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50% Tower of Gamer / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

"Well, then, why did you want to see me Mr. Lero Ro? Was there a problem during the test?" Han Sung asks, pouring in her instant coffee mix into a cup of hot water. He could already guess what Lero Ro wanted to speak to him about. It was probably about those two Irregulars that Headon-nim entered into the test.

"Yes." Lero answers, opening his own instant coffee mix, latte to be specific, that the Supervisor had handed to him.

"Oh, what problem?" Han Sung asks, playing dumb. If Mr. Lero Ro was going to give him dumb answers, why bother asking smart questions.

"I guess you already know." Lero Ro states in an icy manner. The supervisor was the one who ordered the Bonus Game to be held, and adding the team from the other test site.

"Well, I guess not." Han Sung answers mockingly, stirring her coffee.

"The Bonus game ended without a winner." Usually this wouldn't be a cause for concern, but the way the conclusion came to be was a bit suspicious.

"There were two teams remaining at the end, but surprisingly, both teams gave up the crown." Lero Ro clarifies, pouring his latte mix into the drink. The team from his Test site had given up the crown in order to get their comrade healed, a reasonable excuse. The mystery team didn't have such an excuse, their third member, a Princess of Zahard was merely knocked out, with some minor burn wounds.

"Oh, I see. But what's the matter with that?" Han Sung questions. The team that would have won the bonus game couldn't have gone up to the next floor just yet in anyway. They would have to take part in the Position Test, they simply would be able to go up to the next floor, regardless if they passed the tests or not.

A simpler way of putting it would be: The team that would've won the game would get the training without any pressure on them.

"Please be honest. I already heard everything from Quant..." The man had been all too eager to boast about getting out of trouble for his fiasco of a test. What made him think that holding a no-holds barred 3-minute death match, especially without checking who the Regulars involved in the test are?

"About the reason why you suggested the Crown Game. You wanted to send the team who survived Quant's 'test' to the next floor quickly." Lero Ro surmises.

"However, both teams chose not to fight over the crown." he continues.

"The team from the other site had the advantage in strength, but they chose not to fight for the crown." While both teams had an equal amount of members, the gigantic Regular from the other site was leagues above the other team's remaining members.

"Besides, one of the Regulars from the other site was an acquintance of a Regular from our test." Lero Ro mentions, his tone all but accusing.

"There's a rule that states: People who've had previous association before entering the Tower can't take the 2nd floor test." This rule was made in order to make the tests fair, disallowing gangs and groups of people from working together and targeting other Regulars.

"But you told me to do so." Lero Ro states. What the Supervisor ordered him to do was a direct violation of the rules, a minor one, but an essential one none the less.

"What is the real purpose of sending them here, supervisor?" Lero Ro asks, finally getting to the point, causing Han Sung to stop stirring his coffee.

"Mr. Lero Ro. Do you know why we gather all the Regulars and test them?" Han Sung's rather simple question catches the Ranker off-guard.

"Well, isn't it to test is the Regulars are qualified to go up the Tower?" Lero Ro answers, not seeing where the supervisor is going with this.

"No. It's not. The reason why we test them is because..." Han Sung pauses as he lifts the stick he stirred his coffee with to eye level, coffee dripping from the stick. If he's going to educate Mr. Lero Ro, he might as well be dramatic and educative about it.

"They have very dangerous powers. They come into the Tower to fulfill their own desires." Lero Ro can't argue with that. During the time he was climbing up the Tower, he had met many kind of individuals, each one of them trying to get to the top, well to the 134th floor at least, to fulfill their own desires, whether these desires be malevolent or benevolent.

"Glory, money, power, or something else that they want... But what if they desire something dangerous that could be harmful to the world?" Han Sung asks, philosophically. Of course the definition of what's 'harmful' to the world is a broad definition that changes from person to person. for some people, Irregulars are harmful and dangerous to the world, but they also bring change to the Tower, forcing it and it's individuals to adapt, endure, and progress.

