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54.54% Path of Creation / Chapter 48: A new companion

Chapter 48: A new companion

After the fight Gè Míng wouldn't leave Darick alone asking him all sorts of questions but quickly those stopped as out of the truck hoped a fully covered strange man in a biker suit.

This new stranger that came with Darick had music playing out of speakers on him and held a medical case in one hand.

Darick didn't pay him much attention but Gè Míng just stared at him quietly while he went from punk to punk to inject them with first an empty needle which he drew blood then a full needle with a mixture that seemed to help heal before skipping over to Darick who was trying to convince the old lady in the car that her husband would be alright despite being knocked out by the airbag.

"Well that was neat wasn't it. Here give this to the old man it should wake him right up and I have a little healing potion right here that should help the recovery process" the weirdo said throwing a needle at Darick who casually grabs it out of the air.

"Hey there little guy, you got quite the fight in you for someone so young. I loved how you didn't even break a sweat beating those baddies to a pulp, I'm Dr.Sal Darick's friend nice to meet ya." Tral tells Gè Míng over the speaker in his helmet.

Gè Míng cocks his head to the side confused "What's wrong with you old man never met a doctor so unhealthy before.. like how do you even finct, your aura is a messed up?"

This stops Tral's happy antics to explain "Ok look kid, I have have a health condition and I'm not old, only nineteen.. geeze kids this days have no manners."

Gè Míng only looks somewhat convinced by this but Darick reassures him that his doctor friend is alright so he drops the subject.

The old man wakes up quickly after the injection followed by a slightly confused reaction to the biker now giving him a medical check up before being to drink a green liquid presented in a vial.

Soon his condition stabilizes and they thank the group of vigilantes greatly for their help before driving off.

"Well Gè Míng, what do you say about having lunch real quick before we have to go then maybe we can drive you home?" Darick suggests while Tral goes back to the truck to grab (make) sandwiches and juice although he doesn't eat himself and prefers to sit back in the truck while mumbling about how his isn't old.

Gè Míng happily takes the food but doesn't say anything till he is done eating like crazy as they sit on the tailgate then says in a sad way "I don't really have a home right now. Been roaming about for almost a year now since my grandpa died but no worries mister, Gè Míng can handle himself just fine."

Darick is a little taken aback by this "What, no way kid? That's not how a growing boy should be raised, you need some stability and lots of food to get big and strong like me."

Tral immediately chimes in from the truck "It's not exactly stable with us Darick but we do have food and will be going to a city out of the way where someone not the church might be convinced to take him in."

Darick nods his head at this "There it's settled you're coming with us till we find you a proper home cause all this wild boy stuff isn't going to do you any good."

Gè Míng is pretty hesitant even though he likes Darick but the deal is sealed when Tral casually hangs a large bag of candy out of the truck window saying "bet you haven't had the sweet stuff in a while kid and I may have quite the suger pile stashed away in here but if you'd rather miss out on all this delicious candy, I'm sure wild squirrels can't be that much different.."

Gè Míng agreed way to quickly acter that before running off to grab a duffle bag that was hilariously bigger then him but didn't seem to have a problem carrying it as he easily tossed it into the back of the truck.

With that decided everyone got into the truck and they kept on their way with Gè Míng asking all kinds of questions about their destination. Which Tral explained was an island to the south where the city of Kalsar stood.

He went on to say that he was supposed to meet up with an other doctor there to swap research notes which immediately bored Gè Míng right out of the conversation returning the topic to the fight from earlier.

"Gee you're strong mister, are you a cultivator as well?" Gè Míng asks Darick while tugging at his arm.

Darick just chuckles before bragging "No way kid, most people don't get to learn that stuff. I'm just born lucky with awesome strength and toughness."

Gè Míng looks a little down at this so Tral changes the subject "The Gè in your name wouldn't happen to be from the Gè sect would it? I heard you sect types had special privileges to form family's due to passing down your techniques."

Gè Míng smiled proudly boasting "Ya it's the greatest sect around full of mighty heroic fighters.." then he looks down again "or at least it used to be that way.. Grandpa says that we don't pass down positions in the sect as they have to be earned in combat which was fine till the church had us train outsiders who eventually took over cause they got better resources."

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