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50% SHAZAM!THE MIGHTIEST MORTAL(Discontinued) / Chapter 1: Prologue


Author: Boredauthor7777

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue

A young man can be seen is fighting 2 thugs in an alley while a woman is cowering in fear. The thug tried to stab his heart with his knife but the young man dodges aside and punches the thug face to the wall.

The other thug seizes the chance to stabbed him but the young man grabs his arm and uses his other hand to strike a palm to the thug sending him backwards.

He then goes to the thug and kicks the knife from his hand."Get the fuck off from this alley before I call the police." He said to them thugs in a cold tone making the thugs quickly ran away.

He then looks at the woman."Are you alright?" He asks the woman."Yeah. Thanks to you." The woman said before he held his hand to her help in the to stand up.

Zayden can see the woman is beautiful. A blonde-haired woman with blue-eyed coloured eyes.

"Thank you for saving me. It is rare to meet people like you nowadays." The woman said to him."You are welcome. " Zayden replied.

"So what is your name?" The woman asked him."Zayden Batson. You can call me Zayden." Zaden intruded himself to her.

"Hello, Zayden. It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Sophia Walker. You can call me Sophia." She introduced herself to him."So can I know your phone number? I wanted to pay ou back for what you did back to me over dinner." She said to him.

"Sure," Zayden replied and gives her phone number. Sophia then returned back to her home while promising Zayden that she will call him.

Zayden then walks to his apartment. He approaches his apartment and enters the lift. He pressed his floor number.

The lift stopped and he walks out of the lift and searches his room. He then enters his room. He takes out his cloth and decided to take a bath. He already ordered some Chinese foods since he is lazy to cook foods.

2 hours passed and we can see Zayden is watching the television watching the Man Of Steel, Superman saved the day once again and turn the anger channel to see the Dark Knight Batman once again defeated a criminal family.

He turns o another channel and cringed to see his former lover, Diana Prince who is an ambassador of her island, Theymyscira is giving a speech to the people of New York while Steve Trevor, the son of a bitch who steps his lover from him watching him.

It still pains his heart when he remembers a memory of Diana leaving with Steve since he is just an ordinary man.

He then turns another channel and had to watch his former lover, Dinah Laurel Lance, AKA Black Canary defeated crime boss along with that douche Oliver Queen AKA Green Arrow.

Laurel was once Zayden's girlfriend but Oliver managed to make her fall in love with him once again since they were me an item.

His love story is pretty bad considering he has 2 pretty former lovers even though he is still in the 20s.

He shakes his head remembering the bad memories and proceeded to turn off the television.

He then takes off his shirt before opening a room which has weights on it. He then lifts the weights that weigh over 100 kg. He lifts the weight 15 times.

He then decided to do push-ups and sit-ups. He finishes doing them at midnight and decided to go to sleep.

His life is pretty normal. He is the owner of a famous cloth brand "Nike" though no one knows his identity as the owner of "Nike" since he decided to keep a low profile. He can be called a young millionaire. He is a black haired young man with blue-red coloured eyes.

His life is full of days of him beating thugs at the city of New York. Heroes are never sighted at his city since this city did not have any villains.

The reason he can beat those thugs because he learns many martial arts since he has a really good memory and a pretty good learner. He first practised martial arts when he is 17 years old under an old man named Bang who rescued him after almost being killed by thugs who wanted to kill him since he tried to apprehend the thugs.

Under the teaching of Bang, his body has surpassed human's limit body. Bang once said that he can beat Batman or Green Arrow but Zayden claimed they will beat him since they have some awesome gadgets that are a neutralize him and then Bang made his training harder by leaving him in an island that is full of traps and wild animals that he had to kill to survive.

He also had to defeat a group of terrorist that readers on that island. He already killed them and puked when he killed a terrorist.

He also now can avoid bullets and arrows thanks to the train from Bang. But Bang passed away when he is 22 years old. Before Bang died, he personally teaches him his own marital arts that created by himself, "Water Smashing Rock Fist."

Zayden can see he can become a hero without superpowers like Batman and Green Arrow. But he decided not to choose to since he thinks the world already had plenty superheroes though the number of villains kept rising as years passed.

His low life cost him to have his lovers left him. He admitted that he held resentment to both of his lovers even though they promised to not leave each other but what can he say, life can be a bitch sometimes.

