(Value's subject)
The classroom had rows of tables with a headset placed on each border and one flat screen TV in the center of the wall.
Monk: Please hurry up and take a seat kids.
All of us: Yes Shifu
(Kate's POV )
Is Will gonna sit beside me?
I sat in the back row with vacant seats beside me … if ever he will sit beside me.
I looked behind my shoulder and noticed how he skipped every row and walked in the row I was in.....so yeah he walked up to me and sat beside me.
We kept chit chatting then suddenly I forgot how Kaye was sitting the on the row behind us and I took a quick glance and saw she was staring at us and her expression was quite sad.
*Dismissal Time*
Kaye placed her notebook and book in her cubicle and walked right up to me..
"Kate, why are the both of you so close?" I tried not to look at her sad face but I had to clear things up since she's also my bestfriend.
I took a deep breath and motioned for Will to come...
"Kaye, I'm sorry for doing this to you but you see because of what you did he also confessed how he felt about me..." Kaye's expression darkened a little but lightened up right away,.
My spine kind of tingled for I don't know what Kaye's gonna say towards us.
"Um Kate, Will what do you mean confessed , confessed what, huh?! " Kaye didn't understand what I said but suddenly Will stood closer to me and said.
"Kaye, Kate and I are a thing now.." Will kind of smiled wide and noticed how Kaye got teary eyed so Will stepped closer to Kaye and patted her back ...
"I'm sorry Kaye I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.." Kaye pushed Will's hand away and stormed off towards Ellie and Lee.....
Sorry if its a very short chapter guys Uwuuu :)
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