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31.81% Path of Creation / Chapter 28: Need-A-Hand?

Chapter 28: Need-A-Hand?

With their new property, the four young adults happily set up shop. Much organization and advertising had to be set up to finalize their new business.

Arc went about creating an easy to operate web page complete with menu displaying many of their generic services from mobility prosthetics to weaponized and defensive ones including many that were designed to fit artifacts or wands at the users discretion.

Tral immediately regretted being the accountant after being weighed down by paperwork which he lazily got around by hiring someone else to do it while he simply went off to haggle for parts but mostly as an excuse to go to the spa and drink under the guise of "business meetings" for which he quickly rounded up various other equally depraved business associates to legitimize his antics (not to uncommon a sight in Desrosa).

Although Tral couldn't compete with the shiftiest task which fell on Darick who was the only one actually accomplishing their goal by going to some of the more important shady businesses in search of powerful potions for which he either got thrown out (he let them do it) when asking for or after complaining about the products strength.

This results in a few tense incidences where old man Gara had to burst into the place in a rage to drag him out by the ear while show casing many of the prosthetics in the process such as one time firing a grappling net out of her fake arm while using thruster legs to drag him back to the shop gaining them quite the reputation in several locations.

When all was said and done the group had firmly established themselves. They build a large neon sign outside of their business that named the place "Need-A-Hand?" and business was actually pretty decent with a number of customers mostly looking for weaponized prosthetics or regular maintenance.

This kept them busier then they had originally expected as there actually wasn't too many prosthetics shops in Desrosa and Arc had actually gone overboard a little bit on researching the subject causing their quality to be quite high end compared to their competitors who mostly operated in the more practical use of prosthetics.

They got away with a lot more as well considering their highest quality materials were free.

As the month went on, the party had to prepare for receiving and sorting the information they would receive from Riddick going as far as to plan to send Tral and Darick out on a business trip to change back into their bounty gear without drawing suspicion to their new set up as the group had started to take quite a liking to the place.

They decided to look into the Twisted Dragon Lounge only after settling into the place for a while although they were shocked when one day right before they were scheduled to leave a waitress from the Lounge came by their place to put in an order for a leg that was to be for one of their dancers who had apparently literally broken a leg on stage a previous night during one of the routines falling into one of the lights damaging it beyond what a regular healer could fix. The dancer was currently in the hospital and the company was liable the whole incident while also wanting an intricate show piece for future dances (and as an apology to smooth things over) so they put quite a bit of money down on the new leg.

While she was there, she discreetly slipped Darick a card that he didn't even notice till later in the day.

On the card was a picture of a joker who was riding a dragon with a twisted neck.

The card simply said "Dimitri" on it so the group decided to move up their plan as it would seem suspicious for an addict to ignore such a tempting invitation.

After a little debate they thought that it would be acceptable if Tral brought his group of "business associates" to the lounge with Darick at apparently Darick's insistence as a going away party.

"For a bunch of grimy businessmen those guys actually come in handy fairly often, sharing rumors and actively supporting each other's businesses" Tral claims much to Gara's disapproval "Those grotesque jerks are definitely a bad influence on you. All you do now is wander through whore houses and get drunk, it's absolutely despicable and you have the nerve to claim that these antics are good for business while we do all the work around here!" She complains with a devilish face which is even eating the cigarette that she had in her mouth which he completely ignores.

"Hey now, if it wasn't for this genius accounting how could we have afforded to set up such a nice shop in the fifth district?" Tral says stroking his own ego causing eye rolls all around.

The siblings continued bickering as Arc went over the plans to make sure everyone would be in place.

This way if something went wrong Darick would have backup from Tral as well as Gara who prepared her regular angry old man routine with Arc operating communications between the group.

They were about to start the plan when Tral held up everything with a comment "Oh you want to do this tomorrow? That's not going to work at all cause I have plans and it's the company's day off."

Gara immediately got angry "What do you mean it's the company's day off? You don't even do anything normally and we don't have a day off!"

"Well that's not what the schedule says as per our HR departments mandate it says we get the weekend off and I made plans to go to the pool with these ladies I met the other night." Tral explained while waving around a piece of paper.

Gara huffed at this "That's ridiculous, for one we don't have an HR department so clearly you just made that document and two this mission has nothing to do with our 'Need-A-Hand?' business."

"Wow way to hate on Carol from HR, she worked all day on our paperwork and this is the thanks she gets. Some people just don't appreciate their employees." Tral said in an annoying manner which got him a serious look from Gara before he explained "I hired her a couple days ago when she came in looking for a job, what was I supposed to do? I couldn't be a jerk when she was acting so sweet and her resume said that she did HR for a hair salon chain that decided to give their employees a pay cut so I figured that we should have an HR department to mitigate all this workplace harrassment."

Gara just facepalms and walks away at this mumbling about how her stupid brother can take his day off but if he screws up any more he will see some work place harrassment.

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