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84.09% Path of Creation / Chapter 74: Death do us part

Chapter 74: Death do us part

As Ko Shakai was sitting next to Tral, Darick was being driven by Bitamin towards a rundown industrial plant that he had been informed was the den of the pack.

Darick was very much wanting to test his new axe on some worthy opponents, he had named his blood-bound splitting maul Jessy and had become quite attached to it going so far as to talk to her like a person casually showing the weapon the various sites around Kalsar on their way to "dance" with the werewolves.

It didn't take them long to arrive and as he exited the vehicle he told Bitamin "You can take a long break as me and Jessy will likely be out partying for quite some time while you shouldn't be around in case these disreputable type catch your sent."

When he strutted towards the building with jessy over his shoulder it felt really good despite the extreme weight of his weapon. As he walked past a torn up chain link fence there was stirring within the building and he could see shadows converging into it from both sides.

Not wanting to get stuck in a confined space he stood just outside the loading bay doors to yell a taunt with enough power for the keen wolf ears to hear from far away. "Well are you going to skulk about as a predator waits outside your nest or should I start pissing on this territory to show dominance?"

This was responded to by many consecutive howls of fury which all stopped as a single far greater howl was heard. Darick not wanting to back down replied to that in kind with a mighty Qi fuelled roar that left his lungs raw yet satisfied.

That roar started the pack with a few so angry at the challenge to their leader that they immediately leapt out from the building to bound towards him.

He immediately threw Jessy through the air with great force to spin gracefully till her sharp blade met the snout of an on coming beast to cleave it's head in two.

The other werewolves thinking their prey disarmed sped up towards Darick only to be attacked from behind as the splitting maul returned to her owner with great speed to crash deep into the spine of one wolf before returning to his waiting hands just in time for him to make a mighty swing that decapitated the monster that had gotten the closest.

It had been mere moments yet three large humanoid creatures had already fallen by his axe. From the doors poured out many more followed by a giant great grey being nearly twice the size of the others standing around fourteen feet tall and covered in thick muscles.

Darick charged at the flowing pack throwing Jessy to fly through the air ending many lives as he punched, kick and tore through anyone of them that got too close.

Soon at the signal of a great howl from the leader the rest of the pack backed off to form a circle around him. As Jessy came back into his hands the great grey wolf stomped into this primal ring to size up its challenger.

Darick who stood just over seven feet tall was a dwarf to the monster but it wouldn't take him lightly especially with that flying block buster in his hands.

They stared each other down for a while under the thirsty gazes of the rest of the pack until the leader growled in contempt to sprint forward with a speed that delayed it's bulk.

Darick threw Jessy at its head but it was knocked aside at the last moment by a massive claw while the other claw came to grab Darick but he wouldn't let it be so easy.

He jumped to the side and punched the back of its hand with all his Qi powered force before Jessy came flying back to his grip.

The weight of the axe was greatly increased while holding it making its fighting force much stronger as he swung to parry an other incoming claw with all his might causing considerable wounds to the hand but they were visibly healing as the beast came in for bite at his shoulder with teeth as big as swords.

They scrape along his skin turning his clothes to ribbons while he lets go of Jessy to raise both arms in the air on the other side the wolfs large head.

Jessy fly's up striking the monster under the chin to knock it off of his shoulder as she returns to his grip for a great cleaving swing that buries the blade into one of the werewolves eyes while it was still in shock from the earlier blow.

Darick not letting this opportunity go to waste releases his hands to leap into the air and deliver a double fisted slam into the hammer side of the axe to wedge it far deeper into the creatures flesh driving to split the skull in twain.

The leader howls out in dismay at the horrible pain this blow has dealt and without even looking back flees with all its strength into the depths of the factory to be followed by what remains of the pack who are now slouched in shame.

Darick stands there huffing and puffing till he catches his breath, opening up his hands as Jessy come singing back through the air still covered in thick blood to return to waiting hands.

Soon a great pain starts to seep into his mind forcing him to his knees to grasp his head with both hands. Jessy falls to the ground unceremoniously as her owner writhes in agony.

Suddenly from the surroundings comes many warriors in silken robes with glowing runes all over their bodies. From the mist of them walks an armored samurai with katana in hand, his plate mail clearly enhanced with vibrant runes.

With a voice that sounds as if dozens of people are talking at once he claims "We have been searching for you strong one. The Reapers have longed for a body as durable as this one."

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