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80.68% Path of Creation / Chapter 71: Getting connected

Chapter 71: Getting connected

Earlier that day in a different part of Kalsar.

Since Darick's regular face and fake face had both been compromised as well as his general body type through various feats of infamy. Tral had given him a power armor cosplay outfit which made him look for all intents and purposes like someone in a heavily mechanical combat suit so that he could still walk around Kalsar without drawing the wrong kind of attention even though he tended to end up doing that anyway.

With a significant amount of spending money he had gone out to buy some information on the Divine sect specifically Kindness who was the most likely target for having Gè Míng kidnapped.

The broker he went to was an established detective agency that had many reviews regarding their strick professional conduct called 'Procure and Private'.

They were on the expensive side but they also had extensive policies about protecting their clients personal information once a contract had been signed going above and beyond to insure the customers privacy which had earned them quite the reputation.

Darick wasn't having any financial issues thanks to Tral setting him up with an entire room full of gold in the submarine as well as more in the yacht so he figured he would get the best service they could provide by signing up to put them on a long term retainer for as he was sure such an organization would come in handy in the future.

Their office was above the cloud line in one of the executive towers that stood in the heart of Kalsar. He got a lot of looks when he entered the buildings lobby by many snooty executives for his attire but was sent up to the company's floor after a brief conversation with the tower secretary as he had arranged an appointment earlier that day.

After a long ride in the elevator which had basically forced the other office workers to vacate due to his size as well as the large suitcase he was carrying Darick arrived at an extravagant office space made mostly of limestone and glass.

The secretary working there merely raised an eyebrow at hus appearance but asked "Would you happen to be Mr.X who set up the appointment earlier? We would be duly lacking if we had not known of you after that incident with public security and were surprised that you used your same name to book an appointment with us but it would seem you have the sense to disguise yourself quite well… I assure you that regardless of if you end up acquiring our services it is our policy to never disclose information regarding this encounter."

Darick nodded in response before simply pulling out a heavy bag of gold just for this instance to place on the counter "A downpayment just to make sure and I would very much like a contract as well just for piece of mind as I have had some bad experiences with trust in the past."

She nodded with clear approval at this before gesturing for him to follow her while saying "I am happy you decided to do business with us so quickly. Our representative has all the paperwork needed if you will follow me and may I ask the nature of your request so that I can start the proper processes since you are technically already a customer?"

As he followed her Darick casually replied "I am looking to out your company on retainer for the best service possible of both information as well as privacy. I know you believe your prices for this are steep so I brought a more considerable down payment but if this isn't enough then I can always get more as my benefactor has no limits to wealth but is highly paranoid for good reason so I hope your organization lives up to its reputation."

This response actually made her stop walking entirely in shock for a moment to stare at him then at the large heavy suitcase he was carrying before somewhat recovering her professional manner "Th-that's a downpayment as well… I see I assure you and your employer that we will do everything in our capacity to oblige you in clearing away all paranoia related issues in the upmost standard. For starters we can exchange any amounts of cumbersome currency into a credited account as well as arrange a chaperone to personally guide you around during your stay in Kalsar but you can go over those details with our representative."

With that they reach a nice mahogany door which she knocks twice on before opening for him. Inside is quite spacious with book shelves lining the walls. Behind a large desk sits a gorgeous sophisticated looking woman with her long hair done up in a bun.

"Hello I am Avery Stark your representative with Procure and Private and you are Kirk X or should I call you Darrick Cross?" She asked in a very professional manner despite the extreme revelation that she had just admitted.

Darick immediately went on the defensive to look around for a possible ambush which there was none. The secretary had closed the door behind him as soon as he had come in so there was no-one else around.

"Do not worry Mr.Cross, I am sorry for startling you it is simply part of my power of deduction. I am under an oath not to reveal personal information about a client but if it would put you at ease I can swear another to you as a part our contract. Speaking of which, since currency doesn't really matter to you or your seemingly infinitely wealthy associate I would have to assume you want the highest standards we can provide so I will make this contract simple." She claims while quickly filling out a contract which stated that in exchange for a ridiculous amount of gold which Darick was sure Tral would be pissed about having to make, the company and all employees would do everything in their ability to provide information and privacy for Darick and Tral which included going against the church and military.

This contract was backed by a binding ritual to ensure that both sides would keep their end of the bargain. They both agreed sealing the deal with a magical flash of light.

Afterwards she very satisfyingly said with a smile "For this kind of money the church can go fuck itself and since you basically just bought our company I'm going to need to pass this oath around as our new company policy or it will backfire on me horribly so anyone who doesn't sign will be immediately fired. Don't worry your names will be removed to be replaced with the position of most esteemed customers which will only be revealed after they have been bound to protect the privacy of yourself and Mr.Salvara."

She continued to list out various details of their services which included a chauffeur as well as a shadow agent to make sure that he wasn't followed. An account was made out in his name with a large sum of money placed in it and she guaranteed arrangements would be made to dissuade the local security forces to ignore the two friends before asking for any information the organization could look into for them.

His demands where mostly involving finding Gè Míng, getting a detailed report on the Divine sect and also finding out about Gara as well as Arc's situation even though they were very far away. All these goals were agreed to without a second thought while he was provided an advanced phone to keep in contact with the company.

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