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"Chess is the struggle against the error."

– Johannes Zukertort


John thought for a bit.

'The mansion is huge, and there are so many rooms.'

The mansion is vast itself. It had a second floor, a basement and an attic. The design resembles that of a European estate, and each room had a different purpose.

'Right now, I am lacking any information, and I need a quick heads up as the previous John didn't study much on the history and only focused on developing the land.'

He regrets that John only studied in managing the land. It would be good if he should at least include some general knowledge about the World and the Kingdom they are living. The uncomfortable feeling without knowing crucial information that would determine his actions. The library is a way to go to gain the knowledge he needed and prepare because he felt that the story he made up on a whim reeks many flags.

"Let's go to the library first."

"Ehhh?! But it's so boring there."

Celine made a pouty face.

'Kawaii [1]'

John wanted to pinch those cheeks.

She didn't like going to the library as she doesn't like reading. She once went there to read but she slept halfway. She felt those books making a magic chant to make her sleep.

"Don't worry I will just read some important things and we will be back playing again."

John wanted to arm himself up for the future. He liked to be in control of everything and be the one in the shadows who will manipulate everything to protect what he had.

"If you say so…"

She retracted her pouty face, and they both walk.

'She is an angel!'

John made a mental note. His mind is already getting in shambles in the way she acts. She is the perfect definition of "The Imouto" that every brother wanted to have. The way she moves, pout, and smiles would make a healthy person have diabetes and might take a dosage of insulin in their system to cure the cuteness overload.

John steeled his mind and his heart to focus on his objectives.

They walk on the stairs and arrived on a door which labelled "Library."

John opened the door and saw the collection of books neatly arrange on the bookshelves. Each had a catalogue of its subject, and on the front had an artistic table with a drawer on it. The chair looks stylish, and it also had a curvy design and a cushion.

John is amazed by how clean the library and the way it was designed. John looked at the catalogue on history and found some books on its bookshelf.

'Let me see, 'The Races of the World and its History', 'Itecegia's Kingdom Law', 'Theories on the World's Creation, 'History of Monochrome', 'The Absolute rule of Monochrome.''

John found the topic he needed the most.

'So, there are different kinds of races that exist in the world and by far the most dominant is the elves, dwarf, demi-humans, and dragons'

He saw the map and saw the place they are living in, and by far the elves occupied a large amount of land. At the same time, the dwarf and demi-humans came in second and lastly the dragons only inhabited a small portion and became uninvolved to the worldly affairs like hermits.

The human lands are cramped every year to the monochrome and are attacked from all sides until someone changed it 15 years ago. They changed the status of humans in the world and made it peaceful to live.

The monochrome is a chess game with strict rules that are needed to be followed by both parties. The winners are free to claim the bet both agreed by both parties upon starting and failure to comply would lead to death, and a forceful claim as the monochrome deemed it.

The monochrome governs the world in every aspect.

John wondered who were these people as they didn't leave a name when they fight on the monochrome.

'An enigmatic people who changed the status quo.'

It is getting interesting. There were some people who can fight against the other races who can use magic to their advantage.

John thought that these people are incredible.

The existence of magic made the fight on the monochrome difficult as they can silently cast spells to weaken their opponent. Humans don't have much mana in their bodies, and those people on the monochrome must have a considerable amount of mana to fight a long battle.

The elves were blessed with a tremendous amount of mana. The elves emphasized their people who had the most amount of mana to be trained on weakening and boosting spells to fight on the monochrome.

The dwarfs were blessed with strong resistance to magic. They make their most potent magic resistant dwarf on a series of weakening spell attack to improve further their resilience so that the elves cannot do their nasty spells to them.

The demi-humans have little magic powers but are blessed with sharp instincts to detect magic and the state of the enemy.

And lastly, the dragons are "The Dragons". They had a massive amount of mana and strong resistance to magic.

John thought as humans are really at a disadvantage.