Other than that, he is a pretty generous person since he donated a lot of money to many orphanages.

He also helped many homeless people to get work at his company. He did not regret doing that.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep.


I am now starting at an old man which has a lighting emblem on his chest. He is holding a staff. He is sitting at a throne which has other 6 tries beside him.

I also can see 7 statues."The Seven Deadly Sins." The plate of the statues is written. Anger, Greed, Gluttony, Pride, Sloth, Envy and Lust.

Then my ear catches something whispering for me saying it will give me powers but I decline it. The whispers come back once again but I rejected it many times.

Then the old man staring at me and the whispers stopped."It seems the Chosen One has finally come. " The old man said to me.

"Chosen One?" I asked him."You will know tomorrow. Remember to go underground train station. Now, wake up!" The old man said in. aloud tone.

I wake up while rubbing my eyes. I looked around my room. I see it is now 8 a.m. I get up from my bed and do my morning routine which is taking a bath and prepare a breakfast for me.

I then walk out of my apartment and settled to go to the underground train station. I arrived a the place.

A train arrived and I boarded it. I see some people are doing their own business like playing their phone and reading newspaper.

But then the training shake and I sees the people disappear by particles of light. Then symbols appeared on the train door before the train stopped.

Then the train windows are being frozen by ice and the train now is surrounded by lighting. Then the train stopped.

The door of the train opened and he sees a cave. He walks out of the train and walks into the cave. What he greeted inside is the same old man along with the place he sees in his dream.

"Welcome Zayden Knight, The Chosen One to the Rock of Eternity. " The old man said to him.

"Greetings?" He said to the old man who just nodded his head."Okay. Who the heck? Are you some kind of magician-like Zatara?" He asks him making the Old Man scoffed.

"That damn magician did not even a chance of defeating me. My magic is more superior than him." The old man said to him.

"Wow! That means you are a pretty strong wizard." He praised the old man who just smirks hearing that."Okay. So why did you call me here?" Zayden asks the old man.

"To give you the power to protect the world from harm." The old man said to him."The superheroes can handle them." Zayden replied.

"Hmmp. Yeah, but from my knowledge, the heroes can not be at many places at the same time. Besides you are more heroic than them." The Old Wizard said to him.

"What? Okay, Old Man or Wizard, I am just an ordinary man who is pretty damn good at fighting." Zayden replied.

"Yeah, fighting to save those innocent people. Deep in your heart, you want to be a hero." The Old Man said to him.

"Besides, didn't you want to do the correct thing by apprehending those criminals." The Old Man said to him.

"Okay, so how can I be the Chosen One?" He as him."One must be pure of heart or you can call it a really good person." The old man said to him.

"There are many good people out there." Zayden said to him."Not good as you managed to repel the temptation of the Seven Deadly Sins." The Old Man said to him.

Zaden raised his eyebrows."The statues that you see are once beings who caused terror to the world a long time ago but was stopped by me and my brothers." The Old Man said to him making Zayden nod his head.

"Okay. So how are we going to do this? Are you going to inject me or put me in a pod?" Zayden asked the Old Man.

"Grab this staff and say my name so my power shall be given to you." The Old Man said to me. Zaden hesitantly walked to the Old Man and grabbed the staff. But he did not know how to say his name since he did not know his name.

"Uhh, what is your name, sir?" He asks the Old Man."My name is SHAZAM." The old man said to him.

"SHAZAM?" He said the works but nothing happened."You must say it with more power in it. Now say my name." The Old Man said to him before Zayden takes a breath.

"SHAZAM!" He said the word with outing more power in it. I'm the staff shines and Zayden float.

"Yes, now my power shall be given to you. The Wisdom of Solomon, The Strength of Hercules, the Stamina of Atlas, The Power of Zeus, The Courage of Achilles and The Speed of Mercury." The old man said.

Then Zayden can feel his body envelop with so many powers. Lightning surged through his body. His body now is developing changes.

Then he landed on the ground and sees his body did not change but he can feel it. There is a power that is waiting for him to use it.

"Noe you must remember. You must say my name, SHAZAM to use the power this gave to you. You must say the word like you just said. That is all I can say. You can meet me again after you have discovered your power." The Old Man said to him.

