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81.81% Path of Creation / Chapter 72: Darick falls in love

Chapter 72: Darick falls in love

With his new swanky service providers Darick felt that thing might actually be turning up. His assigned chauffeur was an upright gentleman by the name Bitamin who was to personally show him around during the day. There was the offer for a different person to also be around for the night but since there was also someone supposed to always be keeping an eye on him to spot possible privacy leaks he felt that Bitamin would do fine.

Darick also made sure to have someone check on Tral in the tower help his friend in anyway possible. The company wasn't one for hiring combatants for physical security but if it involved information either finding or protecting it, they had many means to ensure that it was done.

Darick was suddenly left with little to do as they would hunt down the information he requested so he decided to let Bitamin show him around some local stores particularly looking for an artifact weapon that was enhanced enough to maximize the use of his physical strength so that he could defend himself better.

Bitamin knew the perfect place for someone with the wealth to afford it bringing him past many showy stores to a rather high class workshop located in an upper class tower mall.

Compared to many of the other shops in that building it appeared rather homely and unkept but Bitamin assured him the quality of the merchandise would definitely impress.

There weren't any customers in the shop and the moment they came in a shrill voice echoed out from the backroom "Unless you have a serious request go away because I don't have time for your looky-loo nonsense!"

Bitamin was about to say something but Darick stopped him before yelling back "Unless you have a weapon that I won't break into useless trash then I don't want to waste my time in your place either!"

The backroom was quiet for a moment before out came a very dirty dwarf mumbling grumpily "Oh you think you're strong do ye?"

Darick responded by picking up a nearby anvil with one arm before replying "I'm strong, your crafty and he holds my corporate bank card that will cover the cost of it so can we cut the crap so you can show me something that will cut that isn't made out of crap?"

This caused the Dwarf to chuckle quite heartily "Oh I like you boy. Follow me and we'll get right to it. Let's start with your measurements and a bit more about what ye like to swing Mr.muscle man." he states as he proceeds to walk back into the other room.

Darick quickly follows him to find the storage area is filled with racks of various weapons divided in type and price.

The dwarf points out a couple ranks saying "For a strong one like you we have maces over here and axes on the next row as well as claymores along the wall so out with it then what is your type?"

Darick examines the array of weaponry a bit before replying "Well I usually use and axe but have found a hammer works pretty well also but the main issue I have is getting disarmed as I am often more durable then the weapons I wield.

"Ay so you would be looking for a blood binding then as well, a little bit of a pricy process but I'm sure you would be fine with it. Once done the weapon will listen to your command and return to ye hand when you will for it. I have some nice pieces of work that could do the trick here." He starts to show Darick a rack of maces but soon finds his customer transfixed by something.

Darick had seen it mounted on the wall shining under a spot light. A great Axe on one side with a large flat hammer head on the back covered in intricate runes that shimmered with power.

The dwarf smiled at that but quickly pointed out "Oh you wouldn't be interested in something like that. It's ornamental as I was playing around with a gravity matrix on the rune so that it increases the weight exponentially when you wield it so even cultivators at that level find it uncomfortable to swing around. If you bind it then it will fly around nice but as soon as you touch the handle it will activate to suck up the surrounding natural energy to increase the mass which will make it swing sluggishly even for someone as strong as you."

Darick wasn't phased by this and was eager to test it out. He grabbed it by the handle with both arms but nearly had it fall to the ground as he tried to lift it after its runes activated. After the initial shock of the extra weight he lifted it up with all his strength to raise it in the air.

It took quite a bit of work to hold it there for a long period of time but he practiced chopping down with the axe with a significant display of force a few times. The dwarf was partially right as swinging it around would be a lot slower then if he used another weapon but not to the point that he couldn't wield it decently with two hands.

The dwarf was actually pretty impressed by this "Wow, most cultivators can't even hold the thing much less swing it around like that as is grows heavier the more powerful it's wielders aura is. You sure have a strong physical body on you."

Darick got a little upset at that comment "Don't call this beauty a thing even if you made her, you should take some pride in your work. With a little training and more muscle refining I should be able to swing this weapon with one arm if I can call it to my hand."

The craftsman was stunned by this for a second before breaking out into a solid heartfelt laugh even coming to tears at one point. "Aren't you just a treat, I haven't laughed that hard in years. Well if that's the way it's going to be I can see you will take care of her so I would be glad to bind you to together in the bonds of blood."

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