This power could be used to revive dead neurons, split elements into their original states and control charged particles such as electrons, protons, etc. Basically this is generation and manipulation of all electrical/electromagnetic phenomena in the universe.

Electricity Embodiment: Shiron becomes the physical personification or manifestation of the element of electricity. As a result, the user has limitless control over it.

Strength Embodiment: Shiron become the physical manifestation or personification of strength. Shiron gains the ability feed off of the strength of others or themselves in order to get stronger. The user can also induce large amounts of strength to others whether physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.

Energy manipulation: Shiron can create, shape and manipulate energy, the capacity to cause change: one of the most basic quantitative properties of a system, such as an object or a field of energy. Energy can be transformed (converted) among a number of forms that may each manifest and be measurable in differing ways. The law of conservation of energy states that the (total) energy of a system can increase or decrease only by transferring it in or out of the system, thus the total energy of a system can be calculated by simple addition when it is composed of multiple non-interacting parts or has multiple distinct forms of energy.

Cosmic Ergokinesis: Shiron can create, shape and manipulate cosmic energy that's drawn from stars, planets, galaxies etc.

Infinite Energy: Shiron possesses an unlimited energy source that will never run out, allowing them to use attacks and accomplish other feats that require energy indefinitely. The source can supply any form of energy, such as electrical, kinetic energy, etc, which can provide power to a physical body, technology, etc. Different types of energy has different affects the users, for example life energy, which effectively grants the user unlimited regenerative power and eternal youth.

Power Cosmic: Shiron has the power to be "One with the Universe" through levels of concentration. It grants him an increase form of intellect or "knowing almost everything": Strangely a double-edge sword as filtering out useful information from the "near-infinite" knowledge can be difficult. It also grants him precognition powers of coming danger, such as sensing multiple acts of events occurring throughout the other side of the Galaxies. The closer the event or the more departmental to the universe the less concentration needed. He also has the ability to ascertain weakness in objects and opponents.

Cosmic manipulation: Shiron create, shape and manipulate cosmic energies to produce nearly any effect they desire, including the molecular restructuring and transmutation of matter, the manipulation of matter across space and time, the creation of force fields, the creation of inter-dimensional portals and vortices, telekinesis, and cosmic awareness. User can call upon the comets, meteors, asteroids, stars, moons, planets, nebula, quasars, and dark matter. They can generate stellar winds, solar flares, cosmic storms and invoke meteor showers

Cosmic Aura: Shiron can surround themselves in cosmic energy, which can cause others to submit to them.

True Power: Shiron can unleash and amplify his hidden powers and dormant potential abilities to the fullest and greatest extent. This allows the user to unlock the power that lies within their very being, granting them feats that defy logic. When the user unlocks their true power, they are able to do just about anything that is tied to their abilities to levels unfathomable, and their power is potent that if the user is ever stripped of it, it is never truly gone, but merely locked away again. If users manage to unlock it again, the powers that were lost are regained even stronger than ever before depending on the resolve of the user.

White's Power: Shiron can fight/defeat anything, including concepts and immaterial things, using physical combat. This means they can fight things that should not be able to be fought. For example users could gain immortality by fighting and defeating death with only physical combat. On the more absurd levels users can take on beings that have no form and still punch their lights out. Primordial entities, universal abstracts, eldritch abominations, and the like can all be fought and bested using only physical combat.

Weapons and tools:

Tiger gauntlets: two white and black yin and yang gauntlets that Shiron uses to create and control spiritual energy and physical energy.

Jean Grey/The Phoenix

Description: Has a pale white with a golden hue skin complexion and ruby red hair with green eyes. Has a slim and sexy model build to her body. Her height is 5'7" and her weight is 130 pounds.

Phoenix Suit: It is a red and gold suit with a phoenix on the front and a gold mask with green eye lenses(The suit from Phoenix Resurrection with a gold mask).

Powers and abilities:

Royal Phoenix fire: Jean can create and manipulate this golden fire to burn or heal anything.

Fire manipulation: Jean is able to create and manipulate fire.

Telekinesis: Jean is able to pick up or levitate anything she wants.

Telepathy: Jean is able to read minds and control them at will.

Royal Phoenix psionic/mental energy: Jean can create and manipulate her golden psionic energy to enhance her telepathy and telekinesis or make psionic constructs.

Telepathic/psionic combat: Jean is able to fuse her telepathic powers with physical combat, reading their opponents plans as they make them, using telepathic attacks. Jean can also infuse her psionic powers with physical combat.

Animal instinct: Jean is able to react to any attack but she must have the capabilities to do so unlike Peter's spider sense that gives him a five seconds of foresight into the future.

Golden Phoenix Fire Regeneration: Jean is able to regenerate through her golden fire just as fast as wolverine.

