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95.45% Path of Creation / Chapter 84: Through the fog

Chapter 84: Through the fog

The hoard of ghoulish chimeras crawled towards the Elysia and Gè Míng from all sides.

They surged out of holes in the walls to pull their mangled flesh over each other to get closer to their prey.

As the duo unleashed ranged attacked of energy to blast these beasts away, the vampire completed her blood magic which warped their vision slowly at first just slightly altering their perception of their opponents locations but soon the ghouls started to look like old friends or innocent civilians.

They found themselves battling a crowd of smilling people who where asking why they would kill them.

"Don't believe any of this Gè Míng! The vampire must have cast a powerful illusion, we have to stay strong and strike her down to end this madness!" Elysia called out only to discover that Gè Míng had disappeared from his sight.

Worried that his attacks may hit his own ally Elysia decided to retreat but even the path all around him had changed into a foggy nightmare.

Since he could not trust his eyes or ears anymore Elysia chose to close them off and began to spread his aura outwards to feel his surroundings.

Soon as he moved he encountered another aura that was doing the same but came from a shorter individual, he had reconnected with Gè Míng.

Since they knew where each other where it became a simple matter of attacking anything else they felt movig towards them.

The duo still couldn't gind the source of this spell but once they felt out their surroundings they moved backwards into a tighter tunnel in which they would be able to funnel their opponents and kept moving back until eventually either the spell would lose its range or the vampire would be forced to follow them into the restricted space.

As undead the ghouls and vampire felt the same with the aura sense other then shape but there were many humanoid monsters in their ranks.

After retreating for quite a while the pair felt as if the effects of the spell were weakening to the point that they could start trusting their eyes again yet this was not a good thing as it ment the vampire was far away, likely returning to her boss to help fight Tral and Darick who's abilities to utilize aura were mediocre compared to these pair.

They worried that their allies would be in deep trouble facing such an opponent but could not go back directly as they would simply be found again and forced into the same situation.

It was at this point that Elysia noticed Gè Míng had come up with a new plan. The boy was pointing at the corpses of the ghouls then at both of them before picking pieces up to start covering himself in its rotten flesh.

Elysia was revolted at first but understood the plan to mask their scent so he followed suit.

They then took a different path back to the previous cavern where the vampire had been but she was nowhere to be seen.

There were still many ghouls about but now that the duo's smell had been covered as long as they didn't attract attention the monsters didn't seem to notice them.

The pair quickly went after the direction the werewolf had gone earlier as they kept a long profile.

Much farther ahead, Tral and Darick were catching up to the large werewolf yet it soon disappeared into a large processing facility.

The place was over run with strange chimera creatures with some of them being part machine or not fully together.

It got to the point that they were spending more time fighting then progressing ahead as they entered the plant.

The interior was relatively open but full of moving machinery. Soon a couple large mostly machine chimeras approached them wielding energy cannons for arms which forced them to stop their advance completely.

Tral tried dropping objects on them but it seemed like they had shield generators which deflected them around while the cannons made the duo have to dodge behind cover.

Since regular objects weren't working and cement seemed to weak to hold the in place long enough to dry Tral resorted to napalm to try and over heat their systems.

The only problem with this was the whole building started heating up to an intolerable level as the flames grew.

Smoke filled their surroundings as Tral made the pair some environmental hazard suits to regulate their own temperature and breathing for Darick.

It didn't take long for the mechanical devices to start to malfunction but by this time ghouls had begun to swarm the structure.

These creatures didn't need to breath and had no fear of flames or death forcing the pair to move through the fire towards where they hoped the werewolf had gone.

when they got deeper into the build though things started to get strange. The smoke was far to dense to see through and the monsters coming out of it were not getting hit where they should.

So they pair saw Elysia come out of the fire but he wasn't burning and as they got close Elysia started to hug then bite at Darick's suit as other old friends began to come into their sights.

Both of them were having a real tough time fighting back against those they cared about.

Sometimes it was Gara or Arc or even people like the Lisa and Rapid. One had even taken the shape of the nicest hero Lump, all of this had brought tears to Darick's eyes as he had to hack his way through the very people he loved the most.

Eventually people stopped coming and the pair found themselves inexplicably separated as their surroundings contorted into a raw flux of colours.

Suddenly they could hear a creepy voice speaking out to them "Oh my what tantalizing subjects that have wandered their way into my lab! Please do make yourselves at home as I plan for this new home to be your last! Be good guests and help a doctor out with his studies or I'm afraid that this whole experience will become significantly less pleasurable for all involved."

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