'F*ck me.'

John looked at his body, and his face twitches.

'How can you expect this body to win?! Administrators! This is a broken game! Please fix it, or I will refund!'

John shouted in his mind.

How do you expect me to win with those monsters?

John sighs and looked at the book with a disappointed face, and he picked to read another one.

'The Absolute Rule of Monochrome?'

John saw the title and read it.

Here is the Absolute rule of Monochrome that governs the world.

1. All things related to a conflict between two parties of the same rank will be fought on the monochrome if one party initiates it.

2. The monochrome is absolute, and those who are affected by it are protected from harm.

3. If the other party doesn't agree, it will be declared as defeat, and the opposite party can claim the bet unless the other party use their protection of similar rank to negate the monochrome initiated by the opposing party. The moment the protection was used, they are given an immunity depending on the level, the higher the grade, the longer the immunity last.

4. The bet depends if both parties agree that it is of equal value.

5. The rules above will never be changed.

Special Note

1. The protection given to each race are all random and can gain more by winning.

2. The protection value and rank can only be seen on the ranking board.

3. Higher rank protection is given when the monochrome deemed it to the winners.


1. A ranking board will be displayed by using the ranking mark on their left hand and can only be used by them.

2. A person's ranking name will be updated on the ranking board the moment they won. In the case of new players, they will have a ranking mark the moment they won an official game.

3. A person on the ranking board is only allowed to create their ranking name only once. It cannot have a similar ranking name that is already on the ranking board.

4. A person is given the right to use his ranking board to their liking.

5. A chess game can only be a piece of public information if the winner of the match agreed to make it public and it cannot be undone.

6. A person can only search for public information on the ranking board.

John read the rules carefully line by line.

'So, the harm which stated on the second rule only means if and only if the other party is hurt, but it doesn't say anything about hindering them?'

John found the loophole in the rule mentioned above. The rules indeed made it safe for everyone involved but the problems arise if the bet includes the land and the people living on it.

Humans are fragile beings in this world. They don't have anything noteworthy besides their quick reproduction. Few selected individuals had mana,. Still, it is only minuscule and not suitable for the monochrome, only the blessed individuals are trained and sent towards the monochrome to protect humanity.

A continental monochrome is the most dreadful thing that would happen. Imagine the rulers playing on the monochrome with the land and lives of their subjects hanging on the line. It would create enormous pressure on anyone who's playing, and the worst thing that would happen is losing.

'We're f*cked! This is a rigged game! Humans don't have an edge against those monsters'

John howl in despair. John wanted to have smooth sailing in conquering the continent, but these races are monstrosities!

'Hah, let's not think about it for now and focus what would be the best course of action I had for now.'

John read most of the rule. He looked at his left hand and saw that he didn't have a ranking mark.

The previous John has not begun his chess games which is lucky as he didn't want his nickname to be something stupid like 'Ligma Balls' or anything shameful.

'Who the f*ck would even name it like that?'

He wanted a badass ranking name that will be recorded on the ranking board.

'I would like to name myself as 'Meet Your Maker', 'Cool Guys Don't Look at Checkmate', 'Plebs Destroyer', 'END PLEASE', 'END GAME' or just 'END'. '

'Damn, there's so many Badass names available. I must not, no, will not get my ranking name screwed up.'

He had a dark history when he was young.

It was his first time on the internet on an internet cafe, and everything was new to him, he had developed an interest in chess because he saw some old guys play it on the street. He searched for a game of online chess and found one and immediately registered. He had a difficulty what to name and asks for his best friend for a cool badass name.

And as you know it he got a trolling best friend who inputted it a very shameful name.


His best friend made him turn around and let out a creepy small laugh.

'It's done, you can now play.'

His best friend finally finished naming his account and let him continue what he's doing while smirking in the back. He immediately searched for a few matches and won most of them. His opponent always left a message.

'Good game, but you need to change your name coz it's making my hairs shiver.'