Soul manipulation: Jean is able to have complete control of her soul. Which allows her to use astral projection and escape her body.

Empathy: Jean has shown to have incredibly strong empathic powers that enable her to control, manipulate and alter the feelings, sensations, and emotions of others.

Telapathic defense: She can manifest her telepathy in a number of defensive ways.

Telepathic cloak: She can mask her presence and the use of her abilities from being detected by other psions and psychic entities. She can extend these defenses to others around her as well. Cloaking via telepathy is not perfect and powerful psis may notice and 'see' through this ability.

Cloak mind: Ability to rearrange the "mental engrams" of mutants so their distinctive mutant thought patterns cannot be detected by Cerebro-type devises or by other telepaths.

Psychic shield: Ability to erect a psychic shield for protection of herself and the minds of others.

Telepathic illusions: She can create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring.

Telepathic camouflage: She can alter the apparent physical appearance of herself and other people by altering the perceptions of those around her. This can go so far as to make other people believe that the camouflaged people are not there (invisible). A limit, if one exists, is only imposed by the number of people she is trying to fool, not the number of people she is camouflaging.

Heat manipulation: Jean can create, shape and manipulate heat by increasing the kinetic energy of atoms and thus making things hotter, ranging from subjective feeling of heat to the absolute feeling of supernova.

Phoenix transformation: Jean is able to transform into a phoenix, a mythical, sacred fire-bird that symbolizes rebirth, immortality, and renewal.

Avian transformation: Jean is has the ability to transform/mimic into birds, every species and family.

Resurrection force: Jean is able to be resurrected by the Phoenix.

Dark Phoenix fire: Jean can create and manipulate this pitch black flame to burn souls and energy.

Dark Phoenix psionic/mental energy: Jean is able to absorb and manipulate souls.

Summer manipulation: Jean is able to tap and induce the summer and the powers/forces it represents: heat, sun, growing season and abundance, hard work for those working the land and rest for the others. This also gives her enhanced endurance in the summer. Once Jean masters summer manipulation she will be able to use circadian manipulation which allows her to turn earth's axis, causing summer.

Phoenix force: The total sum of all the psionic energy that has and will ever exist in the omniverse. The Phoenix Force is practically omnipotent, but is limited in undetermined and undefined ways as seems to suit its current mission/purpose. The Phoenix Force can tap into the energy provided by life-force reserved for future generations, thus denying them existence. The Phoenix Force possesses limitless cosmic energy. With or without a host, it is one of the most powerful entities in the Marvel Universe, capable of existing in any plane, time-line or dimensional existence. It can wield this energy to project beams of immense concussive force powerful enough to destroy whole planetary bodies. It can transmigrate throughout time and space by folding its energy back into itself, causing it to collapse akin to a black hole. It then reforms itself upon reaching its destination. It can directly absorb, manipulate, and fully control any type of energy such as Cyclops' ruby-red-colored optic blasts or the entire energy of a star, black hole, or even a whole galaxy. The Phoenix Force can control and manipulate life and death itself, as such, it can take the "life energy" from something, rendering it "dead" or vice versa. As the nexus or center of all psionic energy throughout the cosmos, the host attains nigh-infinitely powerful mental abilities, including telepathy, empathy, and telekinesis, and often seeks out hosts who have psionic abilities (i.e. Jean Grey). When bonded with a host, the Phoenix Force vastly strengthens and amplifies all of their superhuman mutant powers and abilities to immeasurable and innumerable power levels that have been shown to be near unlimited such as the Phoenix's one-true host. It can manipulate and transmute matter on a sub-atomic level (e.g., turning wood to gold, stone to crystal, cause physical bodies to disintegrate by altering their molecular structure, etc). It can teleport others across vast distances such as another planet or galaxy, and the vast vacuum of space itself or even an entire timeline all-together. It can consume and remove a near infinite amount of molecules per second. It can resurrect anyone it wishes with its near infinite powers, as it is the embodiment of life and death itself. It could also bring itself back as well as its host (it has done this many times over in the form of Jean). The Phoenix Force is immortal and indestructible. It can't die or be destroyed. Some hosts get true immortality, but other get it from never aging or needing food, water, and oxygen to breath and, if they were killed, the Phoenix Force would bring him or her back to life. It can create 'cosmic' flames under any conditions even the impossible ones such as vacuum space or underwater. These flames do not require oxygen to burn, and burn so intensely that matter is consumed without by-products such as ash. It has perfect control over these flames, and they only consume what it wills. These flames are shown to be able to burn even underwater. Typically they manifest as a raptor or part of a raptor such as a claw or wings, in the case of an avatar. It is unclear whether these flames are an extension of its powerful psionic abilities or a literal punctuation to its purpose to 'burn away what doesn't work.' The Phoenix Force can manipulate the past, present, and future across large temporal distances and with a profound knowledge of the causal effect her actions will have. It may be the case that time as a concept doesn't apply to the White Hot Room. it has only been shown when Jean Grey as the White Phoenix of The Crown held her universe in the palm of her hands, possessing the infinite power to write what she would as the "One True Phoenix" in any timeline, using to save her timeline from becoming a horrible future, altering the memories of everyone in reality itself in the process. The Phoenix Force is capable of manipulating and creating cosmic weather . It can create cosmic storms, solar flares, geomagnetic storms, cosmic rays , coronal mass ejection and black holes. It possesses total control over the entire existence. It can warp the reality, bring anything into existence, freely manipulate all existing things, and return them to nothingness when their purpose is extinguished. Its immeasurable cosmic powers and abilities appear to be at their strongest and most powerful when bonded to Jean Grey ("the One-True Phoenix" who is completely compatible with the entity, possessing incredibly strong and powerful levels of telepathic, empathic, and telekinetic godhood status abilities, complete control and manipulation over the realms of matter, energy, space, time, existence and thought), as the two have a strange, profound connection to each other (Jean is the closest thing the Force has to physical form).

