Reviews of Reborn in the king of the gods by MartialZONGHE - Webnovel



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I want this novel to make me experience man emotions😀😁😂😃😄😅😆😉😊😋😎😍😘😗😙😚☺🙂🤗😇🤔😐😑😶🙄😏😣😥😮🤓😔🤑😲😕😛🤐😜😜😖😞😟🙃😝😴😪🙁😷😤😢🤒😒😫😌😓🤕😭😦😳😈😧😵😨😡😩😠😬☻😰☹😱

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Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp

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Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp

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Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp

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Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harà Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harà Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém

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Un air glacé monta de la nuit et frappa d’un coup. Les hommes pliaient leurs genoux, fumaient en frissonnant puis reprenaient leurs marches jusqu’au matin. Leurs plaintes s’étranglaient dans un commun effort ; seul frémissait en eux, de concert, le souffle heurté de leurs poitrines sèches comme la faim. Le vent promenait la tête fracassée d’un pommier au dessus de dépouilles d’enfants assassinés par la foudre. Dans l’herbe noircie d’un ancien incendie tremblaient les corps d’insatiables vers. Plus loin, à l’ombre toute récente d’une muraille où passaient les ombres d’oiseaux en vols, on distinguait le dos de tigres assoiffés ondulant dans leur sommeil. Une odeur de pourriture rampait d’innombrables charniers creusés la veille, tandis que des mains serrées par l’effroi plantaient ça et là des croix de bois mort où flottaient des bouts d’oriflammes. Un gros bœuf brun, qui recroquevillait ses pattes contre la chaleur de son ventre massif, à l’orée d’une forêt sanglée de l’or pâle de l’aube, fixait ironiquement une femme très belle qu’une blessure poissait de rouge au ventre. Nous marchions au milieu d’églises renversées. Des bourrasques nous tombaient dessus, directement des voûtes rouges du ciel ; parfois, d’un nuage lourd, surgissaient des morceaux d’étoiles, mais la pluie revenait aussitôt nous battre la face. Lorsque les jours étaient secs, nous nous enlisions dans la contemplation bizarre de l’eau stagnante au fond des trous de l’asphalte. Une puanteur noire acide se coulait mollement hors des fondrières jusqu’à nos chevilles comme des chats venimeux, que nous chassions aussitôt d’un revers de botte.

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I love harem fanfic novel !!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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Thank you for not giving up on this story and keep going with it. Oui c'est un copier coller🦄 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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LV 4 Badge

Thank you for not giving up on this story and keep going with it. 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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LV 4 Badge

Thanks for the novel Miaou 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱 Miaou 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱 Miaou 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱

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wow,now it is here.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem

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Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem

Reveal Spoiler
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LV 4 Badge

Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated

Reveal Spoiler
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Yes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Reveal Spoiler
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you should drop. very hard to understand. find an editor, use grammarly, anything, but story is bad, everything is bad, just stop, like fr fr. dont even bother writing anymore bro xddd

View 3 Replies

you should drop. very hard to understand. find an editor, use grammarly, anything, but story is bad, everything is bad, just stop, like fr fr. dont even bother writing anymore bro xddd

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you should drop. very hard to understand. find an editor, use grammarly, anything, but story is bad, everything is bad, just stop, like fr fr. dont even bother writing anymore bro xddd

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This book is only good for reading without thinking and thats not something good lol. Good luck with this sad piece of a story. Kinda disappointed since you basically trashed KoG.

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Genuinely bad. Being serious here dude. Story is everywhere, writing makes me wanna bleach my eyes. Stability is too early to tell, world background is from another book yet you can't even copy it correctly, bad.

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Sorry mate, this just won't work. Try something new maybe. KoG doesn't have many fan-fics for a reason mainly because it's really hard to do.

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LV 15 Badge

Grammar is bad. Not sure how you are planning the story because as of right now, nah not working out. Characters are just empty shells with names. World background, lmao k.

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Couldn't really get into it without going full grammar-nazi. Original idea, but needing to try to make sense of what can only be described as abhorrently bad google-translate-spenglish really took away what hope I had for this story. If author at least said english wasn't his first language I wouldn't have gotten my hopes up.

View 1 Replies

I have always been honest in what I do. If you do not like this novel it is only your responsibility. If you like it so much better. I do it for my pleasure and for you.

Reveal Spoiler
View 2 Replies

"first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow...

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"first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow...

