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85.71% Douluo Dalu 2: Heavenly Eyed Douluo / Chapter 155: Chapter 150: Hidden Title

Chapter 155: Chapter 150: Hidden Title

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. A terrible storm hit our town again, and others as well(which still is), and electricity was gone and then the wifi as well even when electricity came back a while later.


Darkness. Absolute darkness was everywhere.

That was until a spot of red light suddenly appeared within the darkness, bringing a crimson glow into the frame.

The red light spread out, and the void seemed to be illuminated. The red light slowly formed into the shape of a giant ball.

It was a blood moon, not only that, but it had strange marks all over its surface. Like black lines forming into a swirl, nine tomoes appeared in the black lines.

It looked like Huo Yuhao's Sharingan but... different, more evolved.

Its crimson glow casted an eerie and mystical atmosphere upon a large forest, the sea of green leaves swoosh as a naked person in a cross-legged position appeared above the trees, tears streaming down his face.

That youth was Huo Yuhao, a golden aura emanated from his body as if he were a sun. His body appeared to have none of the scars he once had, showcasing a perfect healthy fit body.

Although, his body started appearing illusory. As if he wasn't there, his existence seemed to be false yet real at the same time.

His body began to lower down and stood straight on a patch of grass while the golden aura emanating from his body slowly began to dim.

"W-Where am I...?" Huo Yuhao softly muttered, his eyes opened to a familiar scene.

Although the sky was shining a red color, the feeling of the tranquility of his spiritual sea made him feel at peace...

He was about to shut his eyes once more to sleep when he remembered the details of events that occurred earlier.

"No! Wang Dong'er, Xiao Xiao, Ning Tian, Ling Luochen, Gongyang Mo! They're...!"

He quickly took a step forward and looked around in confusion, "Why am I here? Where is everyone? I remember the bodies of Chen Zifeng and Yao Haoxuan exploding, blood and flesh flew everywhere and then... I blacked out!?"

"I have to get out of here! I—"

"Calm down," A person appeared behind Huo Yuhao, grabbing his right shoulder. He appeared like the gust of wind. He was Ancestor, Indra Otsutsuki. Astonishingly, he was no longer faceless.

He had the face of a handsome young man in his early twenties, with brown spiky hair that reaches his back with two locks wrapped in bandages framed either side of his face.

He has blue markings around his dark cold eyes, which were turned up at the corners. He wore a high-collared, light-coloured kimono held closed by a dark sash. The collar of the kimono was adorned with magatama.

Huo Yuhao was still tensed and instinctively reacted by shaking off the hand on his shoulder and swung his leg over Ancestor's groin.

Ancestor sighed, grabbed Huo Yuhao's face and slammed him hard onto the ground.

"... Ancestor?" Huo Yuhao asked, snapping out of his trance. He blinked, shocked upon seeing Ancestor's true appearance for the first time.

Ancestor said, "You are finally awake now? Good. Now listen up carefully, do you see the changes that have happened in your spiritual sea?"

"Changes...?" Huo Yuhao blinked as Ancestor let go of him, he stood up and his eyes widened. "What the heck? Did my spiritual sea get a bit bigger...? What in the, WHY IS THERE A SHARINGAN Eyeball FLOATING IN THE SKY?!"

Ancestor replied patiently, "Long story short, your martial soul has evolved to the second stage—the Mangekyou Sharingan."

"I...the Mangekyou Sharingan...?" Huo Yuhao's breath hitched, he long since heard about his martial soul's next form of evolution from his Ancestor long ago.

The Mangekyou Sharingan was said by his Ancestor that it could grant the user powerful abilities that would be above most soul skills, possibly even Skydream's. As while the latter grew when Skydream's seals broke, the Mangekyou Sharingan abilities would grow as long as the user grew stronger.

It had unlimited growth.

Yet, his Ancestor would never reveal much of the next stage of the Sharingan. Always either being vague or shifting the conversation.

It was as if the requirements needed to unlock this form were...extreme, even to his aloof Ancestor.

"How? How did my Sharingan evolved into the next stage? Ancestor do I really unlock the Mangekyou Sharingan?"

"... There's only one requirement needed in order to awaken the next form of the Sharingan; Extreme Emotional Distress. And when I say extreme, I mean that you need to feel the pain of when you kill the one you love: that means either your best friend or your closet family member." Ancestor replied, indifferent.

Huo Yuhao looked at him in horror as he came to a terrible realization.

"When you wanted me to make connections at the academy... You didn't say it out of concern of familial obligation, but of necessity. When something happens to my friends; to the people I have grown to care about!" He seethed, biting his lower lip in frustration and anger.