Weapons and tools:

Phoenix's staff: A gold uru enchanted staff that has a retractable chain and blade at the top.

Peter Parker/Spiderman

Description: Has a white skin complexion and brown hair with amber eyes. Has a slim and athletic build to his body.

Spiderman Suit: The Homecoming suit.

Powers and abilities:

Wall crawling: Peter has the ability to stick onto any surface surface with any part of his body and detach from it at will. Peter can not be pulled off of this surface if he does not want to.

Super strength: Peter possesses superhuman strength enabling him to press lift many tons. Peter's physical strength is sufficient enough to enable him to lift and throw objects as heavy as a big rig semi truck with ease and land a jet which had weight between 175,000-215,000 pounds. He must also pull his punches and kicks unless fighting someone of similar or greater physical durability. Otherwise, his blows would prove fatal to a normal human being. As such, he rarely lets himself use all of his strength.

Super speed: Peter is capable of running and moving at speeds that are far beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.

Super durability: Peter's body is physically tougher and more resistant to some types of injury than the body of a normal human. His body is more resistant to impact forces than anything else. He can withstand great impacts, such as falling from a height of several stories or being struck by an opponent with super strength. 

Super agility: Peter's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are far beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. Peter is extraordinarily limber and his tendons and connective tissues are twice as elastic as the average human being is despite their physical strength. 

Healing factor: Peter is able to rapidly heal and regenerate from harm rapidly faster and more extensively than normal humans are capable of and can rapidly heal and regenerate from harm that normal humans cannot heal from. After getting his powers, he soon found that his eyesight was repaired, discarding his glasses.

Enhanced immune system: Due to his accelerated metabolism, Peter has a higher tolerance for drugs and diseases than normal humans, and he can recover from the effects of larger doses rapidly.

Super equilibrium: Peter possesses the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. He seems able to adjust his position by instinct, which enables him to balance himself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow.

Super reflexes: Peter's reflexes  are similarly enhanced and are currently about forty times greater than those of an ordinary human. In combination with his spider-sense, the speed of his reflexes allows him to dodge almost any attack, or even gunfire, given sufficient distance.

Spider sense: Peter possesses a precognitive "danger" or "spider" sense which warns him of potential or immediate danger by giving him a vision five seconds into the future by the manifestation of a tingling sensation in the back of his skull, and links with his superhuman kinesthetics, enabling him to evade most injuries, unless he cognitively overrides his automatic reflexes. 

Organic Webing Generation: Peter was also gifted with the ability to organically produce his own silk webbing from glands within his forearms, limited by his body's health and nutrition. These required a week to decay. 

Spider stingers: Peter developed retractable, razor-sharp stingers that were located within his arms beneath his wrists. They released a polyamine venom, causing direct trauma and/or flaccid paralysis via interference with nerve impulse transmission.

Psychic Alignment with Arthropods: Peter's spider-sense improved, creating a psychic alignment with his environment, specifically a more empathic and sympathetic relationship with spiders and insects. While connected to the varying populations of spiders he is able to communicate with them directly or command them. 

Spider transformation: Peter with this ability either is or can transform/mimic into a spider, including orb-web spiders, wolf spiders, and jumping spiders, tarantulas, trapdoor spiders, funnel-web spiders, etc..

Cindy Moon/Silk

Description: Cindy has a white skin complexion with black hair and brown eye. Has a slim and sexy model build to her body.

Silk suit: Has a white and black webbing design with a red face covered mask.

Powers and abilities:

Same powers and abilities as Peter Parker.

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