"You jumped out of the window again!! JAKE." Martha was truly angered and also a little helpless. She was angry because their flat was situated on the 7th floor of the building (Approx. 30m above ground). Her son had jumped from such a height. Helpless because the young man infront of her was Jake. The child she had saved back then and her precious son. Only Martha knew how difficult it was for her to get a child who would address her as "mother". She had doted on Jake since he was little. She could never bring herself to scold him up. Same was with Daniel, although he was a little strict about discipline and conduct; he would never raise his hand against the child he got after so much hardships.
Jake was a tall and handsome young man. He was 6ft (approx. 1.8 m) tall, with a relatively thin physique. His broad shoulders, wide chest and muscular limbs made his body structure refined and masculine. Although he appeared weak under the loose and casual clothes, those who knew him would deny this flatly. Ever since he was a child, Jake was always a person with a lot of energy to spend. Sitting still was something impossible for him to do. He was daring and extremely brave. If other children were afraid of something, for him it used to be a plaything. He was an extremely curious child. He would never be afraid of new things and would always run up to them to examine them. His habit of touching each and every new thing he encountered had led to many accidents in the past. One such incident was when he was just 6 years old and had put his hands inside a dogs mouth to count its teeth. Martha was scared silly when she saw that and ran faster than an Olympian runner to take Jake away. Fortunately the dog was docile else it would have been a disaster. There were many such incidents. Martha had thought that when he grows up he would be fine. But nothing went according to her wishes. Jake's mischief turned more and more dangerous. At one point Daniel couldn't shirk from his responsibilities. He gave Jake a good thrashing. The child cried for four full hours. It took grandparent's gift, Martha's cuddle and Daniel's personal apology to make him smile. Result, next day a boy older than Jake came to their house with a broken hand. The couple was flabbergasted when they saw Jake was covered in injuries too. They were helpless and bitter.
Their worries came to an end when Jake became fascinated by Parkour. They were surprised to see their notorious son getting serious for once. They did everything they could, from hiring a tutor to allocating a place. Jake was extremely talented. It took him just three years to master the art. For these three years life was peaceful. Jake was 12 when he started learning. Martha was happy to see her son growing up. He was not good at studies so military was no go for him. Although Daniel was dejected but seeing Jake's exceptional display in sports and martial arts he was happy. As the flexibility of his body increased Jake became more and more daring. His stunts started to get more dangerous. His personality began to be of a dare devil. He would try all sorts of adventurous sports that he was allowed. Well jumping from the window was an exception though.
"Earth to MOM" a low voice woke Martha from her journey to the past. Seeing the brilliant and cheeky smile on her son's face a helpless smile crept on to Martha's lips.
"Yeah so I was saying that there are a lot of laces I can grip onto so there's no need for you to worry mom. Its very safe for me. In fact it's a form of practise." Seeing his mother come back to earth from her stupor, Jake justified his stunt in an extremely serious manner.
Seeing his attitude, Martha could not ontrol herself from pulling his ears.
"OW! Ow! Ow! Mom please release it. It would fall out" Jake cried in an exaggerated manner.
Martha smiled at her son's antic. With a sweet smile she said "Happy Birthday rascal"
Jake smiled and hugged his mother. Although no one has ever mentioned to him, He knew that he was an orphan. In fact if not for the difference of blood group and facial features, Jake would never know that this family was not his blood related family. He was content with what he has. He was happy with all the love he received. Seemingly aware of her son's thoughts, Martha hugged him tightly and said in a loving tone "You will always be my precious son"
"Oh! Is there any place left for me?" a hearty laughter was heard by the duo and a smile came to their lips. Daniel has made it for his son's 18th birthday.
"DAD" Jake smiled and gave his father a bear hug. The family sat on the table for the breakfast with the grandparents. Martha had prepared a delicious meal for the family. She said "Jake, invite your friends tonight, we are throwing a party."
Jake smiled and agreed. Although he didn't like these kinds of gatherings but for his parents he was happy. He said "Okay mom. By the way we are going to a school trip on Sunday. Destination seems to be a mountain village."
"Okay, remind me the day before. I'll prepare lots of snack" Martha said,
"Don't go jumping around and causing troubles" Daniel added with a helpless sigh.
Jake smiled embarrassedly while promising not to do so. Well the couple would consider living all these years in vain if they actually believed him but all they could do was to sigh helplessly. That night a grand party was thrown. Jake and his friends enjoyed it the most.
Days passed and finally it was time for the school trip. Daniel was on duty so Martha was the one to take care of the family. As he principal she was to stay at school so she couldn't join the trip. She nagged Jake again for not causing any problems for the staffs on duty and then finally bid her son a safe trip. Jake was excited. They were going to a free and untouched mountain. His adventurer heart was beating fast in anticipation.
Unknown to him, the adventure he was looking forward to would bring a storm. A storm strong enough to change his life and also the life of people related to him.
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