"Game starting In three seconds, two seconds, one second..."
~*-The next day at school-*~
<she'll never be good at anything>
<I heard she killed her family>
<she thinks she'll go places in the future>
<the only place she'll be going in the future
is jail>
<she'll kill herself sooner or later>
<she's nothing...Just like her parents>
"that's enough, Karen." I'd always wanted to put Karen in her place..."oh look, the little phyco b#### is talking!"Shitty retort Karen, shitty and unwise."F### OFF KAREN, AND LEARN HOW TO SHUT YOUR S### COVERED MOUTH!!!!!"I lay into her and held her against the wall by her neck with one hand, showing my dominance infront of everyone...
"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY DAUGHTER!!!SHE DID NOTHING,"Mrs.Hannover screamed in my face, but I was calm until..."Your a mistake, your mother should have never had you. Your mother was and still is a dirty man stealing cow!"She had lit my fuse..."NO-ONE INSULTS MY FAMILY...HOW DARE YOU SAY YOUR DAUGHTER DID NOTHING, SHE BROUGHT THAT UPON HERSELF...How could you be as shameless as to disrespect a dead person, especially my mother and in front of me too!Look at the CCTV footage of every time I have quote on quote 'assaulted your daughter for no reason' and then judge the situation off of that, will you."
I left the school grounds and went to the police station to file a claim of 5000 dollars of all the times the Hannover verbally and physically assaulted me...They were going to pay!
Oh Mrs.Hannover, you've crossed the line there!my next publishing for this book will be tomorrow(Tuesday 12th March) Stay tuned and add this book to your library to keep track of my releases of the chapters!!!
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