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100% Path of Creation / Chapter 88: Learning from mistakes

Chapter 88: Learning from mistakes

As everyone lay down panting to catch their breath after fully exerting themselves in this battle, Tral started laughing which became contagious as soon everyone but Gè Míng was at least chuckling with Gè Míng smiling in relief.

"You guys are absolutely crazy and I thought I was a monster hunter before! That thing was way worse then any werewolf I had slain in the past, a whole other level of monstrosity right there!" Elysia exclaimed glad to still be alive and in one piece, giving Gè Míng a fist bump.

Tral was about to stand up to give everyone a toast to celebrate their victory when the cable that was still around his leg sprang to life to drag him towards to pit. Darick reacted first to cut it off but not before it sent an extreme amount of electricity into Tral effectively cooking him intensely forcing him to fall to the ground unconscious.

"Awe hell no! Does this mad scientist ever know when to give up?" Elysia asked in outrage as he warily stood to his feet raising his masamune to face whatever came out of the pit this time. The other two also prepared themselves for another battle despite how tired they were.

At first there was nothing but eery silence which after the long lause was broken as a large mech flew out of the hole to land on its four pincher like legs. On top of this machine was the control center that contained Dr.Stein as his madness had reached a new extreme. "Do you have any idea how many years I spent making my sweet baby only for you to cut out it's heart the first chance it gets to experience the world! It's you who are the monsters, so die to become the fresh subjects in my next project!"

The entire mech then generates a force field around it while it's two two cannons start to fire lasers at the three left standing. They quickly dodge these attacks but are now faced with several cables each that reach towards them in an attempt to shock them into a coma like they did with Tral. These cables each seem to possess their own intelligence and are incredibly hard to deal with as they automatically repair themselves once damaged.

They each try to destroy the machine directly with various moves but each just gets deflected by the force field without any damage while they are forced on the defensive to parry the cables as they dodge intermittent laser fire that scorches their surroundings heating up the metal floor limiting the places that they can stand although Darick and Elysia use their weapons to fly into the air it also hinders their ability to counter attack.

They are all exhausted at this point and are being pushed back with ease as this robot containing a maniacal maniac presses down on them intent on finishing the job that the monster failed to. Suddenly Several small blocks fall on the mech under the shield only to bounce off to land at its feet. Tral was once again standing at his feet.

"And what exactly was that supposed to accomplish vampire? Is your brain still working after it got cooked?" The doctor chuckles at his opponents apparent miss calculation but Tral simply holds up a detoitnator to say "You're supposed to be the genius so maybe you can tell me, what exactly happens when multiple explosives go off simultaneously in a confined space?".

With that said he clicks the button and the interior of the shield erupts into a massive explosion that is released once the shields become inoperable. The floor around the mech collapses under this sudden pressure sending what is left of it to fall back into the pit. Tral and the other not waiting to make sure that did the trick quickly follow after it with Elysia and Darick using their weapons to fly while the other two use jetpacks.

They arrive just after it crashes to the ground bellow to see the doctor crawling out of the wreckage badly injured. He is moving towards an other machine that seems to be a vehicle of some sort likely to try and escape but Tral simply steps on his robotic arm to crush what remains of it before lifting the Dr.Stein into the air by the throat completely done with the doctors crazy attempt to resist.

"Look you crazy freak, you want a final experiment to define your legacy or whatever so here you go! I'm going to drink you dry and use your knowledge to create all manner of life that will change this world for the better, now if you are very lucky you will become a semi retarded ghoul who can spend the rest of your unlife sulking down in this pit of your own creation. Does that sound good, I don't care cause you sir are an asshole." Tral rants at the man who starts to cackle with insanity until Trals teeth sink into his shoulder to drain him of his life. The doctor continues to laugh until the last of his life leaves his eyes and Tral tosses his corpse across the room.

Tral is left standing there for a while without moving afterwards as the others are a bit worried about touching him and Gè Míng even prepares to fight again in case the insanity is infectious. Tral stood staring into the distance with a tear falling from the corner of his eyes.

After a few more moments Tral looks back at them with a glimmer in his eyes. "It would seem the good doctor greatly misused his extensive knowledge after his wife died which drove him to insanity but I'll see what I can do to put this information to good use."

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