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37.5% Path of Creation / Chapter 33: Gara's holiday

Chapter 33: Gara's holiday

With idiot one (her brother) and idiot two (Darick) out of town to deal with collecting Riddick's Intel and Arc being busy obsessed with various projects, Gara found herself with very little to do.

She had herself various ID's to easily get around however necessary and decided to go out on the town. She hadn't made much of real friends in Desrosa so she thought maybe she could assume her secretary form and ask Laura to show her around if she wasn't too busy.

"well she did say to come by her place and I could just say some shit like, I'm just dropping off these different designs.. (takes a long drag of her smoke) Fuck it, get yourself together Gara." She says to herself on the way over.

When she arrives she is shocked to find the building is an absolute mansion covered in ornate sculptures with an intricate fence along the outside. At the front gate is a bored looking guard in a booth which she promptly walks up to causing him to raise an eye brow.

"Hello there, I'm from Need-A-Hand? and ..." but before she could finish he buzzes her through opening the large mechanical gates.

"alrighty then I guess I'll just wander around a bit." she says although on the other side a custodian is there to show her into a fansy lobby which is packed with all manner of people most carrying different gifts.

There a receptionist asks with generally interested look "Name and purpose for visiting?"

"Stacy Evins with Need-A-Hand? I have a few design for the arm for as well as to schedule a time for testing." Gara claims showing off the bag she brought with her which had an arm sticking out that looked almost real, perfectly matching Laura's real arm.

The receptionist jumped up immediately "oh so sorry ms.Evins, we just didn't expect you so soon. I was told to bring you in right away, please come with me."

As they are about to leave much to the suprise of the many people in the waiting room. A distinguished man comes up behind Gara and tries to place a package in her bag but Gara immediately spins around swinging the back of her hand into his spectacled face sending him to the ground with blood gushing out of his nose.

"Oops I'm soO sorry, I didn't see you there. You really shouldn't sneak up on a lady like that, what ever might people think" Gara mock apologies before promptly turning around again.

"Y-u Butch, h-w dur y-u! Du yu knuw whu I um" the man splutters trying to speak through the blood.

much to his dismay everyone in the room hears Gara say as she walks out of the room "You're a bit of a mess, you should probably clean up"

The receptionist tries very hard to keep a straight face "ms.Evins you are quite the character, I can see why the lady took a liking to you but you really should be more careful as that gentleman has significant standing in Desrosa."

"well I didn't see him standing very well back there, thank you for your concern but I can handle my own safety well enough" Gara simply replies garnering quite a bit of respect as she was lead into a study on the second floor.

There by the fire is Ms.Laren with a glass of wine in one hand and a book in the other seemingly transfixed.

"It seems that it is I who is intruding on you this time Ms.Laren." Gara ventures as she keeps her distance.

Laura jumps a bit slightly startled before turning around "Oh ms... Evins was it? Sorry I didn't hear you come in this book is simply amazing. What can I do for you?"

"Please call me Stacy, I just came by with a more appropriate arm as well as a few ideas we could go over for some tests our prosthetist who like to run. I just had some free time so came by to drop it off and maybe try to figure this district out as I'm still pretty new around here." Gara mentions as she reveals the life like new arm that was fully functional while also covered in a soft treated leather made to look just like Laura's real arm.

"Oh wow that's remarkable work, you didn't just pop that off someone on the way here did you" Laura jokes while marvelling at the arm before turning back to Gara "But if you're not on the clock this is simply unacceptable, come now leave this work here cause we must go show you what this district has to offer." With that she stamps her foot twice and from a side door a butler appears "Yes ma'am?"

"Jophery, would you be a dear and get one of the cars ready we shall be headed to the Ritz Gardain to make a day of it" Laura states in her eloquent manner much to Gara's shock.

"Aren't you busy here though, I really shouldn't keep you from your business" she says quite surprised at how fast this was all happening.

"Nonsense dear, if I cared about those people out there then they would be in here." Laura announced before rushing Gara through the door to an elevator that went to way up passing right into the sixth district above the mansion before opening into a staggeringly enormous garage which even had a few planes parked before hanger doors.

A luxurious limousine pulled up driven by Jophery who quickly got out to open the door for them as they arrived. Once inside Laura started to pour drinks for the two of them saying "You would not believe how much money people pay for a good magical artifact these days, I swear I'm running out of things to buy but wait till you see this place we are going, they make you feel like a queen guaranteed."

She was not wrong either as the Ritz Gardain looked just like a proper palace embroidered with gold and jewels everywhere they looked.

The appearance of paradise complete with a vapor fog that wrapped around forming a cloud like moat.

After going through a daze of splendor the ladies found themselves in a deluxe dining area full of exotic and delicatessent food and drinks.

Their backs massaged as they casually talked to each other.

"This is truly unbelievable, I had thought that I had experienced some of the finer things on life before but this really takes the cake, speaking of which" Gara says as she sees a cake literally floating by her before plucking a piece out of the air.

"Awe yes, I do love this place and just wait till you get to the spa as it will just melt you're body into jelly" Laura brags before popping a grape into her mouth.

They spend a few hours chatting about various things before going to the hot springs where they receive the royal treatment from skilled masseuses to relax their every muscle.

Gara yawns in exquisite comfort "This really is some thing else, I'm so glad I visited you now " her eyes drooping down.

"well what can I say Gara, we just don't have the Hearts to leave you out and we feel you deserve to be treated like the queen you are, isn't that right Clubs darling" Laura says to another woman as Gara passes out from all the treatment.

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