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46.59% Path of Creation / Chapter 41: Heart institute

Chapter 41: Heart institute

Far from those strange mountains, deep in the heart of the central military complex. An advanced facility gleams with that new authoritarian feel.

In the recently created heart institute, workers where busy preparing for the only experiments that mattered to them. Forever on high alert, they rush around the most sophisticated containment unit build from the work of the greatest artificers and Scientists the military has to employ.

Inside a haze of strange yet tantalizing fumes, powered man wearing nothing approaches a jar of gleaming liquid. After nervously injecting even more powerful drugs into the jar, it's lid is unsealed.

From it the strange liquid moves out like a snake uncoiling to raise its shining head. This head turns into a beautiful lady that slowing as if entranced moves toward the naked man who wether due to the aphrodisiacs in the air or the raw splendor of the being before him can't help but move forward.

They embrace in deeply intimate contact, their bodies entwined. For a moment the act is of carnal lust bit soon the beautiful being starts to melt into the man becoming far to carnal for him to handle.

As he starts to resist the being only fuses deeper into his skin which attempts to regenerate as he tried to get away but there is no escape from what has already seeped partially into his body.

He's useless struggles soon stops as the once beautiful lady now mostly liquid again reaches his core before being completely absorbed by him.

He lays against the nearby wall completely zoned out. Scientists outside the room attentively study this interaction for several minutes before the head researcher operates the intercom "subject 311 please report"

The man breaks from his passive state almost immediately quickly turning his head towards the intercom before saying "I think she has become dormant sir, it feels weird like some thing is all tangled around my organs but she stopped moving just mildly… pulsing?"

"That's excellent news 311. Please remain in the testing chamber and go towards the magic circle by the door so that we may try and induce pregnancy." The intercom orders.

The subject quickly goes into the circle as he is surounded by magical light. This process continues for a time before he calls out excitedly

"I think it's working sir, I can feel like my lower area is being drained as it regenerates and she has swollen up a bit in my mid section before going Dormant again."

After a short moment for the scientists to discuss the intercom cracks to life again the voice full of excitement "Ok if she is dormant, then we will open the door to the lab to run a few deeper tests."

The solid security door cracks open to a hallway leading to an advanced testing chamber where a couple scientists and a priest have prepared various scanning abilities from technological to magical arrays to the divine sense of the priest.

The subject walks onto a platform in the center but before he gets to the top he suddenly stops. The priest warns "The queen is moving again filling up his body."

This warning came right before the subjects head snaps in a sickly fashion towards the priest who is slightly behind him and in a twisted voice that's sounds like it came from multiple people it speaks out. "You're just a god slut trying to be a pimp but you will die a useless broken tool."

The subjects body swiftly cracks and bends in ways it should never go as it's arms and legs reverse in a grotesque manner before it leaps at the priest who shines with a radiant light melting the flesh of the subject to the bone but this doesn't even phase the twisted being who reaches the priest as a crispy skeletal figure to wrap him in an embrace causing him to burn himself at which point he stops his light so that the heat of the skeleton ceases to burn him back yet that only made it worse as out of the bones hundreds of needle like spikes protrude into every part of the priest before ripping him to shreds.

In a matter of moments despite the nearby mages and powereds best effort, they are all violated in a most violent manner ending the lives off all but one in the room before that glimmering liquid jumps into a nearby crack between the security door.

It swiftly squeezes it's way to the otherside where it runs into several guards killing all but one which it enters before that guard starts running towards the next exit calling over the radio "The queen has escaped through the cracks in the door, she is too quick for us to contain send reinforcements."

As the next door opens that guard is immediately hit with a hail of bullets and ice forcing the liquid being to leap into the mechanics of the door and from there to the nearby circuits that power it although those are soon over charged with a defense mechanism shocking the being back out into the open.

It immediately moves from wall to ceiling dodging the many magical attacks to reach their casters to tear them limb from limb before barriers seal it in from all sides halting it's advance.

As it hangs in the air trying to break these bonds in many forms it is quickly surrounded by many more soldiers. A strange gas comes from the door entering the barriers causing the liquid being to struggle less and less. A northern woman with an air of superiority comes from out from the entrance with this strange gas emanating from her pores.

"What will it take to make you behave Hearts? These protests are simply unacceptable and I am no push over like the old Spades was. This is my club and I cannot have such an unruly guest here, take her back to her cell and punish her accordingly." The lady known as the Queen of Clubs orders as the mage soldiers hastily move the barrier holding a defeated Gara back towards the containment unit.

The doors slam shut behind them showing a painted on sign that is placed all over the facility. A big red heart that simply says "Danger!" in the middle.

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