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34.09% Path of Creation / Chapter 30: Twisted dragon

Chapter 30: Twisted dragon

With all the prep work completed Tral and Darick went out the next evening with the associates Tral had made who seemed rather pleased about the event.

One tubby southerner in a suit that seemed rather tight on him was going off about the place "Samual (Tral's fake name) I am so glad you invited us to The Twisted Dragon. I've never gone myself as a simple tailor like me finds the place quite pricy but since you are such a good friend, how could I refuse you're wonderful invitation for a going away party."

"Awe come on now my friend Jong, I will be away from all this for atleast a week. How could I not enjoy the finer things the great city Desrosa has to offer with my esteemed to colleagues who have been so gracious to show me around some of the funnest establishments I've ever been" Tral brags while the others laugh merrily.

An other business associate, one of the more deplorable ones a northern lady by the name of Elandra who runs one of the red light district establishments "Pixies Paradise" that the group frequents chimes in "Oh I've heard their dancers are out of this world. Although I heard there was an accident there rather recently. I won't allow such a poor show at my place." She snidely comments with her silver tongue much to the amusement of a couple of the others who are loyal customers of hers.

"Ela, Ela, I can't simply to drive away your customers with just a show. It's actually that very accident you speak off that brought my attention to the place. They happened to come into our shop with an order for the poor lady and attracted our helpers attention who just begged me to bring him there before we set off." Tral eloquently described going on to say "How then could I possibly turn down such a chance to get further into the old man's pocket.. achem I mean good graces by personally seeing the client to finalize business."

This was met with a hearty laugh all around as Tral had done wonders worming his way into this group over the last few weeks.

As the group neared the Twisted Dragon Lounge it's wonder showed as the whole place was extravagantly designed in proper southern pagoda style with a massive upsidedown coiling dragon that weaved it's way around the structure with its head opening up as the entrance. It's scales faintly glowing and shimmering to the awe of the customers.

As they waited in line outside they chatted excitedly except for Darick who felt kinda left out as he didn't hangout with these people very often but to the chance to act nervous and impatient which he has been practicing as his addict act which after going through many shady locations recently he has actually picked up quite well.

"Hey there… um Timmy was it, there is no need to be all antsy, here have some of this it will calm you down" one of the businessmen said offering a couple suspicious pills to Darrick who with one look quickly responded "It's Tom and Zazzy doesn't work on me. My strength is a curse.. j-just don't m-mind me, I'll have something inside".

He gets a couple weird looks but they soon reach the doors where the bouncers check for weapons and ask for a cover which Tral 'graciously' supplies for everyone before they are let in where a waitress brings them to a table as they are a sizable party.

After drinks are ordered Tral speaks up "I'm from Need-A-Hand? And would like to talk to a member of management, after the show of course there is no rush"

The waitress nods and as she leaves Darick claims to need the restroom and quickly catches up to her. "I was given this card, I believe it means something here" he asks nervously showing her the card to which she simply points to a large bouncer guarding a stairway in the corner.

As Darick approaches the large over seven foot blocky bouncer who looks to be made of stone puts up his hand to stop him and he hears a high pitch whiny voice "Stop right there, this is a V.I.P. section. Invite only"

It's only then that Darick sees a comically short man wearing a stripped suit with a tall hat and shoes sitting on a high chair next to the bouncer.

"I received this card earlier and was told to come here" Darick explains showing off the card which the large bouncer grabs with his massive hands before giving it to the comical midget.

"You must be new, I never forget a face. Who are you eh, out with yourself?" the high pitched voice asks irritably.

Darick is a little shocked but explains "M-my name is Tom Sawyer and I work at the Need-A-Hand? Prosthetic store. I was told-" but before he could finish the shrimp screamed at him "HEY! Fuck off you oversized buffoon, either tell me the truth or beat it, I don't have time for bullshit!"

This causes Darick no end of worry and he droos the druggy act completely "I can't tell you my real name ("bullshit!") but I really do want to see Dimitri for the drug as me and my friends have been told it would be very helpful to us and I assure you I mean no ill intent."

"Well that's at least better but rules are rules. No name, no entry. We don't care what crimes you've committed but NO BULLSHIT!" The midget whines.

As they are arguing, Tral comes up behind darick to lean on his shoulder slightly drunk already "Hey, buddy what's the hold up. We going to get the good stuff finally or what?"

The Midget gets even more irritable "As I told your friend, REAL NAME OR LEAVE!"

"WhAt gives bud? Ifa we wanta to harm you guys, there's no-one you got who could stop us anyway so chill out.. geeeez we just (*hic) want to buy some drugs." Tral rambles causing the stone bounce to advance menacingly cracking his huge knuckles.

The midget is a little shocked and visibly shivers but soon snaps out of it "whoa whoa hold up Brute, let's all take it easy here. You guys don't want to harm us and if we have no-one that can stop you anyway there is no need to fight."

"I may not like it but it's a good enough pass for me. Get up there you crazy bastards and you can explain more to Dimitri." The Midget says while signalling for Brute to get out of the way.

"Alrighty then, that wasn't hard eh. Onward bro, don't see what all the fuss is about. Here have a tip, there's more of that if you treat us right eh." Tral drunkenly says tossing a bag of gold at the midget which Brute blocks and grabs rather quickly as the two friends pass the guards to go upstairs.

After they leave the midget breaks out in a sweat "Brute my man, that guy was just telling The-Truth… If he is stronger then those guys we have in back, we really dodged a bullet there. It sure scares the crap out of me that people who can level cities are out getting drunk, I have to tell the boss real quick. Fuck." He says before hopping off his chair to go make a call as Brute makes an affirmative gravely grunt.

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