Usually, Lee Xuiye never drove as her driving was not so good, but today because she had to meet Mo Mushan, she drove the car.
However, who would have known that once she was done with her talk and heading back, her car was suddenly hit by the truck? What exactly was going here?
The sudden hit made her dizzy for a minute and she felt that her heart jumped to her throat but she was immediately trying to calm down and jumped on the brakes to stop her car but unfortunately, her car was continuously dragged by the truck to the edge of the road towards the valley.
Lee Xuiye wanted to control her car, but couldn't as the truck driver continued to drag her towards the valley as if he wanted to kill her.
Lee Xuiye didn't understand why the truck driver was wanting her to fall down into the ditch?
Here is your surprise...
I have made a website in the name of 'Blissful Stories'. Where I will upload a short story in English and Hindi languages every week and where you can read the stories in FREE!!!
Also, I will post a You Tube video of that stories also. So you can also watch the stories and that is also in FREE!!!
I have uploaded my first story on website and You Tube i.e Single Heart.
Do read it and let me know what you think!
Here are the links.
You Tube:-
You can ignored the author's notes and read it.