Ancestor remained indifferent. "Things happened everyday, Yuhao. One day, it would be all sunshine and rainbows, a day where you'll be playing around with your friends without a care in the world. And the opposite would happen on another day..."

"Little Yuhao, all it takes is one bad day for things to happen as it is now. All I did was guide you on the right path, after all, this is your life."

"Also, I will not lie, I did not expect for the awakening of your Mangekyou Sharingan to be like this."

"...What do you mean?" Huo Yuhao tentatively asked.

Ancestor replied, "It's about time you know the true story behind your eyes, the history behind it, and of the many changes that you may expect from your eyes."

He conjured two large rocks facing each other with a flat surface and the two sat down.

"The story begins in another world which has no official name, but is widely considered to be the Elemental Nations. That was in the far future after my death, our story however takes place far before my birth. The day when..." He turned silent, a look of nostalgia flickering across his eyes.

"...It was a normal day in the land, though conflicts brewed from human greed, everything was at a relative peace. That was, until, a rabbit had fallen from the heavens and planted a tree."

"This rabbit was no ordinary one, it held powers beyond mortal comprehension, despite its great powers however, it grew curious of the humans. Using its mystical abilities, it manipulated the minds of the humans, transformed itself to look like them, and...decided to live amongst them as the partner of the land's leader."

"This went on for years and, sure enough, the rabbit, now turned into a human woman, had become pregnant. One unforeseen event from human greed had led to another, the rabbit woman was now being hunted down by her people and had now subsequently lost faith in humanity."

"When all hope was lost for her, she remembered the tree that she had planted down. That small seed she had planted years ago had now grown into a colossal size of a tree, and a single fruit hung low before her eyes, and she took a bite off of it."

"In doing so, she awakened the Rinne Sharingan and became the sole person on the planet endowed with chakra. Using her new-found power, the rabbit woman single-handedly ended the wars, and took control of the nations. For her deed of stopping the conflict, she received the blessing of the people and was worshipped as the Rabbit Goddess."

"Rabbit Goddess..." Huo Yuhao furrowed his brows. "Is that merely a title or...?"

Ancestor snorted. "It was merely a title. If elder Electrolux didn't show me a vision of what the true capabilities of a God could do, I would've thought of her as a True God myself. After all, she was also the mother of chakra."

"The energy of your world that lets people manipulate the various elements..." Huo Yuhao said.

"Exactly. But if I were to compare her powers to here, I'd say at least Titled Douluo. Combat ability however? Probably lower. But back to the story, and basically, the Rabbit Goddess has practically ruled the world and now birthed twin sons that have grown into young capable men."

"Hagoromo and Hamura, I know little of the latter so I can't tell you much about him, but the former... I can tell you a lot about him, because that man is my father; known as the Sage of Six Paths and the true progenitor of the Sharingan."

"The true progenitor of the Sharingan... And your father..." Huo Yuhao muttered. "Did he awakened the Mangekyou Sharingan?"

Ancestor nodded. "Yes, he was the first one to have ever awakened the Mangekyou Sharingan and that was by fatally injuring his twin brother. My guess is that, since he was the first person to have ever awakened the Sharingan and the Mangekyou subsequently, the awakening process transferred to his descendants."

He let out a dark chuckle, "He was a kind and benevolent man, but he had unknowingly passed down the cruel requirements of the Mangekyou Sharingan to his descendants. Possibly even the Sharingan. His actions set a precedent, and the cycle of love, loss, and power continued through the generations. Those who awakened the Mangekyou Sharingan after him often faced much terrible fates, enduring immense emotional pain and turmoil."

Huo Yuhao sat in stunned silence, absorbing the weight of his ancestor's words. The history of his eyes, the immense power they held, and the tragic cost it extracted from its bearers—it was almost too much to fathom.

Ancestor continued, his voice calm and measured. "The Sharingan and its advanced forms are tools of incredible power, but they come with a heavy price. They grant you the ability to stand above the masses or protect those who you care about, to achieve feats beyond imagination, but they also expose you to great suffering. It's a double-edged sword."

"Now, let me tell you why I was a bit surprised of how you manage to awakened the Mangekyou, though considering your character, I shouldn't be."

He leaned down, crossed his hands together and said. "Yuhao, do you remember how you managed to awakened your Sharingan?"

Huo Yuhao furrowed his brows, "What does Ancestor mean by that? Didn't I awakened it when I underwent the awakening ceremony?"

