On a island near Garal there is a large village with around 10,000 humans living there. They are know to be fierce and great Dragon killers showing no mercy. They do raids on Dragons nests and kill them, they are well respected amongst Dragon hunters. The Village is lead by a man named Thorim Crent. He is one of the great six chiefs to have slayed a dragon at the young age of 15. Thorim has 1 son who he named Zero after his Mother who died to a dragon and was named Zera.
Unlike his father Zero is not as aggressive or violent towards Dragons. He only hates them due to them killing his mother. If not for that he would of been completely fine leaving Dragons alone. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Zero has been trained by his father since a young age and is already a fierce warrior who has fought a B class Dragon one on one and won. For reason people do not understand though, he let the Dragon live. It is always like that he would defeat the Dragon and just leave. He did not care if others would kill it but he himself would not do the deed. This caused many arguments between him and his father but he still chooses not to kill them.
Eventually, his father gave up on him and told him he will not have a son who is too scared to kill a Dragon. He kicked Zero out of his house and made him a homeless. Surprisingly Zero seemed to not mind and quickly found a job training young ones to fight. He earned enough to afford food and housing which was fine for him. He lived a rather quiet and peaceful life. That was until the village was attacked...
"Zero Run!" an Elderly man screamed as Zero as he ran away from the multi-floored house he lived at and was renting a room in to Zero. Zero was quite shocked at the man running away until he noticed the Dragons off in the distance. Alarms started going off within the village warning the hunters of the attack happening. The man capable of fighting all ran to their stations which were the Giant Crossbows, Armoury, and helping Elderly and Children to safe spots built just for this. Man ran to get their shields and Swords or crossbows. Zero who was just coming back already had his weapons which was a custom made knife on a metal chain. These weapons were often used by woman as they were lighter and easier to lift then a sword, but Zero found them very effective and everyone who saw him use it admitted that he had completely mastered the weapon.
All this was happening in seconds and Zero quickly ran to where the young children he just left after he trained them. He quickly arrived and lead them to the nearest safe spot which was guarded by 2 dragon Hunters. They both thanked him and lead the children in. Zero turned around and prepared to protect the village from the Dragons who were already extremely close to it. Just as he was about to hurry off to help the warriors he noticed a Blue, purple.light flash in the sky and stood there gaping at it.
"Was that a... Night Fury..." he said to himself in shock.
His thoughts were quickly confirmed by a shout from random warriors shouting about the attack being led by a Class Z Night Fury. Class Z was a rare class of Dragon which were extremely strong but thought to be extinct.
At this point, Zero completely stopped caring about the village and just focused on seeing the Night Fury. It was a lot harder then it sounded as a Night Fury was known to be the fastest Dragon Alive. As he was staring at the sky he saw another flash of Blue, purple light and then a giant net being flung across the sky.
"I hit it!" he heard a warrior scream from somewhere to the left and then other warriors screaming that he was delusional and to focus on ones they are actually able to hit with the giant crossbow which can shoot either bolts or nets.
Zero watched as in the horizon he saw a shape fall to the ground around 3 miles away from the village in the forest.
"He really did hit it..." he quietly said to himself before he ran towards where he estimated the Night Fury fell. As he was running to the location the Village warriors had nearly fully fought off the attack and were killing the captured dragons which numbered to around 7.
Zero ran at full speed through the forest in the direction he saw the Dragon fall. After an estimated 30 minutes he began seeing signs of destruction such as broken trees and disturbed ground. He quickly slow downed and began walking as quietly as possible. He walks like so for a minute before he saw a clearing with a Dragon struggling to escape a net which it was entangled in and everytime it struggled it became more and more entangled. After some time the Dragon became so entangled that it could no longer move and fell to the ground due to exhaustion and knowing there was no way out. It was at this point Zero stepped out from behind the broken tree he hid at and looked at the Dragon clearly for the first time.
The Night Fury was sleek and covered with Dragon scales which are all black in color with some scales which were also black but of a lighter tone. It was around 25 feet in length and each wing was close to 20 feet at Zero's estimate. The wings looked to be thin but were also covered with scales providing defensive against objects. It had two mobile, ear-like appendages on the back of its head and large, yellowish-green, cat-like eyes. It also had fins on the back of its tail which Zero assumed was for helping in maneuvering in the air.
As Zero was watching it the Night Fury also noticed him and was examining him with its large eyes. It seemed to have accepted its fate and showed no hate towards Zero, it looked defeated which shocked Zero as this Dragon seemed to be able to think logically which went against what everyone currently knew about Dragons as they thought they were animals who only act on instinct.
"How very interesting! Zero said a bit loudly startling the Night Fury causing it to growl loudly which startled Zero and caused him to move back quickly and stumble over something falling onto his back.
"Ouch..." Zero said and prepared to get back up and get closer to the Night Fury.
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