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88.63% Path of Creation / Chapter 78: Experiments unleashed

Chapter 78: Experiments unleashed

Within the building Elysia Ray ran at full speed spending only moments to check rooms looking for somewhere a ritual would be held.

Along the way he encountered many security or fighters but most of them only took seconds to deal with and he had yet to run into an organized defense as they seemed to be in disarray as they were either preparing to evacuate or running towards some other issue within the tower.

It wasn't until he rounded a corner to quickly retreat from heavy gun fire mixed with a few blasts of dark magic that he was forced to stop his progress.

The proceedings hallway was filled with security as well as two sorcerers who seemed to have strange spector's attached to their staffs as they used them to launch balls of ethereal fire in his direction.

The surroundings quickly took to a dark flame that seemed to have no intention of burning out anytime soon. Elysia knew he couldn't simple stay in one place for long so he quickly cut a hole in a nearby wall to make his way over by going through the surrounding rooms.

It was much slower but compared to being roasted alive by demonic fire he felt it would be a wiser move. The rooms contained strange laboratories with one of them still full of sickly looking researchers that were gathering their materials when he burst through the wall.

One of them spoke out in a twisted language that caused a reaction from a nearby cage. The bars were opened much to the fear of the other researchers and from its darkness pounced a disturbing chimera that seemed to be the mix of a panther and a scorpion.

Strange ghostly lights shimmered across its body as one of its pincers directly cut an unlucky researcher in half before it turned towards Elysia who's shining brilliance greatly irritated it.

It's unusual stinger like tail pointed at him before emmitting a beam of dark light at him which he hastily dodged as it torn through several walls behind where he was standing as it tried to follow him with this intense laser.

With much weaving in-between several volatile experimental devices of which a few exploded on contact with the laser, Elysia was able to gain some ground towards this monster before he performed a quick draw of his blade.

As the masamune returned to the sheath as fast as it came out the tail of the beast detached to its horrific wails of agony.

The chimera then lunged forward to strike him with its pinchers as it's scaly cat like head opened up its maw to reveal glowing fangs.

Elysia flipped over the oncoming pinchers to land a single glowing palm strike onto the creatures forehead. The glow from his hand spread along the chimeras veins through its body causing it to start breaking apart from the inside.

The stunned researcher's who remained behind died moments later as Elysia calmly stroked his blade through the air to leave one behind.

He approached the final researcher with a blaze of his aura that suppressed the sickly beings movements.

"Tell me where is the child and you may be free of this place?" Elysia demand using his aura to apply great pressure to force out a confession.

The researcher struggles for a while before replying in great pain "The cultivator child is on the hundred and fiftieth floor with the vile woman known as Kindness!"

Elysia then thanks him before placing his palm over the man's heart to leave behind a sigil that begins to burn the evil energies within the researchers body.

"If you survive this then you will be free of the holdings of these awful beings so begone from my sight wretch!" Elysia commands as he strides towards the next room.

There he finds the two sorcerers from the hallway standing in a formation to do battle. The air around them is full of vicious spectors that wail in dismay at his coming.

They charge at him from all around only to be repelled by his aura. As the converge on the sorcerers a complex hexagram of wicked energy forms in front of the duo which seems to draw in the tormented spirits.

Elysia prepares his sword to strike and it is met with a pulsing beam of shadowy energy that blasts out of the formation towards him.

At first it pushes him back as his masamune splits the darkness around him but eventually he gets a grip to slowly take steps forward pushing back the vile energy that wishes to consume him whole.

One step at a time he closes the gap while the desperate sorcerers make hasty hand gestures in a synchronous fashion. He is almost upon them when they complete their moves.

It feels like everything stands still for a moment till all the surrounding darkness seems to suck into their formation till it reaches a critical point where it explodes outwards sending Elysia flying back into the wall.

After there is no sign of the two sorcerers as where they stood is nothing but a gaping hole into the lower floor as most of the room is destroyed.

Elysia coughs out blood as dark images swirl across his skin. He activates his aura to hold the curse at bay but it barely stabilizes his condition making it hard for him to stand.

At this point a red flash enters the room to face him. "There you are, figured I could follow the path of destruction to find you… are you alright it seems like you're a little worse for wear?" Came Tral's voice as Elysia could barely keep his eyes open.

Tral quickly made a potion to clean out his friends system but it would take time for him to get back into peak shape. Elysia tell Tral where they are keeping Gè Míng and Tral is about to head off without him but Elysia stops him.

"I'm not in the best of conditions but there is no way I will leave you to face that shade as well as the cultivator Kindness by yourself! I just need to catch my breath is all so give me one of those stamina potions your friend drinks." Elysia asked while getting back to his feet to show that he still had some fight in him.

Tral shook his head a bit "Those stamina potions are super bad for you, Darick can handle them due to his durability but you're going to crash really hard after as your stamina generates slower for a few hours till your body stabilizes… in fact Darick has been chugging those things coupled with the strength formula so there is a good chance his current condition is more from that then any actual combat but there is not much that can be done about that other then let his body stabilize on its own without any more potions."

Tral looked at Elysia for a minute and made a bottle to toss over. Elysia took a sip and laughed "Freaking expresso? Well it will do for now, my master should be able to lift what's left of this curse but I think I got few tricks still up my sleeves to bring down that samurai when we meet so don't worry about me as you have to face a real cultivator and I'm not talking about a pompous poorly disciplined one like Prudence either. From what I heard of Kindness is she is a real piece of work."

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