Ancestor raised an eyebrow. "Truly? Were your irises red, did you have a single tomoe at the time when you underwent the awakening of your martial soul?"

"I..." Huo Yuhao paused. "No. No, it didn't. My eyes only brightened whenever I used it after I first awakened and I had only experienced some changes of it mother had died."

Ancestor nodded. "The death of a close loved one is a powerful pain to experience, that sort of emotional distress should've been enough for your eyes to at least be at two tomoes or even going straight to Mangekyou Sharingan. But you only managed to awakened it to one tomoe. Now, what does that entail?"

"....I needed a more severe trauma in order for me to awaken my Mangekyou." Huo Yuhao said.

"Yes. And the events that you had experienced in the physical world was somehow enough for your eyes to evolved."

Huo Yuhao glared at him, tears in his eyes. "I watched my friends die! How is that not enough?!"

"But did you really? Did you see the aftermath? Of their bodies torn apart, their blood spilled everywhere, broken and shattered bones on the ground... No, you did not see them die. You only saw them near where those boys were about to explode and then blacked out." He let out a sigh. "But then, killing them or watching them die isn't really what is needed to evolve your eyes. It's your emotions."

"You were already feeling restless when you saw the inhumane acts that had happened in that bandit camp; the acts of depravity, degeneracy and insanity would make even a grown man turn crazy. It was sickening, but for the sake of others, you bottled up your feelings for the greater good. Now add that to the feeling of despair, helplessness and pain as you see your friends seemingly die..."

"It resulted in the Mangekyou Sharingan..." Huo Yuhao said with wide eyes, clenching his hand. He furrowed his brows as he recalled something in Ancestor's story. "That Rabbit Goddess that you mentioned, you said that she awakened the Rinne Sharingan? Why was she not considered the progenitor of the Sharingan? And is the Rinne Sharingan the final form of my eyes?"

"....The Rabbit Goddess didn't have the basic form of the Sharingan that you and the rest had. She instead had a different set of eyes that was as powerful as the Sharingan called, Byakugan. My father and his descendants didn't inherit such eyes, my uncle and his bloodline did."

"As for the Rinne Sharingan being the final form... I do not know. I myself had thought it was also the final form of the Sharingan, but then I... recalled the memory of a former incarnation of mine. About the history behind my grandmother's homeplace, of her clan that had hailed a True God!" A look of fear momentarily gleamed across his eyes.

"A True God..."

Ancestor shook his head. "Enough about that. I'll tell you a few things about the Mangekyou. First off, do not overuse it. The abilities of the Mangekyou will drain a lot of your soul and spiritual powers, overclock it and it might even lead to eventual blindness."

"Blindness?!" Huo Yuhao exclaimed in a panic.

He waved him off. "Relax. Due to the hard work of a particular incarnation of mine, the curse of blindness from overusing the Mangekyou without getting the Eternal has mostly been solved. It would take, I don't know, abusing the Mangekyou to the point of them getting destroyed? Which is great since you we don't have another pair of Mangekyou for you to swap your eyes with."


"I'm sure you can find a solution. Oh and you sometimes cry out tears of blood when overusing the Mangekyou. Or we skip it all and evolve your eyes straight to the Rinnegan if by transfusing the blood of that crossdressing friend of yours into you works out."

"...." Huo Yuhao's eyes twitched. "I have so many more questions now..."

"Yuhao! You're finally awake! Aren't I supposed to be the lazy one amongst us? Why are you sleeping longer than I am?"

"Shut up, you stupid worm! Yuhao needs it after what he had gone through, you on the other hand has no such excuse!"

Familiar voices sounded from behind Huo Yuhao, snapping him out of his daze. Excited, he turned to greet his friends... only for his jaw to drop in shock.

"Brother Skydream... Ice Empress... y-you two..."

"Hm? What?" A young man with pale white skin, pretty looking, with short wavy white hair and golden eyes stood a foot short before Huo Yuhao. He wore white clothes with golden accents. He had a confident smirk on his face as he said, "You looked as though you haven't seen this brother's brilliance before? Hehe. Even in human form, I still look so handsome-ah!"

He rubbed his head and turned to face someone beside him. "Bing'er, why did you do that?"

"You were yapping too much." She snorted. The young woman standing beside him looked gorgeous, with pale white skin complexion, and long emerald hair that cascaded down her arching back and stopped at her plump rear. Her light green eyes were cold and an image of her true form, an Ice Scorpion, appeared in her pupils.

Huo Yuhao stared at them, completely stunned.

"What the fuck...?"


[Title: Mangekyou Sharingan]

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•Banphot Chada


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