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100% i love you.....? / Chapter 5: Chapter 5 : George White

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 : George White

Both of them soon reached infront of Amy's house. "See you tomorrow George. And thank you for walking me home." Amy smiled and walked inside her house. George only left after she disaapeared from his sight. He began to slowly stride along the way and began to think about Amy when he met a cousin of his, Kirby. The young boy ran to him and threw his arm around George's neck and teased him, "so how is it been going? I see you have started to drop her home everyday. If this goes on maybe you will be successful someday." George just nodded his head as a smile crept on his face when he thought about her. He was extremely happy about the recent advancements about his relationship with Amy. At first he was quite frustrated and worried as Amy would always try to find an excuse to avoid him but he gritted his teeth and preserved as he also began to brush her anger off. He was hurt when she avoided her but his preservance finaly bore fruit as she finally treated as a friend. Kirby who saw this was left speechless as he could not believe that his cousin would go to such lengths to get a girl. His cousin continued to tease him "hey bro, are you seriously serious about this one. I have never seen you do so much for a girl. You even take a detour just for her." George just continued to smile "That's none of your business. Just keep your mouth shut and stay away from her." Kirby laughed wryly and said "Wow what's with the possesivness and I am not interested in your girl." Suddenly a mischevious smile formed on his mouth as he ran ahead and shouted "but you may wanna up your game a bit brother. Otherwise someone may come and snatch your flower before you can make a move. I heard that she has a lot of male followers waiting on line even when she is in realtion and now that she is single you should hurry. I don't want to see you all broken hearted you know." Kirby ran away as he laughed his ass off when he saw George's foot steps halt and frown. George kept quite but there was a cold aura emitting from his body after awhile he walked back towards the school. After walking for another fifteen minutes he finally came outside a building. He walked towards his room and laid down on his bed and looked at the photo of Amy that he had secretly taken while he passed by their class. "Ah, you are really a hard one to catch, but don't worry I will make you mine and when I do you will only be mine."

What he said to Amy was true, he had seen her during a inter school art competition. Well technically they had not met, he had seen her from far away. But anyway from the moment he had seen her seemed to be obsessed to make her his. So though he got a offer from a prestigious school for his he immediately rejected the proposal much to his parents dismay. And when he got the news that Amy was changing schools he had immediately confirmed the news and decided to follow her. Fortunately they both seemed to belong to the same city, that was Snevill city. When his parents heard that he wanted to go to Willow high they were both shocked silly. The reason was simple, George White was the pordigal and a unfilial son of the White household. He had stayed away from home from the tender age of six as he was sent to boarding schools. Thus he had never known the true meaning of family nor did he have any kind of attachment towards his family. They existed just in name for him but this did not bother him much as he had never loved them so he had no sense of loss or expectations from them. His world revolved around his friend circle. His parents were just strangers to him to whom he was bound to due to some social responsibilities. But things took a bad turn when at the age of 9, during one of his visits to his parents he was beaten to the brink of life and death by his father. He still remembered that day clearly when he had planned some pranks for his brother but as fate might have it was a unknown who had fallen in it. Later he came to know that it was a important client who was invited by his father at home for dinner. His father was so angry that he had slapped him hard without holding back. His small body was then picked up by that man's large easily and he ruthlessly smashed his own son's head on the table's edge. He was covered in blood and between his sobs he had pleaded his father for mercy but the man had gone blind with rage he threw George away like ragdoll and beat him senseless with his belt. Unable to watch this scene any longer his mother interferred at the last moment and saved him. He was not able to get off his bed for an entire month. A broken shoulder and two broken ribs along with a large cut at the back of his head which needed thirteen stiches and a swollen face with some other bruises were left on his body. He later learned that his father had fainted due to high blood pressure but his father never had a hint of regret on his face the entire time. When he came back from the hospital his mother told him "George why did you have to go and play such a trick on Mr. Hollow. I don't know what you were thinking but you nearly cost your father a major deal. Child, you must learn to be mature and learn to priortise things. Just be careful in future and watch your manners." Though the lady meant well for his son but due to all the pressure she could not choose the right words to reprimaid his son and when she realized it was too late. George was just a kid and those words left a deep impression him as he grew distant from his own family. He felt that he was not of much worth to his family. He went back to his school and after that he began to spend his holidays with his friends and hardly visited his parents. When he did visit he would hole himself in his room and hardly come out. He shunned his parents from his life though they were the ones to give him his living expenses. From the day he was beaten by his father he had stopped speaking to his father and never regarded him as one.

His family tried to talk to him but he turned a deaf ear so they let him be. So when he said he wanted to join Willow High they had a hope to reconcil their enstranged relationship with their son [well atleast his mother thoought so] but George had no thought to do so he had just come here to chase after Amy. He had thought of different ways to approach her but as he did not know where she lived so his plans were halted. Then he saw her in her school dress hurrying to school. At first he was unsure but then he walked upto her and cooked up a story so he could start a conversation. Though the moment was short lived he was happy to have a start. After he got enrolled he had to go through many difficulties so that he could know more about her without coming under her radar as he did not want her to think of him as a creep. But her popularity helped him a bit as he could hear gossips abut her in the school. His house was actually only twenty minutes away from his school and on a different school than Amy's but he always accompanied her saying that her homme was on his way. So far his plans had been going on smoothly and he had befriended her without any trouble.

When he recalled what his cousin had said dark lines covered his forehead as he frowned "I have to move on to my next phase."

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