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53.4% Path of Creation / Chapter 47: Gè Míng

Chapter 47: Gè Míng

The duo head south the next night moving on bikes at a considerable pace. Darick felt more alive then ever with a new strange surging through his body right to the bones.

They had decided to travel through some of the next day as well once they cleared the mountains with Tral in a full biking outfit as well as switching over to a truck that was equally tinted to help his eyes.

It also helped that Tral had started making what he liked to call Extreme-Thirst-Mutalator! energy drinks that was keeping Darick vibrating in his seat. Tral claimed that it had what the body craves but Darick had some serious doubts especially since he was having a hard time closing his eyes or otherwise controlling the constant jittering of his body.

It as about mid-day as they were driving down a back road when Darick saw up ahead a beat up van covered in spray paint in the middle of the road as well as old car that the van was blocking.

Around the old car was a bunch of punks beating on it with all manner of implements ranging from pipes to what looked like a stopsign while threatening the older couple inside.

As the duos truck was pulling up to this scene a small boy jumps out of a nearby tree to intervene in an almost comical expression of heroism.

"Tral wake up you got to see this or you won't believe it" Darick says shaking his friend.

"Dude you deal with it it's to bright... what is that kid doing?" Tral says in a confused manner.

Outside this kid runs up to the punks you stop what they are doing to point and laugh at him "whatcha think you're doing here little brat, you want some of this" taunts a high elf with a vibrant mohawk as he waves his stop sign in the air.

This southerner kid puts his hands at his waist and in this pose he claims "I'm Gè Míng and I do want you to stop what you are doing evil doer!"

This punks look at each other for a second in disbelief before they all burst out laughing incredibly hard "Ahahahahaaa little kid ahahaa you're way to much right now... what do you even think we are going to do, stop and surrender to your awesome might Ahahahaa"

One of the punks is laughing so hard as he hits the hood of the car that the airbag goes off inside which only makes him laugh harder till he is actually rolling on the ground.

Darick gets out of the truck at this point to get involved but the kid holds up his hand saying on a serious tone "Stand back civilian, Gè Míng is here so there is nothing to worry about."

After he says that the kid runs rather quickly towards a nearby punk who barely stops laughing long enough to kick out at the boy only Gè Míng half dodges while grabbing leg and strikes down at the assailants knee with startling speed causing the leg to bend backward with a resounding crack.

"AWE YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Is all that punk had to say before Gè Míng swiftly kicks the teeth right out of the mans mouth sending him to lay unconscious in a pile on the side of the road.

This made all the others immediately stop laughing and take this kid seriously with the stop sign wielding high elf who seemed to be the leader yell "Getm boys! Ain't nobody fuck wit a reaper crew even if they be a brat!"

Two men rush Gè Míng from each side swinging their weapons at his head only to have him jump up and kick off the weapons to head butt one of them in the face sending straight to the ground before changing into a backflip to land on the second mans shoulders.

This one who is clearly not to bright tries to hit Gè Míng only to hit himself on the head with his pipe as Gè Míng is already leaped off of him headed towards stop sign guy which seems to be using the stop sign as a staff to channel a spell.

Before Gè Míng reaches the leader two women come out from either side of the boss. One with butterfly knives and the other with a set of nunchucks.

They are both very well coordinated and especially fast forcing the kid to dodge and weave at on unbelievable rate to the point that he was making after images causing the punk chicks to start aiming at the wrong place.

Eventually Gè Míng was able to grab one of the nunchucks as it swung by him to rip it right out of its wielders hands and parry a butterfly knife with it forcing the chicks to back up in confusion.

There stood Gè Míng now armed with a nunchuck as he started to whip it around his body in an elegant but furious style well beyond what the original owner was capable of before stopping suddenly as he released a strike through the air that sent a shock wave that forced the two backwards to avoid serious harm.

"Holy shit boss, this kid is a cultivator!" One woman shouts out in surprise before the kid responds like a champion "Ya that's right you're dealing with Gè Míng now, I'm nine and a half years old!"

But for anyone else could react the high elf finishes his spell sending a hexagram of runes that surround the boy completely freezing him in place.

The high elf now exhausted gave the order for the women to finish the job. They ran up to Gè Míng with murder in their eyes swinging their weapons with full force without a shred of leniency for the kid.

Their attacks bounced off two robust arms and as the looked up, there behind the immobile Gè Míng stood Darick with an unimpressed look on his face slowly shaking his head.

"Yeaaaa by now I think you've realized that you're going to have a bad time today." Was all he said before grabbing them by the head and smacking those heads together leaving the women unconscious with the rest of the crew.

The high elf who had already exhausted his strongest spell pulled out a revolver from behind his waist and emptied it into the slowly on coming Darick to little effect.

"Oh bloody hell don't tell me you're a cultivator too. Screw this noise." the elf cursed as he ran back to the van to drive away but the van won't move as Darick firmly held the back bumper.

"Well time to test out wether those potions of Tral's actually made a difference" He said as he lifted the back of the van into the air then grabbed the underneath to lift the whole vehicle into the air before throwing it as far as he could off the road which ended up being at least a dozen meters before it crashed in a wrecked heap making the airbags knock the elf out as the van caught on fire.

Darick being a gentleman went and pulled the elf from the drivers seat before it exploded behind him.

By then Gè Míng had become mobile again and was cheering Darick on "That was so cool big bro! You were all (throwing motion) and the van was all Caploosh! BoOm! (exaggerated hand motions) while you walked away!"

Darick laughed as the kid jumped around with excitement "Ok little buddy... Gè Míng was it? You were pretty cool too with your nunchuck skills, how about we help this get this couple out of here then we can share some awesome stories over dinner?"

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