"Huh?" Zayden is confused before the old man snapped his head making the place shined brightly making Zayden closed his eyes.

Zayden opened his eyes and see he is on the same train. He looked around and see there are people on the train.

"Maybe he is using magic to make this happen because he is a wizard," Zayden muttered in a low tone.

The train then stops and he gets out of the train. He sees he now is at Central City. Great now he is at the city of the supposed fastest man alive, the scarlet speedster, The Flash.

He then hears the sound of screaming. He approaches the location of the noise to see the Flash now is fighting against Girder, a metahuman who can turn himself into metal.

Looks like the Flash is having a hard time against him. The Flash maybe is fast but he did not have the strength to punch the metal skin metahuman.

The Girder then pick a car before swinging it around him hiring the Flash. The Flash crash ti pole and Girder is quick enough to throw the car to Flash who managed to sound in time.

Then Girder pick a car and throws it to the citizens who screamed in fear but Flash managed to them all but Girder repeats the same actions causing the Flash had to move the citizens to a safe place.

Girder then picks a car which is leaking oil and throw it the citizens. He then grazes both of his metal arms causing the car to be in the fire before he throws it to the citizens and Flash run to rescue them but was thrown away when the car exploded near him.

The Flash who tried to stand got punch at the face by Girder that managed knock out the scarlet speedster.

Citizens who see this quickly ran away and Girder just roared to send more fear to the citizens. Zayden who sees this grip his fust with lighting now seemed to spark on his hand.

He then runs into an alley before stopping. He then takes a deep breath."I really hope this works." He thought in his mind.

"SHAZAM!" He shouted the word and lighting struck his body.

Zayden then feels his body now has changed. He sees his hands now have gold gauntlets and a lighting emblem that seemed to shine on his body.

He now is wearing a red suit wearing a white cape. His face is covered in a white hood. He noticed his body is bigger and seem to have muscles.

"Wow. This is awesome." He said before noticed his face has changed too. Well, at least no one will know his secret identity.

"Okay. Time to beat up that villain." He said before trying to run to the location of villain but he did not think his movement is a lot faster than before that caused him to crash to a wall.

"Ouch." He shouted before rubbing his head. He shakes his head."Okay. Guess I am very fast and had really hard skin since my head so not bleed after hitting the wall.

Zayden then focuses on his legs and run to the criminal. He arrived at the location of Girder who now is heading to the Central City Bank but he is having difficulties to stop that made him crash to a car that is thrown away and hit a store.

"Oops." He thought in his head."Definitely train using this power." He thought in his head. He then looks at Girder.

"Okay. Calm down. You must make your hero debut successful." He thought in his head.

"Hey, metal dude. I come here to beat you." Zayden shouted to Girder.

"Who the hell are you? Some guy who wanted to beat Superman." The metal meta-human said to him while walking to Zayden.

"Nope. Just a guy who wanted to do the right thing." Zayden replied.

Gurder throws a punch to Zayde who holds his hand out blocking the punch. Girder expected for his hand or fingers to be broken but nothing happen to his hand.

"Super strength?Cool." Zayden said and grip Girder really hard causing Girder to wince in pain.

Zayden then grips his left hand which has lighting on it and uppercut Girder sending him to the air.

Girder crash to the ground harshly leaving a crater in the street."Okay, so I am fast, has a hard skin and super strong. " Zayden thought in his head.

Girder stands up while glaring at him before run to him and throws his punch to Zayden who also throws out his punch meeting his punch.

Girder loses the punching match and got punched in the face but soon many punches landed n his body with a great speed making him stagger.

Zayden then throws a right hook on his face sending the poor metahuman to crash to a pole.

Zayden then grabs the pole before bending it and tied Girder with it.

Girder glared at him but Zayden grips his fist and out more power in it. He then punches Girder's face that caused a small shockwave to happen. Girder's face hit the ground very hard.

Zayden sees the evil metahuman already knocked out by his strong punch. He then noticed the citizens are looking at him.

"I already beat the villain." He said to the citizens who immediately cheered for his victory. The citizens clapped their hand and take his pictures.

"I gotta go now. So farewell citizens of Central City." Zayden said to them before using his hyper-speed to run away from the city.

Soon, new about a new superhero spread to the world. Many claimed he is like Superman and Flash.

But the most important thing is not the world has a hero who has the power of gods in him.

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