"What if there's someone who dreams of the world's end? It could be disastrous." Of course, that's a radical extreme, but a possible one.

"That's why we test them and sort out the black sheep. 'the ones who bring threat to the Tower'." Of course, what he didn't tell Mr. Lero Ro was that then those 'black sheep' are sent to the F.U.G to mold for their purposes. It's rather surprising how the Zahard Empire hasn't noticed it yet, perhaps they simply assume that the 'Black sheep' are killed?

"Do you get it? The test is not meant to find 'Outstanding candidates'. It's meant to find the 'Black sheep', those that could bring threat to the Tower." This little piece of propaganda is drilled into the head of Rankers who are in charge of administering and supervising the tests. Mr. Lero Ro is a relatively new test administrator, so it falls upon the more experienced Rankers to teach him that.

"I don't understand the intention behind your words..."

"Mr. Lero Ro. Who do you think is the most dangerous amongst the Regulars taking the test this time?" Lero Ro's sentence is cut short as Han Sung interjects.

"Didn't he lose in the crown game? Because of the person I sent to you." Han Sung points out.

Lero Ro doesn't answer. He simply drinks his latte, before lowering it with a bit more than necessary force.

"Thank you for the drink, supervisor. See you later." Lero Ro says, heading for the door, but stops as he slides the door open.

"Supervisor." He addresses his superior, remembering one more thing that puzzled him.

"Yes?" Han Sung answers. What else did Mr. Lero Ro have to talk about?

"Have you ever seen someone... who's not from the Great families nor without an 'Guardian's contract' manipulate Shinsoo freely?" Lero Ro asks, thinking back to the crown game.

"No I haven't. That is beyond the rules of the Tower." Han Sung answers.

"Oh, But I have heard of one. Urek Mazino, he was an Irregular." he adds, remembering the rumors he'd heard of the Founder of the Wolhaiksong organization. The man was given sobriquet 'Ray Barracuda', due to his combat style of launching Shinsoo at the speed of light, and from what he had heard, the man is also a bad rapper.

"I see." Lero Ro answers, catching on what the supervisor is insinuating as he closes the door.

As soon as Lero Ro left, a smile appeared on Han Sung's face. "Mr. Ro is hard to handle, unlike silly Mr. Quant." he notes, sipping his coffee, taking his time to appreciate the flavor and texture of the drink.

'I've never seen something like that.' Lero Ro thinks to himself, remembering the final events of the Crown Game. Ms. Ryun had left soon after Mr. Edward had attacked Ms. Androssi, heading for the throne, attempting to attack the blonde girl from the other test site, only for Mr. Baam to take the blow, costing his team the game. But before the game could be ended, Ms. Ryun was preparing another attack.

'It wasn't like he was controlling the Shinsoo, but like the Shinsoo attacked of it's own volition.' A shockwave shout out from Baam, viciously attacking Hwa Ryun, cutting through her mask and her right eye, causing her to scream out in pain and shock, falling on her knees as she tries to stop blood matching her crimson hair flowing down her face.

'It wasn't that powerful but the point is, 'the way' he did it. It violates the rules of the Tower.' Lero Ro sneers as he looks out to the horizon from a balcony. And then there was Mr. Edward. He was able to use Shinsoo in the form of explosions to fly, which would suggest that he might be related to either the Yeon family or the Blitz family, but he doesn't exhibit the other traits that members of those families exhibit(1).

No red eyes or hair, and no maniacal temper. He also seemed to be able to convert the surrounding shinsoo for surprise attacks, if his fight with Ms. Androssi is any indication. And if he was a member of either one of those families, why didn't he use regular flames?

He'd have to keep an eye on both of these individuals.

[You have rested on a comfortable bed. HP and MP healed by 100%]

"Just perfect." Edward dismisses the notice as he rises from his slumber, taking note that he's in a room, that he can assume is a Hospital room on the 2nd floor. He really hopes that it's the 2nd floor, instead of the next one. If his team somehow managed to win the Crown game, which he highly doubts, he couldn't get himself involved with the main group. And that would mean that things would go as they did in canon.