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"first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow...

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I want this novel to make me experience man emotions😀😁😂😃😄😅😆😉😊😋😎😍😘😗😙😚☺🙂🤗😇🤔😐😑😶🙄😏😣😥😮🤓😔🤑😲😕😛🤐😜😜😖😞😟🙃😝😴😪🙁😷😤😢🤒😒😫😌😓🤕😭😦😳😈😧😵😨😡😩😠😬☻😰☹😱

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Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp

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Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp

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Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp Xp

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Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harà Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harà Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém Harém

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Un air glacé monta de la nuit et frappa d’un coup. Les hommes pliaient leurs genoux, fumaient en frissonnant puis reprenaient leurs marches jusqu’au matin. Leurs plaintes s’étranglaient dans un commun effort ; seul frémissait en eux, de concert, le souffle heurté de leurs poitrines sèches comme la faim. Le vent promenait la tête fracassée d’un pommier au dessus de dépouilles d’enfants assassinés par la foudre. Dans l’herbe noircie d’un ancien incendie tremblaient les corps d’insatiables vers. Plus loin, à l’ombre toute récente d’une muraille où passaient les ombres d’oiseaux en vols, on distinguait le dos de tigres assoiffés ondulant dans leur sommeil. Une odeur de pourriture rampait d’innombrables charniers creusés la veille, tandis que des mains serrées par l’effroi plantaient ça et là des croix de bois mort où flottaient des bouts d’oriflammes. Un gros bœuf brun, qui recroquevillait ses pattes contre la chaleur de son ventre massif, à l’orée d’une forêt sanglée de l’or pâle de l’aube, fixait ironiquement une femme très belle qu’une blessure poissait de rouge au ventre. Nous marchions au milieu d’églises renversées. Des bourrasques nous tombaient dessus, directement des voûtes rouges du ciel ; parfois, d’un nuage lourd, surgissaient des morceaux d’étoiles, mais la pluie revenait aussitôt nous battre la face. Lorsque les jours étaient secs, nous nous enlisions dans la contemplation bizarre de l’eau stagnante au fond des trous de l’asphalte. Une puanteur noire acide se coulait mollement hors des fondrières jusqu’à nos chevilles comme des chats venimeux, que nous chassions aussitôt d’un revers de botte.

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I love harem fanfic novel !!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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Thank you for not giving up on this story and keep going with it. Oui c'est un copier coller🦄 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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LV 4 Badge

Thank you for not giving up on this story and keep going with it. 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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LV 4 Badge

Thanks for the novel Miaou 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱 Miaou 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱 Miaou 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱

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wow,now it is here.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem

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Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem

Reveal Spoiler
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LV 4 Badge

Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated

Reveal Spoiler
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Yes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Reveal Spoiler
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you should drop. very hard to understand. find an editor, use grammarly, anything, but story is bad, everything is bad, just stop, like fr fr. dont even bother writing anymore bro xddd

View 3 Replies

you should drop. very hard to understand. find an editor, use grammarly, anything, but story is bad, everything is bad, just stop, like fr fr. dont even bother writing anymore bro xddd

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you should drop. very hard to understand. find an editor, use grammarly, anything, but story is bad, everything is bad, just stop, like fr fr. dont even bother writing anymore bro xddd

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This book is only good for reading without thinking and thats not something good lol. Good luck with this sad piece of a story. Kinda disappointed since you basically trashed KoG.

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Genuinely bad. Being serious here dude. Story is everywhere, writing makes me wanna bleach my eyes. Stability is too early to tell, world background is from another book yet you can't even copy it correctly, bad.

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Sorry mate, this just won't work. Try something new maybe. KoG doesn't have many fan-fics for a reason mainly because it's really hard to do.

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LV 15 Badge

Grammar is bad. Not sure how you are planning the story because as of right now, nah not working out. Characters are just empty shells with names. World background, lmao k.

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Couldn't really get into it without going full grammar-nazi. Original idea, but needing to try to make sense of what can only be described as abhorrently bad google-translate-spenglish really took away what hope I had for this story. If author at least said english wasn't his first language I wouldn't have gotten my hopes up.

View 1 Replies

I have always been honest in what I do. If you do not like this novel it is only your responsibility. If you like it so much better. I do it for my pleasure and for you.

Reveal Spoiler
View 2 Replies

"first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow...

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"first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow...

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"first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow... "first level of consolidated kingdom" wow...

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