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77.14% Animeverse Prime / Chapter 25: Advanced Birthday Gift

Chapter 25: Advanced Birthday Gift


Shinto gods Shrine… (Vermilion Bird)

After cleaning anything that might bring harm towards Neo anyway Yoruichi who is in her cat form decided to return home and eat something that Neo left for her before leaving home and before she left she took another look at Neo and Akeno who are going at the direction of the Shrine.

"I don't think it will be a problem if I return home now as he will come back to the house immediately after leaving Akeno at the Shrine. " Yoruichi said and quickly vanished from the tree branch after a nor at them as she is feeling a little hungry.


Back to the street where Neo is walking beside Akeno…

"What do you want me to give you on your birthday next week? " Neo asked with a smile looking at Akeno.

"Shouldn't you give me a surprise gift or something? " Akeno asked with a curious face as most of the time the one giving the gift will choose to give a surprise gift but here her friend is asking for her opinions what a weird way of thinking.

"No that is not what I think. " Neo said shaking his head.

"Why? " Akeno asked with a confused tone looking at him.

"Because if I give you something that isn't useful to you than it will just be a waste of a gift. So I want to give you something that will be useful to you. " Neo explained with a serious face.

"If that is the case then…. " Akeno also agreed to his reason and thinking this seems to be a good reason as well so she asked with a smile "How about a hairpin or something similar, it is good as long as it is a hair decorations accessories. As you can see I always use this ribbon to tie my hair. "

Looking at the red ribbon that is trying her long black hair Neo said with a confused face "But I thought it looks good. "

"I know but I still want to try something different. " Akeno said with a red face hearing his compliment but acting like she is not happy he acted a little serious.

"Then what do you think about this hairpin? " Neo said taking out a box from his bag and stopping on the first stair of the Shrine.

"Let me have a look first. " Akeno said quietly taking the box excitedly from his hand.

When Neo saw her opening the box not speaking anything he asked with a curious face " Do you not like it? "

Looking at the Golden hairpin which looks like a Chinese Dragon she was dazed for a moment but hearing if she doesn't like it she came out of her daze and quickly replied "I love it. "

"Good, then I will give it to you on your birthday. " Neo said with a smile hearing her happy tone and taking the box from her hand with a satisfied face.

Suddenly feeling her hand empty and looking at the beautiful hairpin vanishing from her hand suddenly Akeno got shocked and felt like she just lost her soul and when she heard Neo's words she knows he is going to take it away from her and give it back on the day of her birthday but she doesn't want to be separated from this gift of his now that she has a closer look so she shouted in a shocked tone in an aggressive manner "No way. "

"What happened? " Neo who is about to put the hairpin box in his bag asked with a confused tone finding her strange behavior.

Feeling she was just acting strangely just now Akeno let out fake cough twice then she asked with a pleadingly in an embarrassment shyly "Say Neo is it possible to give me your present in advance? "

"Do you like it that much? " Neo asked with a curious face thinking if he should do as she asked or not.

"Yes very much. " Akeno nodded again and again.

"Sure if you want it in advance I don't mind after all I made this hairpin especially for you by myself. " Neo said with a smile while handing her the box.

"You made it yourself for me? " Akeno who was about to where the hairpin after receiving asked with a curious face feeling warm for his efforts.

"Yes, I asked mom to give me a little gold and platinum when she was repairing her Katana the other day. " Neo replied with a smile.

"Gold and Platinum… " Hearing it is made of such precious element Akeno didn't feel comfortable as her family condition isn't that good so with a pained face she returned the hairpin to Neo and said "It's too expensive I can't accept it. "

"What do you mean too expensive mom said it is fine as long as you like it. So why are you returning it to me? " Neo asked with a confused face when he saw her returning the box.

"Really aunt Misty said that? " Akeno who wants that hairpin asked even though she feels little poor but still she also likes this hairpin which Neo made just for her.

"Yes, so don't worry about the expense. " Neo replied with a serious smile.

"Then how about you put it in my hair? " Akeno asked with a smile hearing his serious words.

"Fine by me. " Neo said with a smile while taking the hairpin from the box.

Looking at Neo taking the hairpin from the box Akeno turned her back towards him and when she felt him put the hairpin on her head she decided that she will marry him once they grow up and will always cherish this hairpin as her engagement present.

"It looks good on you. " Looking at the hairpin on her hair Neo said with a nod as he is satisfied with his work.

"I am glad you think that. " Akeno said and stared running upwards to the shrine.

"Hey wait for me? " Neo said following right behind her.

When they arrived at the Shrine gate they found Shuri cleaning the leaves on the shrine ground as Akeno said: "Mom I am back…"

Shaikh_Tohaa Shaikh_Tohaa

Well the story of the anime that we saw and the story you are reading will never be similar because of the presence of Neo in their life and sometimes the changes will be a major turn off even while sometimes it will not affect the story but at the end of the day, there will still be some changes in the story.

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