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92.04% Path of Creation / Chapter 81: Sieging facility

Chapter 81: Sieging facility

As Elysia and Tral were settling down at Elysia's master's temple, the alliance was preparing to make its move on the heart institute.

The badgipedes had dug a tunnel to bellow the building to get Arc's magitech drill in place. The Resistance and Riddick's Reavers had set up in tunnels all around the outside of the structure in waiting for the signal to rush out and strike.

They had everything from tanks to artillery thanks to the hidden sponsor while their various powered individuals got mentally ready for the incoming battle.

From their intel they had found out that the facility had quite a few mages that were mostly trained in sealing magic while the head of the complex was a woman called Queen of Clubs who exuded and controlled powerful gases so everyone wore masks so as to not be effected.

Arc even went out of his way to set up a trap on the far side of the continent which would spark a massive fight between the military and the Reapers to divert as much attention away from this invasion as he could.

When everything was in place the signal went out to begin the siege. The alliance troops burst out of the ground all around the base to rush out wasting no time before they unleashed a fury of magic and metal onto the structure hoping to take down as many of the defences before they could activate.

Those who had taken DiMiTri's special pills were incredibly accurate yet their maniacal laughter slightly disturbed the other troops. It was mostly Riddick's mercenaries that did this, many of whom had jetpacks on to wiz through the air in crazy erratic movements to decimate many turrets along the walls as the Resistance members deployed the artillery and what defensive measures they could before the military set reinforcements.

With the exterior distraction in place the drill started to push through the buildings foundation at a steady speed aiming for the approximate location of Gara's cell.

Arc personally operated the device with a serious look on his face determined to see this through to the end. DiMiTri stood at his side to rally the troops with a speech "♪We go to break open these confinements to not only free it's captive but to show the oppressors that they cannot keep the people in chains, for those who are repressed will always over turn a corrupt system as the system is made out of the very people it oppresses♪"

As the people cheered under the building the facility had gone into full lockdown with all its security on the walls to fire back at the surrounding army.

The entire outside of the building has become a warzone as various elements ripped through the surroundings. The protective runes on the facility were mostly holding still but were weakening rapidly as the alliance army was able to mitigate their own loses with their own defenses.

This soon changed though as military reinforcements started to arrive to bombard the alliance from all sides catching them between a rock and a hard place.

The battlefield soon became messy with destruction as casualties from all parties involved started to pile up. The defenses couldn't hold up completely under this onslaught resulting in deadly breaches that resulted in harsh conditions for those that relied on them.

On the flip side, the protective runes on the base had also given-in in many places to leave gapping holes where the artillery rained into the structure to reek havoc on the interior which killed many of the local security forces.

By this point the drill was braking through the last layer of foundation causing the entire building to shake vigorously further disabling it's defenses.

As it broke through the underground army poured into the hallways to engage the troops remaining in the deeper regions. Arc immediately leaped down from the drill to land on an energized skateboard which quickly sped down the corridors towards the heart of this facility.

As he left the walls behind him started to shift out of shape while gravity lost a lot of its original control of the area as DiMiTri began to work his strange magic on the surroundings.

The alliance had been prepared for things to get weird using jetpacks to maintain their positions as the building's security had to face the raw insanity of their situation in shock.

DiMiTri's followers were four individuals which immense power and were the best suited for this new environment unleashing a myriad of special abilities that completely overwhelmed the opposition. They single handedly ripped through walls to open up the space for the Techno Punks to unleash their advanced weaponry on the interior of the facility.

Arc quickly reached the containment cell to find himself facing the Queen of Clubs with two mages at her back.

"I thought that more would come at once but I guess you will die alone invader." Clubs said casually before signaling her mages to attack.

Arc laughed at this with an equally casual response "That is where you are wrong church slave as I am not alone."

With a snap of his fingers the energy that the mages had accumulated for their attack arced into the door behind them to their surprise. Soon the cell slowly creaked open as an unusual purple liquid spilled out from along the floor.

Seeing this Clubs cursed and immediately ran down a side corridor to escape but the two mages weren't so lucky as the slime turned into several spikes to impale them before ripping their bodies to pieces faster then they could yell out.

The liquid then reformed into a stunning lady who looked to good to be real who smiled at Arc before running towards him for a deep hug.

"Oh you crazy genius it's great to see you again but let's get out of here before things get worse, we can catch up when we are free!" She exclaimed happily as they hugged causing Arc to blush in a momentary daze before getting serious again.

"We have an escape tunnel back this way, DiMiTri is holding the passage but the alliance should be facing some heavy assault from the military" As Arc says this the building shakes violently as if experiencing an earthquake. Arc immediately grabs Gara and takes off on his modified skateboard at incredible speed to return to the rest of the alliance.

When they arrive their allies are already retreating into the hole as DiMiTri floats in the air controlling the fabric of reality around him. "♪It is good that the mission was a success. This one feels a great power has come to boost the might of our enemies so we must make haste to save as many as we can♪."

Outside the facility there was a floating metal disk surrounded by large meteors that were being flung into the alliance forces crushing many before exploding into shrapnel that ripped many to pieces.

On this disk stood General Warren Howard with Ironclad at his side. A strange energy flowed out of the general into all nearby troops which greatly increased they're powers especially Ironclad.

All metallic objects of the alliance started to twist and bend while they were slowly lifted into the air. The alliance had entered full retreat but it was too late for most of them as their own weapons destabilized to kill their users.

Once most of the vehicles had reach a certain height Ironclad slammed his hands down on the metal disk sending it all into the ground far faster then just gravity would allow.

The field was left a destroyed mess while what was left of the alliance had gone underground to flee as fast as possible but Ironclad wasn't done, at the insistence of the general that he could Ironclad started to shake with intensity and as he did so did the very earth all around resulting in a massive earthquake that caused cracks to appear throughout the soil.

In the tunnels things were bad as their was cave-ins everywhere. The alliance used every power at their disposal to keep themselves alive but the casualties were enormous only stopping once they had reached a great distance from the epicenter of these quakes.

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