=So the sleeping beauty is finally awake= comes a snide remark from his right. He had apparently been keeping a tight hold on Haensing even while he was unconscious, if the numbness in his arm is any indication.

"Yeah, yeah, make your jokes. How long was I out?" Edward asks, hoping that he wasn't out of it long enough for him to fail the Position test. Of course unlike Baam, who had taken a serious blow to the head while trying to save a bitch, Edward had his Gamer power to patch him up.

=Eh, you passed out yesterday after handing that Zahard cunt her ass on a silver platter. Kind of surprised that you're up already.= Haensing's crude language aside, this is good. He'd only been unconscious for one night, which would mean that he wouldn't be late for the position test.

"What can I say, I heal quickly." Edward chuckles, getting out of bed, just as his teamamtes come in to his room, probably to check up on him, or eat some of the fruit situated on the drawer next to his bed.

"So as I was saying... Hachi, are you even listening to me." Bolt asks, noticing that Hachi's not listening to his tale of grandeur.

"No." She states. The idiot had been trying to impress some of the Regulars, mainly girls, with stories of alleged accomplishments. Something about fighting against a man with the strength of ten Coral Bears(2) with some ragtag group of soldiers in training. She didn't really listen closely to what he said, more focused on creating a more effective toxin for her needles. The one she's been using so far doesn't seem to have the same effect it used to.

That might be because of the shinsoo. She'd definitely have to look into that later.

Edward clears his throat, causing his teammates to notice him. "Oh, you're already up. You okay? You got pretty roughed up" Bolt asks, wondering how Edward is already up and about without a scratch on him. He got smacked by a giant, took a punch from a Princess of Zahard to the back of his head, and then passed out. The medical staff said that he wouldn't be up for a week.

"Yeah, nothing that a good night's sleep won't take care of." Edward answers, bed had been really comfy, much nicer than the one in his world.

"So, what'd I miss?" Edward asks, wanting to know if he missed any crucial info.

"Eh, nothing much. Nobody won the Bonus game, and we were given a 3-days break." Bolt answers, picking up a banana from the fruits basket. Edward didn't seem to want any, so why let the food go to waste?

"It's the first day of the break." Hachi supplies, suspicious and impressed at how quickly Edward recovered from, what the medics said, a severe injury to the back of his head, plus the throw from the big guy of the mystery team did a number on his ribs. Yet as soon as he was laid to a bed, his body started regenerating.

"Yeah, and the teams are also disbanded." Bolt mentions, throwing the banana peel into the trash can.

"Tragic." Edward answers cynically. He wasn't 'friends' with them, they were merely people who he was forced to partner up with or fail the test. Oh sure, they've managed to prove that they're useful, so he'll try to party up with them. But for now, they could be competitors for a chance to climb the Tower.

"Oh, and the lizard girl wanted to talk to you about something." Hachi mentions, whether she ignored or didn't catch the sarcasm in Edward's tone is left up in the air.

"Yeah, she didn't what she wanted talk about, though." Bolt supplies, eating another banana.

"I see." Edward answers, processing the information. Everything is going according to plan so far. Baam lost the crown game, so he has to stay on the 2nd floor. Anak got the hold of Black March, and now needs help Igniting it. Unfortunately he didn't manage to kill Rachel, but it doesn't matter all that much. As unfortunate it is for Baam to end up trained by the F.U.G, it'll make him strong. Plus, maybe Rachel will have an 'accident' while Baam is away.

But, just in case, maybe he should warn Koon about Rachel. He seemed to be the kind of guy who's doubtful about people.

"Well, see ya around Ed." Bolt says, leaving the room. Hachi doesn't say anything, simply leaving.

=What do you think the lizard wants to talk about?= Haensing asks, not looking forward to being in the same room with Green April so soon.

