Zendikar Torturer of the unrighteous a weak and old god. Zendikar was once a human half-elf raised in a small village during a peaceful era but the small village stuck to the old ways when the war was still going. In that small village, they would kidnap any who they found that were of an unrighteous race and even many demi-humans who resembled there a monster race too much. Anywho were unlucky enough to be caught by this village were in for agony beyond there wildest dreams as they were tortured day and night. Now this is were young Zendikar comes in his parents were among the most active in tortured the unrighteous races and they would often bring Zendikar to watch. Over time Zendikar began to love watching that he started to join in at the age of 5 when he turned 8 he was torturing them by himself by the age of 12 the village built him his dungeon when he turned 18 he was appointed head torture. When he turned 82 the war between the righteous and unrighteous started once more and Zendikar with his barbed whip in one hand and branding iron in the other he charged to the front lines. Each battle he fought the only things left were enemy soldier barely left alive who were dragged away after the battle for all their secrets to be told to Zendikar before their lives were ended. This lasted for 60 years until an apostle of the goddess of vengeance slain him or so they thought but he arose from his grave an evil god to continue on his work. But he never gained many followers due to his extreme ways and for the followers, he did gain they were often slain by there own allies as they were seen as too extreme and brutal which caused a lot of arguments and in fighting for any party they joined. But he changed over time becoming less extreme on the outside. This change was influenced by him falling in love with a Demi-Human God of fertility. His and his follower's way of fighting changed from trying to keep all their enemies alive to only the unlucky ones will live to see the torture that is to come. Second, he changed the torture from, public to private. Third, he labelled Demi-humans acceptable as they are becoming more human than monster and are a necessary step in turning unrighteous to the righteous. Lastly, not all who are captured are.to be tortured but be sold as slaves. He did all this as she promised to marry him if he did these things. She birthed him 3 Sons and 2 daughters before entering a deep slumber due to being poisoned from an unknown source.
This is the God chosen for the Holy Empire.
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