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Chapter 15: A father's "Love" is endless

As he wandered out of the thick green forest while fighting off bandits, monsters and magical beasts. Lin Long Tian arrived back at his clan's territory, he walked up to his room with a bitter expression worn tightly on his face as his strength was just at rank seven of body tempering even while using a top notch natural treasure and worse of all, he still needed a year.

"I should consider going to a sect in this life, my traning will need more support from a steady source." Lin Long Tian considering all the pros and cons decided his next step of action as even though his clan is in the major clans they still have over millions of branch members and not to consider the main branch along too, making it unsuitable for Lin Long Tian to depend on his clan for resources as a long term option.

When he was cultivating before he crippled his cultivation the amount of resources he depended on was, at best average but now it was so much that if he used cultivation resources from his clan he would need to use a ratio of twenty to one and at best if he used up all his clan resources it could only get his cultivation up to a rank one Dao Seeker. But Lin Long Tian could feel that this would not be enough power for him, as in every stage of cultivation anytime an individual was given power it always came with a duty.

Which was why he decided to join a sect and use up their resources instead and gain some insight of spear wielding from them. He walked up to his father's room but not before changing his scratched up robe into a clean purple robe leaving his mangled robe in his heaven pouch, he drifted into his father's corridor and said " I'm back."

His father hearing those words coming his son's mouth ran up to him embracing him tight as a few tears run down his cheeks and he looked at him with endless compasion in his eyes.

"Good, its good that you are finally back I was worried..."

"That you wouldnt be here to recieve your proper 'love'."

He grabbed Lin Long Tian by his hands, leading him to a table taking a silver stick which was empty of any spiritual essence or qi of any kind and started hitting him right on his young bottom.

Lin Long Tian shocked by his father's sudden actions, his face showing a trace of panic while inwardly he was laughing his mind off as he was a rank seven body tempering cultivator how could he feel pain from a measly stick.

Lin Chen sneered as his eyes locked on with his son's "You think you can hide your weak cultivation from me."

" HAHAAHAHHAHAHAH, just wait and see the magical power of this dragon spanking stick."

Lin Long Tian after hearing this specific name was shaking in terror not fake terror, this terror was growing from the depths of his souls as he was very familar with this stick.

It was known to all cultivators all around this realm as "the strongest weapon". There was a saying that followed this stick, under the 33 different heavens there was no-one this stick couldn't spank.

As no matter if you were a God or a Devil all that this stick needed was an unrivaled controller and the pain given would be unlimited.

"Father no need to go crazy, please let's just talk it out. Man to Man"

"Please, you still need at least a reason to base your anger out" Lin Long Tian was pleading pouring his heart out to him

" I need a reason to base on? Base on the fact that I'm your father. Bitch, let's see if you'll still dare to think that you are smarter than me, lying to your daddy. See how I'll deal with you!" Profanity bursted out of Lin Chen's mouth while throwing another slap, heavily smacking on Lin Long Tian's butt.

"Damn you, do you know who you're hitting?! If I'm angry, the consequences will be heavy!" Lin Long Tian tried to break free from Lin Chen's grab, however, Lin Chen's hand was like an iron hook, tightly hooking on his calf.

"Still angry and the consequences will be heavy? Bitch, your daddy I'm more angry! You're still trying to reason?"

"Looks like more "Love" is in order"

Lin Chen threw another smack onto Lin Long Tian's butt, creating a clear crisp sound.

Lin Long Tian's scream of anguish could be heard for over two hundred li's as Lin Chen kept spanking him until his hands got sore.

Lin Long Tian crawled as fast as he can to escape to the brutal 'Love' of his father, his face was spewing out with anger but he still felt deep emotions coming from his dad as he was only hitting him due to his worry. But this expression of anger left his face as he felt a familar footstep coming this way.

The door was opened and instantly he ran toward that person which was his mother Qing Tan.

"Mother dearest you have to take revenge for me that brute there was spanking me all just because I asked for an inner core disicple to accompany me in training." Lin Long Tian's face filled with immense amount of grievances and unwillingness as he lied while hiding in her chest

Qing Tan looked upon her son wearing a dirty torn up robe she was shocked but didn't belive that her husband would actually dare to hit his butt just for a small request like that, her eyes darted and saw his butt which was glistening red shining brighter than a tomato and anger swelled up from within.