"I think she wants help with Igniting the Black March." Edward answers, unsure of if he even could Ignite the finicky Needle. She seemed to be very picky about who could Ignite her, preferring handsome guys. Now while Edward isn't a Quasimodo, he's no bishounen, so she'll probably just zap him like she did, or will do to Ship, depending on when exactly Anak asks Ship to try and Ignite it.

=I thought the chestnut had the Black March?= Haensing questions, wondering what the two 13 month weapons are talking about. Well, not really talk, more like Black March telling Green April to stop screaming bloody murder.

"I guess they had a bet, and Baam lost." Edward informs, walking out of his room, he might as well go and make sure that Baam is doing okay, well, okay for an unconscious guy at least, and see what Anak wanted to talk about, and maybe try and make amends with Androssi.

[Optional Quest: Chat with monsters]

- Go and see what Anak wants to talk about.

- Go and check up on Baam to see if he's okay

- Try to make amends with Androssi



- 300 EXP for every completed criteria

- Increased reputation with Anak Zahard Jr, Androssi Zahard and Baam's team


- Decreased reputation with Anak Zahard Jr, Androssi Zahard and Baam's team



=Hah, I bet that smug bitch ain't feeling so high and mighty, being gambled away!= Haensing guffaws, amused by Black March's situation. She had always been so smug about how she was 'oh so elegant' and wouldn't pick just anybody to give her full power. And now that she apparently found the right guy, she got gambled away like a cheap ornament!

"Yeah, It's kind of amusing." Edward chuckles, accepting the quest. So apparently his power has a reputation system, hopefully it's nothing too complicated. Thankfully, there's three cursors pointing him to different directions, more than likely representing where Baam's, Anak's and Androssi's locations are.

The green is obviously Anak, the orange is more than likely Androssi and Baam's cursor is black with a golden outline, makes sense. Since Baam isn't going anywhere, Edward picks to go and see what Anak wants help with.

"So, what did you want to talk about." Edward asks, entering Anak's room, which is the same that all the regulars have. Edward doesn't flinch as Anak points an un-Ignited Black March at him.

"Ignite it." Anak orders. Since tracksuit couldn't Ignite it, maybe this guy could Ignite it. He has a Ignition weapon with a sentience, so he should be able to Ignite it. Green April doesn't seem to like his hammer though, shouting about how it stole a part of it, but when she inspected it, the Hook was in perfect condition, like it always has been.

=Heh, the crabby girl giving you trouble?= Haensing remarks, causing electricity to start sparking around the Black March, like a vicious snake, ready to bite, causing Anak to drop the pissed off Ignition Weapon.

"Haensing, be nice. We didn't come here to antagonize anyone." Edward chides.

=You mean that you didn't come here to start a fight. Me on the other hand...= Haensing corrects as Anak observes the conversation happening in front of her. She'd known that Ignition weapons like her Green April and Edward's Hammer had sentience, but seeing it actively converse with it's wielder is a foreign concept. Maybe she should start treating her Green April a bit better...

"Well, here goes nothing" Edward hesitantly picks up the Black March, expecting a shock of electricity to greet him. I t was safe to say that he wasn't expecting the world around him to turn into a burnt orange and yellow void.

#Hmm... No, you're not the one, but somewhat closer than the last guy.# a feminine and sultry voice speak up from behind Edward as he feels something caressing his cheek. Turning his head to look at where the voice came from, he sees a young woman with long blonde hair reaching down to her feet, wearing a brown dress with a salmon red sash across her figure, looking at him with hungry eyes and a disappointed smile.


/13 Month Ignition weapon\

Black March LV: ?



#Oi, how about you get off of my wielder, before I remove ya myself.# Haensing speaks up. Turning his head to look at Haensing, Edward sees a giant lizard with an muscular upper body, leading down to a tail, bony spikes traveling down Haensing's spine, leading up to a green spike covering the tip of his tail.

