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87.5% Path of Creation / Chapter 77: Fabricator

Chapter 77: Fabricator

Back in Kalsar, Tral and Elysia prepare to drop onto the tower of combat from above with their plans set in motion to free Gè Míng from the grip of the shades of the Shinigami.

Darick had yet to wake up leaving him out of this action to rest in the temple of Elysia's master outside the city.

Elysia was currently trying hold back his laughter at the sight of Tral's new suit which was a incredibly expensive full body enchanted armor that had a built in jetpack. What he found hilarious about it was the flame resistant cape that covered the jetpack as well as it's overall superhero esk theme.

It was a sleek light weight crimson armor that prioritized movement covered in stylized dark blue runes that made the user resistant to magic including the churches smites to some extent to actively negate most of his vampiric weaknesses.

In the center of his chest was a big cursive F which Elysia felt was ridiculous stating "What is that even suppose to be? I seen some self proclaimed superhero types before but aren't you taking this a little too far?"

Tral struck a heroic pose as he loudly announced "As a hero off to save the defenceless from unjust kidnapping it is only right that I strike awe in the hearts of the villains we oppose. From this day on the many evils of this world shall face the wrath of The Fabricator!"

At this point Elysia couldn't hold a straight face anymore and burst out laughing going so far as to nearly collapse as he slapped his knees and eventually had to hold his sides to contain himself "I can't believe I'm about to fly into a hellish cesspool of demonic activity with Captain Fuck-head but hey, maybe those monsters will die laughing when you show up in that tight suit!"

Once he got that out of his system Elysia claimed he didn't need a jet pack as "his blade would guide him" as his masamune was a flying sword of a higher quality then a simple blood bond. He even claimed to be able to fly faster then Tral would with his suit so "The Bloody-Fucker better keep up."

With this over with and time running short before the military arrived to lock the building down for a raid, the duo leapt from the helicopter to dive towards the roof of the tower of combat.

The building stood over two hundred stories tall with only the first one hundred and eighty floors dedicated to the combat with many of the floors containing multiple stories for various amenities such as medical facilities and differently ranked cafeterias.

The top floors were reserved for the highest ranking members of the I-Game-Shiny company along with luxurious housing for the elite fighters who passed the hundredth level.

As they touched down on the roof they were greeted by a massive individual who looked like an obsidian volcano covered in sharp points with magma flowing from his eyes.

He spoke out in a gravelly voice "The company thought that you might come this way, I am Ivon Sturge and am here to claim vengeance for the death of my little brother! Which one of you murdered him with blood to bring such dishonor to the generations of Sturge family within this pillar of combat?"

Elysia looked over at Tral before saying "This one is all on you Bloody-Fuckhead so I'll go on ahead to rescue the kid but don't take too long playing around up here cause I would like a little back up."

Tral nodded then directed his attention at the angry volcano to point at him "Your brother was a dishonor long before I pulled the life out of him and his blood was as much of a pain to process as he was but I won't be restricted to not using my power in this fight you over grown boulder for now you face The Fabricator!"

This statement enraged Ivon as billows of smoke erupted from his head "What is this? You think you are some kind of hero now! I did not come to play with you little man, it is time for you to die!"

After this was said Ivon breathed in deeply before sending a thick stream of magma from his mouth towards Tral who immediately made a thick metal wall to block it but that was very quickly melted through.

Even though it only to moments to get through by the time the wall had melted Tral had already flown into the air with his jet pack while generating explosions at Ivon's knees as soon as his opponent came into sight again yet those blasts did nothing to the sturdy obsidian that made up Ivon's body.

Ivon responded by putting out a thick cloud of ash to obscure Tral's vision as he proceeded to erupt balls of thick magma into the air in all directions. Tral hastily dodged these chaotic attacks as the slowly cooling clumps rained down on the city all around them.

Tral circles the building for a moment before diving in to stay close to the roof in an attempt to get close to his enemy but as soon as he came in sight Ivon released another stream of magma at his on coming opponent forcing Tral to sharply dodge to the side to bob and weave through the air.

Tral set up a series of obstacles to block Ivon's sight while he continued to move chaotically move around him eventually flying up in to the smog that hung above them.

Ivon looked around intently for the killer of his brother to reveal himself and soon enough the crimson caped man came flying out of the dark clouds directly for him.

Ivon released a mighty belch of fire and molten rock to land directly onto his target causing the suit to be over welled magma to crash inti the ground.

Suddenly from behind him a plane dove out of the smog to collide with Ivon's back propelling him towards the edge of the building.

He recovered at the last second to see in the distance behind the wreckage of the plane Ivon was still entangled in, Tral hovering in the air perfectly fine with a remote in his hand.

"I call this move the decoy and detonation! It works wonders on idiots like the Sturge family, have a nice fall!" Tral states loudly before pressing the remote which causes what remains of the plane to explode sending that furious Ivon Sturge flying off the building to fall into the city bellow.

With that enemy taken care off Tral sees many military helicopters arriving from the distance. He had wasted too much time on this distraction so he quickly entered the building through one of the holes opened up by the magma to search for his friends.

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