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100% Live, Learn, etc. / Chapter 4: Arc 1.1

Chapter 4: Arc 1.1

The terror's left in a huff, there was no respect for the teacher. However the teacher didn't seem to care and immediately started the lesson. Magical Markets and the development of our economic systems. Very boring stuff, from what I remember from my long life you learn Economics your senior year in high school. Seniors are around 17 to 18, I'm guessing that because we're learning Economics this class is probably for seniors. The class was interesting but had content that Alex already taught me when we went into business. The only thing new was the concepts. Since this is based on a high schooler's mind I'm guessing that they created this world with made up terms because the high schoolers couldn't remember the actual terms.

The class progressed on for about forty minutes, the teacher reviewed terms that we would need to know for the rest of the year. The only homework due for that class was the syllabus. But since this was basically a boarding school, you didn't need a parent signature, you just needed to take it with you to reflect. After reflecting you sign on the dotted line, however don't think you can forget about it. The syllabus was a magic contract, if you don't follow what the contract says the contract will magically assign your punishment right away.

After hearing about the syllabus I stopped paying attention to the teacher. I was more interested in the concept of how the magical contract worked, and on such a large scale. There was at least 30 people in this class, and there are 6 periods in a day. Does each contract hold individual magic? Would each class have a syllabus?

"Alex," I think, "Can I use magic? Also how does the contract work?"

"Replying, yes you can use magic. This school isn't elemental like most magic schools, it's mana based. Basically meaning the power behind all life. If you are able to feel mana you are able to use it. Certain individuals bodies' can contain or hold more mana, which allows them to attend this school. Mana powers their magic, using an image or a key word to summon the effect you want. The syllabus is a big chunk of magic that was fractured into the pieces, which were then implanted into the paper. So the teacher lied a bit, the paper can't punish you, however it will notify the teacher that you have done something wrong when it glows."

I nodded my head understanding. Twenty minutes before dismissal the teacher let us do whatever we wanted. With nothing better to do I looked around the classroom at my fellow students. Almost all of them hadn't been paying attention to the lesson, instead talking amongst themselves. If I was hearing correctly it was about me, and why I was there on the first day of school. The were questioning if the AI's had changed the game again. Maybe making it more evil, however as soon as that thought was spoken it was shushed. Then I heard the name Andrew Kelp repeatedly, usually along the lines of he'll save us, he always has before.

"Alex, do you know who Andrew Kelp is?" I asked.

"Yes, he is the person currently sitting next to you. From what is currently being discussed by systems, Andrew is an outlier. No matter what world he goes into he is always conscious. His AI has tried repeatedly to send him to different worlds with different children however nothing works." Alex smirked, "He's a real piece of work." Then winked at me, "If it was me, I would definitely make him my ally."

"He's that good?"


"Hmmm, it's hard to get your stamp of approval. What did he do that impressed you?"

"Find our on your own, you'll know when you meet him," Alex said full on smiling now.

So ten minutes before class ends I turn to him.

"Hey, I'm Lukas, and you are?" I hold out my hand. He turns from the window, gives me a quick glance then turns away.

"I don't know if I'll like him," I said to Alex.

"It's just like tea, bitter at first but you learn to get used to it. He's a good person, now stop being a baby."

And so for the next ten minutes I try to hold a conversation with this stupid brat. I was so frustrated that when the bell rang I flew out of the room and thundered to my next class math!

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