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89.77% Path of Creation / Chapter 79: To the heart

Chapter 79: To the heart

Elysia was feeling better for the most part was resolved to go forth with Tral to finish this mission. The tower was turning into a nightmare fast as certain dark processes where taking effect to react to the many breaches in defenses.

As the progressed downwards towards the ritual room the staff and combatants who remained in the building had started to turn into something for more sinister.

It must have been a part of the contracts they had signed but once in effect dark forces started to invade their bodies to twist them into abominations of what they were.

This gave them new considerable strength and vitality yet perverted their nature to become horrifically deformed. Their minds lost to aggression they started to attack all those uneffected by their blight turning the floors reda with blood.

Elysia and Tral stalked the crimson halls removing the former residents of the twisted unlife that had taken hold of them. Their new opponents went from not moving at all to fully sprinting at any newly acquired targets with complete blood lust.

They had to be noticed and taken out quickly to stop their agro tendencies from ripping the duo apart but they could handle even the strongest of this monsters with hasty slashes of their blades.

Tral had taken a liking to the two enhanced katanas he had picked up on the mainland from the corpses of their former owners. His duel wielding style rapidly severing all enemies that came to close while Elysia's masamune dropped those farther away in pieces.

The two watched each others backs as they moved in tandem soon reaching hundred and fiftieth floor which had a long well defended hallway that ended in a complex security door.

In the hallway stood Mr.Simic along with a woman who was yelling at him fiercely "You said everything was under control but this doesn't look controlled you nitwit! It looks like the tower is going to hell and the military are coming to clean up your mess, I should have known better then to let a play nice shade like you handle violent business!"

He calmly received her berating before pointing out "Maybe you are right but maybe you should take it up with our uninvited guests that caused such issues. I attempted to put in a clause in one of their sponsorship contracts but it would seem as if they or someone else pulled that measure out so that they wouldn't get effected."

After saying this he turned to look at the duo who had just arrived as the hallway lit up with the activation of runes as well as turrets.

Elysia and Tral looked at eachother for a second before unleashing a flurry of attacks on the many defenses that quickly ripped it apart.

Mr.Simic sighed at this "what is the point of going through all the effort for these things only to have them fall apart? Well we will help you in this battle Kindness but remember that even if we start losing we must by time for our siblings to finish the ritual as that is part of your deal."

She went into a rage at this remark slashing out her war sword to immediately cut him in two screaming "I know our deal! I do my job very well as someone has to around here!"

The two parts of Mr.Simic don't fall down after but each regrow a new half suit and all so that there are now two of him. The two then grab eachother by the shoulders and pull themselves apart which grow into four.

Three of them start to run incredibly quickly at Tral and Elysia creating shadowy afterimages in their wake. The duo chops them to pieces just as fast as they arrive but soon find themselves multiplying their opponents with each strike.

Tral reacts to this with napalm to burn them away as Elysia flexes his aura to fill his blade with a righteous white ethereal light that causes them to break down from within like the chimera.

This wasted their time though which left them open to a mighty blast of raw energy as Kindness released a torrent of attacks completely disregarding her apparent allies.

She went from sword slashes to kick in a chaoticaly violent yet flowing fashion that took both her opponents back forcing them on the defensive as she twirled closer constantly unleashing harsh blasts of energy from her every move.

Her aura was intimating to say the least and the duo were being suppressed into submission too easily completely unable to counter attack.

Tral tried to drop napalm or use gas but all was simply pushed back by the storm that was Kindness. Without any recourse at hand he yelled out "retreat and divide ourselves or she will divide us!"

They understood each other and returned to the previous floor with haste leaving Kindness to scream bitterly about being denied a kill.

She stalked after them forced to chase them down through many rooms. She would press the offensive on one only for the other to leap out to strike from behind.

The Mr.Simics followed her but they didn't pose much more then a waste of time and energy to the pair who kept up their gorilla tactics which aggravated Kindness to no end.

She looked for her chance to catch them off guard for even a moment and soon found exactly what she was looking for splitting the legs off the red suited man or so she thought but found herself in a room full of explosives when she did.

They detonated sending fire throughout the floor incinerating the Simics along the way. The floors above collapsed downwards but the floor of that level was built with strong formations to protect the heart of the building.

Tral and Elysia had doubled back to the previous floor right before the trap was set to try their hand at stopping the ceremony and saving Gè Míng.

They soon found themselves facing the security doors again but even their strongest attack couldn't leave a scratch on it. The door seemed to require an energy authentication to open so Tral got an idea.

Kindness very soon followed them back down even more enraged then ever only to find no-one there. The door was sealed shut and the hallway left in ruins from the battle.

Her curses streamed out of her mouth as she destroyed the surroundings in a hasty search of everywhere she could think that they would hide until the rest of the hallway wrecked beyond recognition.

At this point all she could do was turn to the doorway as the last thing un-phased by her tantrum. She approached it with disbelief. "How could those tricky scoundrels have gotten past this system without authorization?"

She placed her hand on the door sending energy into it to make it open before she impatiently strode through to check on the progress of the ritual.

Soon she arrived in the ritual chamber which had a massive intricate formation across the whole room from floor to walls with a Mr.Simic in various places around to power it while the demonic samurai held a struggling Gè Míng on the alter in the center.

Mr.Simic asked her when she arrived "Have you killed both of them already? We still have at least an hour to complete these preparations as this ones light is so pure but that will just mean it can handle more darkness once we overcome these hurdles then we can leave this place for good with our new shade."

She looked confused as she claimed "I looked everywhere but they have completely disappeared so I thought they might have broke through the door but if they aren't here either then they must have fled the building."

They soon found out that she was wrong as the walls became lined with corrosive acid that began to eat away that the runes. Kindness looked everywhere for the culprit but found no-one untill she felt the air pressure change at her back which she reacted to immediately to dodge to feel a wind blade barely miss her spine.

"Invisibility is it you coward, face me and die like a warrior." Kindness roared sending a shockwave of Qi into the surroundings. A line of blood trickled down her back as a nick was made to cause her first minor wound of the battle.

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