=I don't know, he doesn't seem to mind it. Maybe he would rather wield an elegant Needle like myself over a brutish hammer.= Black March chides, causing Haensing to glare at her with his four eyes. Well, two can play that game...

=At least I wasn't given away due to a bet.= Haensing shots back, enjoying the angered look that comes onto Black March's face. She was separated from the best wielder she's had in a long time, because that green harpy's wielder couldn't just be satisfied with owning just one 13 month series weapon, threatening that cute boy to accept her bet.

"So where is this exactly?" Edward asks, disentangling from Black March, before she can continue arguing with Haensing. As much fun it would be seeing two sentient weapons insult each other, he doesn't want to get caught in the crossfire.

=Well, this place is a mindscape where Ignition weapons with a conscience can talk if they don't want others to hear.= Haensing explains. He didn't really understand how it worked, he just doesn't question it. Best not to try and unravel confusing stuff like that.

=So, I take it you're here to try and convince me to let that thief lizard to use my full power?= Black March sneers, not wanting anything to do with Anak. That Lizard only wanted her for the power she possessed. She barely even acknowledged that the 13 month weapons have a personality and wants of their own. While the others were content with having a strong wielder who could match their personality, Black March wanted a wielder who wouldn't flaunt the power she gives as their own. Of course them being a handsome and a caring guy didn't hurt.

"Yep, but I take it that you're not interested?" Black March's glare is a damn clear indication of her answer.


"Okay, but why?" Edward asks, curious of her reasons. Of course the Manhwa showed that she only allows handsome guys to wield her, but that sounds a bit too simple.

If she only Ignited for guys, why is she still a prized weapon, only given to Princesses of Zahard who have proven themselves worthy? If she didn't ignite for anyone, how would Zahard and his empire know for sure that Black March is an Ignition weapon, and not just a regular Needle that Ashul used to fool them?

=Well, that's a first one. Usually people just demand that I do what they want me to.= Black March notes, a smile gracing her lips.

=Very well then, here's my reason. All my previous wielders, save for a select few, just wanted me for my power. Not for my opinion or my personality, just my body.= She explains, remembering all those who tried to force her to Ignite after shouting at her to just be quiet and obey, calling her a piece of property, and saying that she didn't have the right to make her own choices.

"That's fucked up. You seem like a good person." Edward grimaces. While he might not be the social of people, or the nicest one, unless he's forced to act like one, but he wouldn't treat anyone like an object.

=Quite.=She agrees. Maybe this guy wouldn't be a bad wielder. Sure, he's not a perfect one like that Baam kid, but he's closer than some of the other ones. The only problem could be that brute, but one step at a time.

=But back to your question. I won't ignite for someone who barely even acknowledges me, not even if they're are a child to one of the princesses of Zahard.= March explains, letting a important piece of information slip on purpose. She waits for a reaction from the boy in front of her. How would he react to such a dangerous piece of information? Would he try and blackmail her with that info?

A princess of Zahard isn't allowed to have biological offspring, so a child of one would be hunted just as fiercely as an Irregular would be.

"Well, I tried. Hope that Anak won't try and punch me or something." Edward shrugs. He already knew Anak's dirty little secret, so he isn't surprised by the information that Black March just told him.

=Huh, so the lizard ain't the original one, interesting= Haensing notes, understanding why the little Needle let info like that slip.

"I guess she's in the same boat as me and Baam then." Edward shrugs. There's no way that Headon couldn't have known that Anak was a offspring to one of Zahard's adopted kids. That rabbit is a god-damn enigma.

=You do realize that information like that is valuable?= Black March asks. =You would be highly rewarded for giving the Zahard empire info that would help them get back not one, but two 13 month weapons.= She suggests, baiting him in order to see if he's just like those she rejected. If he took the bait, then she would fry his brain. She wouldn't be stuck with that troublesome child and her guide dwarf again.

"I won't be ratting her out, that would be disrespectful of a good fighter." Edward declines. If he ratted her out, then that R.E.D riceball would attack her way too soon.