'Why you name your account name like that? Are you a f*cking ***?'

'Dude, for God's sake don't tell you're a goddamn h*** on the internet. F*ck, I am a straight man! A handsome straight man! And your name is making my hair stand on its end!'

He got confused about why they were reacting like that and asked his best friend back.

'Hey dude, why are they reacting like that? Is there something wrong with my name?'

He asked with a bright look of confusion in his eyes.

'No~, there's nothing wrong about it. The name I gave you is another abbreviation of superman.'

'Oh! Cool! Thanks!'

'No problem~.'

He replied with amazement, he watched superman many times, and it was his favourite cartoon. His best friend was looking at him as a retard and continued watching.

He then continued to play and still got the same message every time he played.

He got further confused as something is fishy is going on and look behind to asked again. But he saw his best friend talking to someone on his phone. His best friend told him that his parents "called" him to go home and he immediately exited the café.

He saw his friend left and asked another person.

'Hey mister, is there anything wrong with this name?'

He pointed out on the monitor, and the mister had a look of disappointment. He would never have thought that someone so young had already become one.

'Boy, are you gay?'

'What's a gay mister?'

He had asked a question which he did not know further much on the topic.

'See that "guy" over there? The one with on a one-piece and a hair tie? Let me ask you is that a boy or a girl?'

The mister pointed out on a corner, and his eyes immediately followed the direction. He was wondering for a bit and finally understood.

He had a face that has eaten sh*t.

'I am a f*cking boy!!! You f*cking !@#$%!'

On his screen it displayed his account name 'I am Gay'.

John recalled it and wanted to forget that shameful experience he had. Indeed you can't trust them doing the right things when they had known you long enough. Having an almost photographic memory is sometimes a pain. He diverted his thoughts and continued.

John thought of his ranking name when he is finally ranked. Imagining the thought of dominating the ranking board with a scary ranking name would piss their pants.

'Hue hue hue hue hue'

John's smirk and let out a creepy small laugh. His sadistic habit is laid bare for anyone to watch.

He likes to crush amateurs and make them his b*cth---, aherm his EXP farm.

'Yeah, they are good lumps of EXP to improve and level up.'

John was immersed in his imagination while Celine besides him saw his theatrics.

Celine watched his ever-changing facial expression.

'What is Big Brother doing?'

Celine saw his Big Brother holding a book like someone reading a music piece for a musical practice while letting out a laugh. She thought he was having fun reading them. And little did she know that her Big Brother is cooking up something "Big".

"Big Brother, why are you laughing? Is the book you're reading fun~?"

John snapped out of his imagination while Celine looked at him with gleaming eyes.

John felt his stomach hurt as she let him saw his sadistic behaviour. It was something he didn't like someone to see him doing it, and Celine's anticipating looks made it worse for him to tell her what his thinking. Her cute innocent thought must not be tainted by evil. Men must protect it as their lives depend on it.

'Oh God, Buddha, Allah, save me!'

John hoped someone would rescue him. John's thoughts ran fast, and he needs to come up with an excuse. He can't say that he laughs because he read the rules of monochrome as fun, that topic is something that should not be laughed at.

"Young master, young lady, we brought snacks and tea."

Emily and Diane arrived at the door while carrying a tray.

John saw them and wanted to go towards them and give worship to his saviours. Heck, he would even kneel and convert to a new religion of Maid Goddesses.

"Yes, Big Sister Emily~, Big Sister Diane~. Let's go eat Big Brother."

Celine walked towards them and looked at what they prepare for them.

'Thank you so much to both of you, Emily and Diane. This debt shall be repaid.'

John thank them for their timely arrival and proceeded to walk on the long table on the center of the library room.


[1] Kawaii translates to cute

SilentTwilight SilentTwilight

A new chapter today!

There may be some mistakes on the rules and will need some revisions. I would very much appreciate for pointing it out.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day!

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