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56.81% Path of Creation / Chapter 50: Worst kind of therapy

Chapter 50: Worst kind of therapy

Deep within the Heart institute there as a room isolated from the world with a rather grumpy looking purple cat sitting in the middle of a couch.

Over the intercom there was the soothing voice of a professional therapist talking to this unruly feline. "How are we doing today Gara?"

After a long pause the cat replies in the pissed off tone of young lady "Oh you know the usual doc, somewhere between annoyed by the sound of your voice and wanting to be let the hell out of here!"

The therapist calmly suggests as she has many times before "Well that can be arranged if you just start behaving yourself and help the scientists do their job but you know this already at this point so how about we start talking about why you refuse to be reasonable."

The cat turns into a replica of the blond therapist complete with her usual lab coat and spectacles before replying in the same calm tone "I would like to know how you keep refusing to see reason when you continuesly ask for something I can't do for you. Making the same poor choices over and over yet expecting a different result is highly unbecoming of a professional and you know you are smarter then this."

The therapist sighs before continuing "This is an excuse to avoid the topic, maybe if you put in as much effort into helping others out as you did in your games then maybe we could be having this conversation in a better setting."

The imprisoned shapeshift laughs at this before making a sarcastic remark "Oh I'm sorry doctor, I would love to be treated like a pretty princess instead of a prisoner let me just go CREATE LIFE for you! I'm sUrE it won't take long with all the internal organs I have" As she says this her chest rips open and all manner of organs spill out onto the floor in a very graphic manner which would horrify most people yet the intercom comes on again with the same calm voice.

"This is what I get for seeing you through a video chat, please act in a civilized manner Gara. You know that the higher ups don't think that you are actually trying when you have outbursts like this but I understand that this can be very frustrating so maybe we can go over the anatomy again to make the scientists understand the issues a little better" The voice tried to convince her while putting on slides of various aspects of ovaries all over the walls.

The replica of the therapist screams in an inhuman way before clawing out her own eyes "This is SoOoo stupid how could such a distinguished career in psychology lead me to such a chauvinistic abuse of authority. My glorious mind twisted and forced to try and convince someone to do something they physically can't do but if I say no, the church will kill me or worse so I'm forced to torture myself till they finally end this misery."

It takes a while for the intercom to reply this time as Gara keeps transforming into various tortured versions of the therapist.

When it does the voice is much more stern "I understand your troubles but there has to be something you are overlooking as you can replicate every other organ and their functions in an adequate manner which only leaves it to reason that you are personally choosing not to perform the required task"

Gara reforms into a solid shape but this time it is a different therapist and what she says sends a chill down the spine of the woman tasked with getting her to comply "Oh dear miss replacement that's just what the last therapist said and it would seem you are getting closer to being told to have one on one sessions in the same room as me which are definitely better as the patient feels so much more comfortable studying the organs first hand close and personal. If you can't be of use for your mind then I guess your body will be more useful or didn't they tell you that I only study those that study me."

With that the locked up therapist giggles childishly before unhinging her jaw to reveal thousands of razor sharp teeth that then shoot out of the gaping mouth attached to tentacles to strike at all the cameras which are protected from harm but the real target being the therapist's mind was believed to be hit while all that the cameras reveal from inside the room from then on is a mass of flesh and teeth.

The microphones pick up the mimicked voice of the therapist coming from within that mess of twisting flesdh singing "Ring around the rosy♪"

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