Lin Long Tian feeling this upcoming rush of fury similed inwardly as he knew that he choose the right person for his revenge but on his face was tears that were dripping down onto the floors "Mother make sure to help this son of yours, to show this scary man that the heavens do have eyes!!"

Qing Tan after hearing those words exploding out as she grabbed her husband by the arm saying

"You think that you are stronger than me now."

Lin Chen stunned by how fast Lin Long Tian changed his clean purple robes to a dirty white robe in an instant and also very curious as too when exactly did he refuse any request of his son, his expression changed as he soon realized that this little brat played him and sadly he walked right into it

" Umm I was just worried that he was getting too cocky, and it could have been dangerous"

" Don't worry, it won't be dangerous for him. But you should be the one who should be worried."Qing Tan interrupted

Qing Tan turned and faced her son Lin Long Tian sending a loving gaze toward him "Don't worry son, your mother will show this weak brute a thing or two."

"Go play out in your courtyard and get ready, In a month both of us will leave for the Chu clan for your future wife."

Lin Long Tian breaking into a soft tear "Thanks mother". Before leaving he turned facing Lin Chen

and sent a smirk filled with mockery and after which was only seen by his father, he walked out from the doors and went to his room.

"Hehe, looks like that torn up robe did come in handy and after that all I needed was a little white lie." Lin Long Tian thought inwardly as he went to take a nap on his bed.

As the sun was rising, screams and whimpering noises could be heard all over the clan territory.

"Who keeps making noise."

"Yesterday it was a child's cries but now it's an adult's cries, just what excatly is going on."

"Could it be a ghost."

Many clan members had weird theories as to why cries where coming from within the clan as they although could hear it, no-one was able to locate where it orignated as it came from everywhere.

Only Lin Long Tian, Lin Chen and Qing Tan would know the mystery behind these strange noises.

The next few week Lin Long Tian kept sharping his basic spear technique not by him-self anymore, but with a clan elder Lin Zhangtian who was one of the best spear wielder in the clan.

His mother Qing Tan ensured that not only would he get a teacher but a teacher who could help him sharpen the skill that he was familar with

Lin Zhangtian with a puzzled expression looked at Lin Long Tian as he had been watching him for several weeks and yet with his spear all he does was the simplest moves. As his curosity could not stop him for long he had to ask what's been on his mind for the longest time "Tian'er can you tell uncle why you never practise any technique other than that baisc one?"

"Hehe Uncle Zhangtian, do you know what the Dao is?" Lin Long Tian answered his question with another question

Lin Zhangtian looked at the sky and answered "The Dao is the way and destination that all cultivation are aiming for. By cultivating they are trying to reach closer and understand the laws of the boundless thirty-three heavens and earths."

Lin Long Tian smiled at him, looking at uncle Zhangtian as how a wise elder looks at an upbecoming disciple "Good response."

"You mentioned cultivating can bring you closer to the Dao right?."

"Yes." Lin Zhangtian responded confidently

Lin Long Tian continued "When we cultivate we need proper cultivation techniques and martial arts techniques right. Then my last question why do you need a complicated martial art."

Lin Zhangtian answered "So as to better represent your skills."

Lin Long Tian laughed at him "In every spear techniques there is pricking, thrusting, circling, blocking, poking and wringing as part of it right."

" So you asked why I decided to to only practise basic techniques. I do it as an effort to bring myself closer to the Dao."

Lin Long Tian left an outstanded Lin Zhangtian there mediating upon his words, as he walked out from his courtyard breathing in the fresh air as he saw different scenes which had a constracting view from his former clan, The Long clan.

He sighed as he was struck with concern as to his first life's parents current situation, he wandered aimlessly around with a gloomy expression stuck on his face as he was seeing different sights. He stopped and was filled with nostalgia as he set his sight on a particular buliding.

Which compared to other bulidings had the difference of heaven and earth, as this buliding was plated only in gold and jade as if anything other than the best metal would be an insult. It's name was just as imposing as it appearance.


Phatkid Phatkid

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