=I suppose you're not half bad, do keep in touch.= Black March winks, as the void shatters like glass, sending Edward back to the reality, where he's greeted by Anak, who's looking at him with interest.

"You zoned out for a while, what happened?" she asks. When Edward had grabbed the Black March, he didn't get zapped like tracksuit did, he just froze and didn't react to anything she said. And when she tried prying the Black March from his grip, assuming that he was dead or something, he didn't budge at all, having a death grip on the Needle. Maybe he managed to convince the Black March to Ignite for her?

"Well, I ended up in this weird void, and Haensing and Black March were there, and I tried to convince her. She said that she won't Ignite for people who just 'want her for her body' as she put it." Edward explains, handing over the Black March.

"I'll keep that in mind." Anak says, looking at the Black March in deep thought.

"Oh, and you should be careful with the Rankers, or they'll take both of the 13 month weapons, junior." Anak's eyes go wide in shock, before she stabs the Black March right next to Edward's head.

"How?" she asks with a serious tone, promising pain and death, unless she hears a good answer as she points the Black March at Edward's throat. She had been overjoyed when that weird rabbit had approached her with an offer to enter the Tower, and have a shot at Revenge. She wasn't about to let some guy to reveal her secret.

=It was Black March.= Haensing speaks up, ratting out his fellow Ignition Weapon. Better to have the lizard angry at the needle she can't hurt rather than have her angry at someone she can hurt.

"What he said." Edward confirms, sighing in relief as Anak withdraws the Black March away from his throat.

"If you tell anyone, I'll-"

"Relax, I want to fight you and Green April again someday, preferably when I'm a bit stronger and experienced." Edward interjects jokingly.

"Hmph, I guess my secret will be safe for a long time then." Anak smirks. She can understand the need to fight strong opponents. The feel of your blood pumping through your veins as the attack of you and your opponent collide is exhilarating. And this guy managed to chip off a piece of Green April, something that no one she's ever fought before could do.

"Well, I'll be going." Edward says, exiting the room, now letting Baam's cursor lead him. It's best to let Androssi to cool off, so that she won't try and bite his head off. Besides, it'll be over quickly. Maybe he should try and do some exercises during the break. There's probably a gym or something like that on the testing floor, to allow Regulars to get stronger.

[Through planning ahead, WIS increases by 1]


AN: That's all folks! I'll be splitting this mini-quest into different chapters, I hope that you guys don't mind. Also, I'm planning to write the whole Position Training Test arc, giving a glimpse into how the other positions are tested, instead of focusing on Edward's.

1: Both of these families are famous for producing Hwayeomsa's/Flame users, with the Yeon family member's being "flame itself" from the moment they're born. The traits of the Quant family members are: red hair, red eyes and a maniacal temperament.

Only one member of the Yeon family has been shown in the Manhwa, so I can't really identify any traits from that family, if there are any. The only thing that I can add is that they're very matriarchal, not allowing the males of the family to be involved in any important decisions

2: A original race of Shinheuh I created. Think the Ursa Grimm from RWBY, only instead of bone armor and spikes, the armor and spikes are made from coral, which they use to gather shinsoo, and when attacking, use the coral spikes on their back as exhaust pipes to launch themselves forward at high velocity.

And now, I'll answer some of the Quest reviews that I thought I should reply to.

Kyros: I see no problem with trying to pair Edward with Anak, especially after the Submerged Fish test. And I take it, that you didn't read Susanoo's second comment? I don't want to squish Quant, only humiliate, and possibly piss him off.

Overlord Susanoo: Yeah, no matter which team Edward ends up on, He'll have someone who dislikes him on the team. And he would most likely try to stall Quant long enough for Ho to kill Rachel, unless there's a good reason for him to keep Rachel alive.

No questions for this chapter, since I asked two questions last time, but feel free to ask questions, or answer some of the old ones, If you haven't already

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