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28.4% Path of Creation / Chapter 25: Riddick's Reavers

Chapter 25: Riddick's Reavers

The group quickly gathered around the suddenly conscious Arc laughing and patting him on the back while they excitedly explained what happened after he was knocked out in the fight.

Tral got carried away and grabbed Arc by the shoulders starting to shake him back an forth asking "How the hell did you pull the mana right out of Hexa's spell and send it back at her? I've never see anything like that before."

Gara quickly slapped Tral across the back of the head saying "leave off the guy, he just woke up you freaking idiot." Tral let go of Arc and rubbed the back of his head with an other sour look on his face.

Arc was almost just as excited as they were replying "I have no idea how I did that. I was just so pissed off and could feel the energy running through her magic circle so I pulled at it like I would any other energy source." He stated while scratching his head smiling.

"Well that Prudence really did a number on you, you have been out cold for a while. If it's wasn't for this wily old man, we wouldn't know what to do" Tral said while trying to point at the old man only to find that he had left while they were distracted.

Tral was surprised "Why did he just leave? I haven't even paid him yet and still owe him a big favor for all the help."

Arc looked around confused at the surrounding club "So let me get this straight.. an old man with a long beard came here and told you to do as much of this previously unknown potion as needed to become 'awakened' then kicked me awake from a coma"

Gara laughed "that is pretty much right, that or he said we should become vampires but suggested that otherwise the potion method was a very reasonable alternative considering the contents of what we were looking for"

Arc thought it over and decided "From what you've told me, I feel like there should be a meditative way to properly open the third eye and this old man seems to be full of information but didn't pass such a method along with the other ways which seem extreme at best.. " he stopped talking with a serious look on his face.

Tral interjected his thoughts with enthusiasm "I've had dealings with this old man on multiple occasions and each time he has been very helpful, quite literally running into him when I need information the most. He helped me find you guys after that kraken situation and showed up again later to convince me to not go by the town Sacirmia which I later found out was a military trap loaded with soldiers."

Arc sighed raising his hands "I don't really know without more research, it just seems weird like something is being messed with.. it feels like we will be cheating and the negative effects of that are unknown"

Darick finally adds his opinion "I think we should meet up with the bounty hunters and see what information they can gather before trying this 'wonder potion' maybe they can gather more information"

Everyone agreed that this plan would make the most sense and decided to head to the Reavers base in Desrosa which was on the fourth district which was the market district.

On the way there they indulged Arc by stopping at a cafe for espresso. While there a T.V. in the corner was showing a live coverage of a fight that was wrecking a city up north.

"Hey isn't that the super hero team Heavenly Force?" Gara commented as she gestured towards the t.v. with her smoke.

"Ya that's them alright, looks like Overpower is whooping that lizard guys all over the place." Tral replied as he casually watched.

Suddenly Darick spoke up suprised "What is Lisa doing there? It looks like she is working with the axis of villains, riding on the back of that robot."

Arc was interested and became shocked as well "That makes no sense at all! I swear the one piloting that mech is Zhu Li but she was super nice, how could she be helping someone who ratted out the resistance?"

"Maybe she was in on it and now they are undercover in the axis of villians.. Should we go after them?" Darick suggests only for Tral to immediately shoot that idea down "Hell no! That's way up in the northlands, it would take us weeks to fly across the continent. We have better things to do then go chasing your ex Darick."

Gara spoke up then "Well Arc and Zhu Li seemed to get along well at the fort. I think you two would be really cute together so maybe we should make the trip."

Arc looked shocked at this to hastily mumble some excuses that they had a lot to do in the south and that he and Zhu Li were definitely not a thing.

After the news cut to commercials the group left to see Riddick.

The base of operations for Riddick's Reavers in Desrosa was similar in style to an old-school saloon with double doors for throwing out problem customers.

It was the kind if place people only go to if they wanted something shady done and had the money to pay a group of gun crazy fools to get that job done.

Needless to say but Tral busted through those double doors in the flashiest manner drawing all kinds of attention to himself (at least he was wearing the helmet with voice modifier) and yelled "Hey there ya pussy lipped ball-less sons of whores! Who here is looking to get shot and or make a lot of money?"

The nearby bouncer drew his gun pointing it towards Tral stating "I don't care which part of the reavers you belong to but you calm down before I end you right here"

Tral walked right up to the man till the gun was resting on his helmet while staring the bouncer in the eyes before saying "bet you your life that gun is jammed."

The bouncer who is getting more nervous by the second stammered back "W-what are you mad, I just finished cleaning my gun. It's loaded and in peak condition."

Tral suddenly turns to the now silent hall full of half drunk bounty hunters who are now watching the situation intensely while he completely ignores the man with a gun to his head as the Gara, Arc and Darick enter the door behind him to casually stand at his back

Tral still ignoring the bouncer yells to the crowd

"I wouldn't trust a riddle-dicked heaver to screw in a light bulb, now unless anyone else thinks they are competent enough to pull a trigger I suggest Riddle-Dick himself get his tanned ass out here for some serious business".

In the ensuing silence after that remark, a definite click can be heard as the bouncer attempts to shoot Tral only to have his gun jam. At which point Tral without looking back tosses small magnetic device that attaches to the bouncer before activating sending electric shocks throughout his body causing the man to violently shake in place before fizzing out as Arc disables it to stop his death.

The silence resumes as everyone in the bounty house is stunned before a familiar bounty hunter comes running in from a backroom.

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