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50% Path of Creation / Chapter 44: Darick does questionable things

Chapter 44: Darick does questionable things

The morning came as Darick woke up a little late to find Tral's note with quite a bit of dry rations for his breakfast.

He assumed Tral had made it but after reading the note learned it was from the merchants as well as that the village was now cut off from the rest of the world as the only path had been quite blocked by the landslide.

He wasn't too pleased about his task that day but had accepted that many sacrifices had to be made to fight the church so he got ready to go to where Tral indicated there were plenty of herbs in the area to look for a subject to feed to his friend.

He had ditched the jet pack as to be more stealthy which wasn't his strong suit. After a few hours of arduous climbing he eventually got to the place but couldn't seem to find anyone even after waiting a while.

he almost gave up hope when a voice called out to him from above. "Hey! whatcha doing around here, you're not from the village. This here is our herds you mangy thief."

Above him a ways was a gangly teen with a basket half full of herbs casually clinging to the cliffside.

Darick was a bit shocked but soon recovered to respond "I'm actually pretty lost right now just came through the mountains. I don't want your stinking herbs but I'll pay you to show me out of this place kid"

The teen got all offended but curious "I ain't no kid you over grown turd, I'm fifteen and a half but I'll show you back to ma village for five silver pieces."

Darick was dumb struck for a moment at how stupid this kid was but quickly responded "All I have is gold I'm sure you would rather one of those and maybe show some manners while you're at it." He offered out a gold piece well within his reach for the service.

The kid quickly climbed down to his level with excitement "well sorry sir, I didn't know you was so generous please follow me." as he said that he reached out for the coin which Darick quickly tossed straight up in the air to the teens confusion.

As the teens eyes followed the gold through the air Darick grabbed his arm to drag him close before putting him in a headlock before he could yell out.

The teen struggled for a bit in confusion as the coin casually bounced down the mountain before passing out.

Darick then carried the unconscious teen back to the makeshift camp leaving the basket and coin behind as they held little interest to him.

Once back he tied the teen up before waiting till he woke up again. Needless to saw the kid was pissed at being tricked in such a manner and spent a good deal of time belly-aching over it.

"You'll pay for this you two bit no good bandit, when ma pa n the others realize I'm gone you'll have a dozen armed warriors searching these cliffs for ya and they sure as spit are better at climbing then an oaf like yooou" He taunts much to Darick's amusement who let's him go off for a bit before silencing him by asking for information when the teen wears himself out.

"Ok kid, you better tell me everything you know about the village before my friend wakes up as he's not going to ask nicely. I already know about your village chiefs strength power at peak earth rank and the location of the shamans hut but you need to tell be some details on everything or there is a good chance you won't be seeing tomorrow if you know what I mean." Darick intimates the teen while casually punching his palm in a threatening manner.

"If you're a bandit scout trying to scope out ma village, you wa-you w-won't get nothing from me." the teen stammers while pissing his pants at the thought of dying.

Darick stands up causing the teen to flinch before stating in a cold manner "I'm no bandit and there is nothing you can do to stop what is coming for your village boy. My friend sleeping in the cave behind me is a real cold blooded vampire and if you don't tell me then he will simply drink the information out of you when he wakes up... but I will give you a chance to save your life as well as the lives of as many villagers as possible if you just answer the questions truthfully. They only people to get killed will be the ones who get in the way so you need to think real carefully about who is going to be between us and both the chief and the shaman so as they can be avoided thus saving their lives."

At this revelation the teen is stunned scared looking from Darick to the dark cave behind him.

"V-v-v-va-vampire jus like the stories?" Darick simply nods in reply "much worse then the stories but I'll promise if you tell me the guards positions then I will lead him right to his targets so that less have to die pointlessly do we have a deal kid?"

Darick gives the boy some time to process what is happening before the teen responds "I-I-I'll t-tell ya what ya want to know j-just pl-please don't kill ma family." he begs with tears in his eyes which just breaks Daricks heart. "I promise kid alright. I try to keep my friend in line but he is difficult to deal with so make this easy so that we can get those two we are after and be gone by tomorrow."

At this the boy relents spilling the beans on the guards routine as well as everything else about the village crying the whole time.

After Darick writes it all down he picks up the teen and carries him up the mountain to a cave far away from the village. At this time the sun is starting reach the peak of the mountain and He warns the boy to stay there until sunrise if he knows what's good for him.

By the time he gets back to camp the sun isn't shining anymore and Tral is out stretching his arms in anticipation for the coming conflict.

"what no luck with getting some villager Darick?" he asks before darick explains the information he got while telling his friend to only go after the main targets as he doesn't want to cause a scene which Tral reluctantly agrees to with a spoiled remark "Fiiiine I'll try to keep it to a minimum for you"

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