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26.13% Path of Creation / Chapter 23: Desrosa

Chapter 23: Desrosa

Far in the distance the group of four wary teens lay on the ground exhausted from the brief but deadly fight. Arc remained unconscious without any signs of waking up while Darick was hugging the ground happy to be stationary.

"What was with those people, their power was well above anything I'd ever fought and those were casuals without innate abilities" Gara couldn't help but exclaim hastily inhaling her cigarette.

Tral sighed "That mage had much better control over magic than Major Tomson, she had mixed at least three types of magics fluidly into an amplification hexagram.. if it wasn't for whatever Arc did to her than we would probably be out cold in one of those buses right now."

They all look sadly at the unconscious Arc hoping for him to wake up at any moment, Tral even tried waving some espresso under his nose.

"The man that mage called Prudence.. what kind of energy was he using? It permeated his body as if it was part of him yet he also had it cover the outside of his body as well as using it in attacks or to make barriers." Tral described while Gara added "It's not mana from the world and it isn't like those rune tattoos either but it doesn't seem to be an innate ability.. If anything it seems more like what the ancient spiritualists used which I believe is called chakra." she guessed.

"Either way I hate to say this but we are way out of shape compared to our opponents so I think we should try to find someone to help train us.. If they can do it then so can we" Tral decided with a heavy heart.

With their minds made up to get stronger, they set out to gain information about how regular humans can become strong enough to become superhuman. The place that has everything a person could want and more would be the grand platform city of Desrosa.

Desrosa exists on the rough rocky shores of the far southeast where the mountains meet the sea. It was made as the last shipping stop before the long way around the great wall of mountains that blocks most passage to the colonies on the south and the rest of the continent.

With such consistent trade always going through Desrosa the city very quickly grew until today where it stands as one of the largest most complex cities in the world with seven massive layers each the size of a regular city stacked somewhat haphazardly on top of each other.

Many people say that the lights of Desrosa never truly go out due the the innermost part of Desrosa which doesn't ever see the sun.

If someone wanted to buy, sell, work, party or disappear than Desrosa is the place to go. It is the kind of place where no-one asks or answers questions for free and no-one will be surprised even if they see the strangest or unusual people.

Now the party of four (except for the unconscious Arc who was being carried) were walking through these familiar streets on the third tier (entertainment district) dressed in the outfit of a group of bounty hunters known as Riddick's Reavers which consists of blood red light battle armor with an air sealed skull helmet.

The friends had previously been members of Riddick's Reavers but had a falling out when the bounty hunters decided to cash in the huge bounty on their heads.

Tral likes to sometimes abuse their equipment when in disguise.

Gara shifted into a similar outfit but with a lot more purple as well as the various curves that made many people of all genders turn their heads.

The first stop for them is a club called Gizardo's which is always packed with the scum of the earth.

Usually one would have to wait in line to enter at the bouncers discretion but the bouncer smartly made an exception for the bounty hunters of which one was a large man carrying a body over his shoulder and an other that kept insulting people in line (in the name of Riddick's Reavers) which actually resulted in a gun being pulled before the mad bounty hunter made a stunning quick draw of his revolvers instantly killing the one who drew their gun.

As per usual Gara as sexy as she wishes to be even when mimicking a deadly bounty hunter would have no problem getting into the club.

The inside was full and rowdy with many people of various races drinking, dancing and gambling. A couple security guards were taking turns hitting someone with shock batons in a corner.

The group walks through the middle of the crowded room to get to the packed bar. "Make way for the members of Riddick's Reavers you filthy fuckers!" yells Tral through his helmet's speaker following behind Darek who just doesn't stop walking his way through several bounty hunters and other various low life scum to reach the bar.

A few people tried to punch Darick for his rude actions but that just ended in hurting their own hands as he didn't even notice.

One really angry guy even came at Tral with a knife only for the knife still held by the would be assailant to get knee'd up into the mans eye faster than most could see while Tral's robotic voice stated "This is why you don't run with sharp objects".

After that everyone gave them some space and the drow bartender had to acknowledge them with "What can I do for such fearsome customers?" she gave them a big fake smile and giggling nervously while readying some cups.

"Well don't you know how to start working on your tip beautiful" Tral acts up as he casually tosses several gold on the table. "We need three glasses, one keg and some information for our boss about something specific. Does twenty gold upfront before we even start show that we have business?"

Her face immediately changes as she heard what Tral said becoming very serious even changing her tone. "Most distinguished client, we will give you a private booth and send an information specialist for you as soon as possible. In the mean time drinks are on the house and I will show you to your booth" she says with a stony expression as she chants a spell to float their drinks along after her as she walks them to the second floor balcony.

Just as they are arriving at their booth a great commotion breaks out at the entrance as several bounty hunters burst through the door dress just like the outfits Tral made "Where are the people with the balls to pretend to be members of Riddick's Reavers" The leader of the group demands looking around the club.

Tral yells from the second floor "Is that you Meng Qin? Get on up here before I kill your ass for what happened in Kapren, I was hoping your boss would show up but we can do business as well"

The bounty hunter takes a step back and looks at the guys he came with and then back to the door but then sighs before telling his men to wait for him to their confusion as he walks towards the stairs like he was walking to his own death.

The drow woman raises an eye brow but doesn't question a thing while serving their drinks.

Tral passes her a pouch with fifty gold in it telling her to make people forget this happened.

As the saying goes, everything has a price in Desrosa. She quickly nods her head before turning to the club with a loud giggle amplified by a spell "our gracious friends want to buy everyone a drink as an apology for interrupting your time".

She leaves just in time for Meng Qin to reach their booth "please sit down, we are all friends here.. technically we never quit Riddick's Reavers so relax" Tral says as he removes his helmet.

A shiver can be seen going up Meng Qin's spine. "Look Tral, it was all the bosses idea. You know everything has a price and you were many times more than what he sold his mother for." to which Gara just shakes her head "Riddick probably paid someone to get rid of his own mother even though many would kill for one of those but my brother made the very armor you are wearing that has saved your life many times by the look of those patches"

They let Meng Qin squirm a bit before getting down to business "We need information about body modifications and Qi casuals can use to become stronger than powered and you know we have no reason not to pay but if you even start trying to fuck us.." Gara told him overly threateningly tapping her bladed fingers on the table very audibly.

Meng Qin was a little nervous at first but quickly adapted to the new situation "I can talk to the boss and go through our sources but that is a lot of information you asked for and will take at least a week to get it all together if not more due to how vague that question is, please don't kill me I have a family."

Tral replies while making a briefcase "use that as the foundation for the search with an emphasis on other types of energies other than mana or innate abilities. I think that's all we need to talk about for now so take this briefcase full of gold back to your boss and tell him if he doesn't want me start actively treating him like a real enemy then this deal will happen smoothly which will see him receiving a nice aircraft carrier along with me losing my memory of certain past events."

With the briefcase in hand Meng Qin stands up with a last line before leaving "everything has a price and that price as usual seems to be steeply in your favor, the church doesn't pay fair anyway".

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