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86.36% Path of Creation / Chapter 76: Gathering support

Chapter 76: Gathering support

Far way in the heart of the continent another meeting was taking place. Several large organizations had gathered together to face a mutual enemy thanks to a mysterious individual that had sponsored the Techno Punks with massive amounts of resources.

With these much needed supplies Arc had arranged for the secret conversation to be held under strick sworn oaths of secrecy between his organization, the newly remade Riddick's Reavers who had grown greatly in number after recruiting many after the escape from Desrosa, the resistance under Mr.Inherst and the strange organization that follows DiMiTri which is made up of many powered as well as alternative cultivators.

Arc didn't trust any of them very much but with the resources of his sponsor to convince them and the strick oaths they would be under he could deduce that excepting their help would provide the needed benefits that his plan required.

The plan was the infiltration of the Heart institute with the sole goal of freeing Gara from her confinement. It involved a large scale military siege of the complex with the resistance holding the perimeter to fight all incoming military or church combatants while Riddick's Reavers would bombard the facility with all manner of extreme firepower.

As this was going on the Techno Punks and Dimitri's organization would infiltrate the base from bellow using an advanced magitech drill that Arc had invented to pierce the thick foundation of the institute.

Once inside it would be Dimitri's job to get his crew to deal with what remains of the buildings powered while the Techno Punk would use their cloaking devices to reach Gara's cell unhindered.

The meeting had just begun as these plans where laid out and already people were having problems with it. Mr.Inherst started very angrily protest his organizations position "As it seems here, you plan for my people to take the brunt of the military forces which will surely cause extremely high casualties! How is this acceptable? I came here under the promise of food and technology to revolutionize our farms to save lives but this plan is clearly suicide for those loyal resistance members who serve under me!"

Arc responded in a calm steady manner as he casually sipped from a mug

"As you said your people's families as well as the future of the resistance will be greatly provided for as well as the opportunity to take the fight directly to the government you claim to resist which I know is the reason most of your followers server under you in the first place. This will make your forces the ideal outer layer of this strike therefore the resistance can take the credit for opposing the military."

This caused an other complaint this time from Riddick "I know we have had a rocky past but I agree with this Mr.Inherst on this as it will be hard to keep my boys in line as most of them work for profit and dying ain't getting paid. This facility is armed to the teeth with advanced weaponry as well as extremely empowered soldiers trained in magical warfare. Even if we are to just bombard the exterior it will be like pressing ourselves up to a meat grinder and moral will crack very quickly in that situation."

At this point it was DiMiTri that spoke up "♪This one usually adhors such violence but in this case as the cause is justified, this one has a method to greatly heighten your troops moral even bringing them to a state of rapture during the proceeding conflict. If they are to do such grotesque carnage then at least they should be in a happy place♪."

Arc further translated what DiMiTri was talking about for the others after another drink of coffee 9 "Dimitri here has an incredible understanding of alchemy in which he has created pills that will temporarily remove all pain while causing the users to experience an enhanced mental acuity that comes with an emotionally soothing feeling that should make them not only not break under pressure but actively revel in all things they do. The downside to this is once they stop taking this concoction they will spend many months feeling incredibly ill while the world around them will seem to lose a lot of its luster but he has informed me that this is also temporary so as long as they received a well deserved holiday after they should be fine."

This description raise quite a few eyebrows with Mr.Inherst complaining again "Your sketchy alchemy will put my people out of commission for months while messing with their emotional balance and you think this is a good thing all for some temporary effects? Do you take me for a fool? It would seem you are just going to use us as a disposable resource to be cast aside once you have freed your friend."

Arc rubbed his temples with annoyance at this before replying "You will be greatly rewarded for your efforts which will provide temporary food for millions for years while also upgrading your systems to lay a solid foundation to allow your organization to flourish thus able to rescue many more from the oppression of the church. If any of your people don't want to use these stimulants then no-one is forcing them to as it is up to them as individuals to make that personal choice and live with the consequences for either decision. At best I can provide more fuel but my sponsor demands that this institute be made inoperable and even I don't know what such a wealthy individual would do after putting all this on the line only for key heavily paid members to get cold feet and back out."

They proceeded to talk out many of the finer details including each parties extensive payments but finally each organization involved agreed to the terms even if grudgingly as their benefits out weighed their concerns.

Once it was decided they all to oaths to ensure they could trust eachother to do their parts during this operation and similar oaths would be handed down to their respective followers who each had to first swear secrecy then make their personal choices to swear further oaths to under go such a dangerous situation.

As such a new alliance army was formed in the sake of rescuing Gara and tearing down the establishment of the church in the very heart of its government.

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