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Chapter 14: No medicine for regrets

Thirty days later, the mountian which was once filled up in yang essence slowly became as dry and desolate as a desert, Lin Long Tian's body was filled to the brim with yang essence which he stored in his body.

The pills were now as bright as mini suns, Lin Long Tian smashed one pill and absorbed it into his dantian leading it's medical energy revolve around Su Meiyin to speed up her recovery but reduces it's speed so she doesn't wake up.

He stood up and left the mountian confident that Su Meiyin should wake up in about a year as the

soul nourishing pill that he gave to her was a rank five pill previously but since he added yang essence which gave it a boost up, it became a rank six which meant sixty percent of medical energy was given to her.

Instead of waiting for Su Meiyin to wake up, Lin Long Tian decided to start walking around the forest exploring in hopes to notice any town nearby.Upon seeing a town he increased his speed up but then in an instant, tears fell out of his eyes as he read the town name " Jadewater town".

All he did was stare and stare into the name for several hours as overwhelming sadness and gulit washed over him, at this moment several people were staring at him wondering if he was lost or a little bit crazy. A chubby short woman with a face filled with wrinkles came up to him and asked with in a gentle voice "Are you okay, what happened to you."

"Nothing ma'am, I just discovered the true meaning of there is no medicine for regret.

As it was me who had abandoned her when she needed me the most, she even sacrificed her own demon core just for me and I didn't help her. It was because of me she died an unjust death." Lin Long Tian said his eyes turning red as his knees fell on the ground

"I was nothing more than a coward and she still helped me. Just because of those backstabbing friends of mine I left her."

Lin Long Tian wept even harder at this moment as he poured out all his constricted feeling into a stranger.

"This life I would rather let down the heavens, than to see her cry once more."

He stood up and walked into the town, he went to all the locations that were filled with memories of her . His emotions displayed on his face was scrambled, it went through different stages as from blissful to anger then shame and mostly sadness but never happiness as he could never bear to look into this town and be happy without her.

As night approached he went to a restaurant called "Flavor Paradise" which is known as one of the best venues for dining as this restaurant have mulitple one star and two star spiritual chefs and one three star spiritual chef working and making the dishes. It appearance was widely famous around jadewater town as it was the only restaurant that looked like a pagoda which has seven floors and the higher you went up the less people that were seen as it got insanely expensive.

In the continent of Tianyun, there are very wide variety of profession that one could work in. The most popular job was always working as a spiritual chef due to three simple reason. One, anyone could become a rank one spiritual chef all that is required is to posses an inner core which a cultivator can finished building after reaching rank five inner core, which is a very simple task to accomplish just by cultivating for thirty years with no resources even for an average commoner.

Two even though when a cultivator reaches a rank of martial disciple eating food becomes obsolete to them, most cultivators still decide to eat food made by a spiritual chef, as eating these food are known to help cultivators relax and even though cultivators are higher than mortal they still particapate in mortal activities such as gambling, eating and showering.

Three, most cultivators decide to pursure this profession as even a one star spirtual chef made over one hundred spirit stone a month which when converted into gold coins that mortals use, this small amount adds up to ten thousand gold coins which is enough to feed a family for over twenty years. Imagining if this was the amount that a one star spiritual chef made just how much could a two star spiritual chef make? This was the exact question that stirred the heart of ordinary cultivators into becoming spritual chefs.

He stepped in, his eyes were wandering around over seven hundred different tables searching for a glimpse of her, "Young master is there anything you would like to order." a voice chipped into his ear breaking his trance. A young female staff aproached him asking out of concern as he was standing there for over thirty mins.

Lin Long Tian sighed dejectly and looked at her "Prepare a table for me in the third floor." She was shocked as a little boy asked to go into an expensive room, thinking to herself that it was a mistake on his side she attempted to ask again. But Lin Long Tian after remenscing about his past mistakes was in no mood to talk to anyone at the moment, he reached into his pouch and showed her a rock emblem of the Lin Clan.

After noticing his emblem in his hand, her expression turned into fear as soon as she saw the words Lin Clan in gentle calligraphy feeling mere power just from a glance she was certain that this was not a fake emblem as no one in the world would fake an emblem of one of the five clans.

She immediatley lead him to an empty table on the third floor and ran off to search for her boss. Lin Long Tian remained calm as he was already immune to this kind of treatment from his past life as he was from the Long Clan which was also one of the five clans.

He ordered one of his favourite wine a Firespitter, a wine which he used to quench his sorrows with in his past life. "Looks like it won't be as easy to find her this time around" he said thinking to himself.

"She said that she worked as a waitress at Flavour Paradise, when she was ten. Maybe I just missed her when she was working." Lin Long Tian decided to wander around Jadewater town for the next thirty days as hope for seeing her once more or else he would have to go to Celestial Demon Continent which was a paradise for any kind of demon .

But for humans it was worse than hell, just being twenty feet away was bone chill as it was all surrounded by heavy amount of demon essence which was not bad for humans but just made them feel uncomfortable.

Lin Long Tian shivered as he though upon having to step foot on that horrendous location, he very much hoped that he had the option of avoiding that place at all cost. he left his table only to be stopped by the owner as he insisted on walking Lin Long Tian out always and he remembered to kiss up to him, making sure to not upset him by accident.

He left and walked toward an inn, booking himself a small one bed room. The following days he kept to his schedule of always searching the town only stopping when he needed to eat his daily three meals always asking all the natives if they had seen a lady with eyes that resembled clear sparkling water, milky white skin, hair twisted into a simple knot with a red ribbon.

All his answers that were given to him was simply "No". Days turned into a week and a week turned into a month, Lin Long Tian as he was finished putting his belongings back into his pouch, he stared up at the starry night with a heart filled with reluctance as he was needed back in his fiancée's clan, going to sleep with a heavy heart and an unsettled mind.

The sun crashed into his room giving him a rude wake up. He walked out leaving this little quaint town that would always stay in his memories due to this hidden figure wandering his mind. "This life I promise to find you once more Yu Rumeng. And I promise no matter what you want from me I won't hesitate to fufill it for you." He smiled once more turning his back at this town as he departed on his trip back to his home.

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