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63.63% Path of Creation / Chapter 56: Gè sect

Chapter 56: Gè sect

The now reunited group quickly made their way towards the coast in an old truck they bought after the battle.

Gè Míng was excitedly talking about the fight still and how Prudence was one of the disciples that served the man who killed his father.

Apparently he was supposed to be brought back to the sect alive and in good condition as it was a high priority to the master for some reason.

Gè Míng was asking Tral some questions about his cultivation "So I saw those Qi blades you were using but they seemed pretty weird Dr.Sal, like I've never seen them all red like that in my sect even though we have a similar move."

Tral chuckled a bit at then explained "I'd barely call myself a cultivator lil Gè as I only had the chance to pick up a minor training method so I have to supplement my moves with a different energy source or I wouldn't have enough Qi to use it at all."

Gè Míng nods with understanding at this before Tral continues with a question if his own "You definitely know a lot more about this kind of thing then we do Gè Míng, there's noway we could convince you to teach us some of your great wisdom is there?"

Gè Míng right away shook his head at this "Only a member of the Gè sect is allowed to train in our ways and only the patriarch can let people in. That jerk even renamed the sect after he took over calling it something ridiculous like the Divine sect even though that jerk has nothing good about him. So the Gè sect doesn't even exist anymore."

This revelation excited Tral who asked again " What are you talking about, we have Gè Míng right here? You definitely said that you were a member of the Gè sect when we met, so if you're the last member doesn't that make you the patriarch?"

Gè Míng was shocked at this but quickly recovered to boast with pride"Ya I guess I am.. It just goes to show how great I am eh."

Tral eggs him on with flowery words "Well great patriarch, for someone of your distinguished position it is only right that you have underlings to do your bidding for a great leader can't lower themselves to do everything. So please mighty patriarch would you take this lowly servant in as a disciple to learn some of your mighty way that I may help to bring glory back to the Gè sect?"

Darick rolled his eyes at this but Gè Míng seemed to take it quite seriously before replying "This is a very serious undertaking as you would have to swear loyalty to the Gè sect… what about you Darick, I can't just take on one disciple ad you two would have to spar as I give pointers?"

Darick smiled at this to look at Tral who was suddenly starting to regret this "Oh I would love to help a fellow disciple learn a lesson or two especially after my recent training allon my own it would be refreshing to share the experience."

Gè Míng ignored their little interaction still caught up in being the patriarch of the Gè sect to state quite boldly "Then it is settled, after you two swear to never betray me or the Gè sect we can start right away. I can't wait to see the look on that jerks face when he faces the new Gè sect that he thought he destroyed with his cheating ways."

After saying this Gè Míng rummaged around in his bag to pull out an old scroll. He had them pullover to perform the initiation ceremony az he had them place their hands on the scroll to swear an oath of loyalty to his Gè sect under the patriarch Gè Míng.

Once completed Gè Míng held his head high and ordered them to continue on their journey while he explained many of the finer points of cultivating such as different aspects about the energy of the world and how to better refine it or get it to flow through the meridians without even getting into actual techniques as he would say that they are still much to early for such methods without a practical understanding of the subject matter.

He had a great deal of knowledge about the body and how energy flowed through it to the various points. Darick was having a much harder time grasping much of what was being taught getting Gè Míng to go over many of the finer points many times in different ways to help enlighten him to actually start to have a rudimentary understanding of the spiritual network within himself.

They proceeded on like this for another day before they reached the coast and Tral had something to show his new master that left Gè Míng absolutely shocked.

"You know how I use explosions in battle well that's not the full extent of my power sensei. My real name is Tral Salvara and the church has been after me as a resource for my ability to create at will." Tral claims as he raises his hands in the air over the water dramatically which Gè Míng finds funny until out of nowhere a medium sized fishing ship appears just above the surface to land in the waves.

Gè Míng is so surprised he nearly falls over from shock before recovering standing proudly to claim "Well of course disciples of Gè Míng would be amazing! Not just any casuals can become members of the mighty Gè sect."

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