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85.24% RWBY : The Black Reaper / Chapter 52: The Nightmare

Chapter 52: The Nightmare

Author note:

I did not write the details of some conversations and actions in this chapter as they pretty much the same as in the show such as Ozpin telling Pyrrha about the maidens.

The chapter is long enough without the details (+9000 words).



In team RWBY room, Qrow was talking with team RWBY and NPR as Ozpin told him.

" …. This is the only reasonable explanation of Mesa's weird behaviour. Umm …. There is the possibility of him being simply crazy with burned fuses in his brain, but considering the level of intelligence he showed, it is very unlikely "

The group was silent, everyone of them wondered about Mesa's past. Everytime they talked about his life before Beacon ended with them being shocked. They couldn't begin to imagine how bad his life was to get him react like this. They usually talked with him without any reserves, he was their friend and he didn't get angry no matter what they said or how they scolded him sometimes. Yet, Today he became completely enraged and left them because of few sentences.

The group felt shame and guilt, they didn't understand their friend and his suffering. They didn't like the way he carried himself and his actions. But thinking about it again, did they ask him? Did they try to understand why is he acting like that? They wanted to change him for the better, What they did is pushing him away and destroying his bonds with them. The group felt endless guilt over an assumption that couldn't be more wrong.

The one who was feeling guilty the most was Pyrrha, she was his partner and supposed to be his lover for a while. Yet, she didn't notice anything and even was the main reason why Mesa left. She regretted not trying to understand him better, if she had a chance to go back in time, she would never try to force him to do anything, she would talk to him more and try to understand him. But it was too late, she felt like crying but she managed to stop herself.

Qrow watched their reactions and sighed, he told them " Look, Mesa probably had a miserable childhood and lunatic brother that will put even faunus discrimination to shame. This is not your fault, you didn't know, the only reason we thought about this possibility is because Mesa abnormal reaction and his words. Beside, this is only an assumption, we might very well be mistaken"

The group only paid attention to the first sentence about Mesa and ignored the rest of Qrow speech. Even Blake was reconsidering Mesa's situation, maybe he is not as evil as she believed him to be, maybe his bad life pushed to this state like it did with The White Fang. Blake hated how the faunus were treated like slaves and animal, but thinking about Mesa, Mesa probably was treated like a slave and even his mind wasn't spared, he had been suffering all alone. Now, Blake was viewing Mesa with empathy and pity. The others thoughts were not that far from hers.

Seeing them not reacting to his words, Qrow spoke " Don't think about it now, the final rounds are tomorrow, you should go to have some rest so you could perform your."

Qrow stood up and headed toward the door leaving, he opened the door then turned around, he said " Oh, I almost forgot. Pyrrha, tomorrow go to Ozpin's office at the morning. He wants to talk about something with you "

Pyrrha looked at Qrow and asked " What does he want to talk about? "

Qrow replied " You will know tomorrow. Have a good rest, kids " With this Qrow left the group alone.

After a minute of silent, ruby said " What should we do? We have to find Mesa and talk with him "

Weiss replied " find him? How? He can be in any place in remnant! Did you forget he can teleport? I doubt you would be able to find him "

Yang added " And don't forget what uncle Qrow said, Mesa will probably consider us enemies and won't hesitate to attack us if we tried to get close to him. I dread the thought of fighting Mesa when he is not holding back "

Thinking about the possibility of fighting Mesa at full power made every shudder in fear. They didn't mind fighting him in spars as he always held back so he won't harm them, but fighting him when he is not holding back that was something they won't dare to do. Ruby slumped down in defeat, she wanted to help but she couldn't.

" I think we should follow your uncle advice and not try to get involved with Mesa anymore " It was Ren who said that

" WHAT? HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?!" Nora screamed, the other faces showed that they had similar thoughts.

Ren didn't mind as he continued " He is our friend and I want to help him. But think about it, He is angry and if we try to find him and talk to him forcefully, do you think he will accept your words easily "

Nora replied " If he doesn't want to listen, we will gang up on him and beat him until he listen to us "

Ren looked at Nora " Nora, do you honestly believe we can do that? Have any of you ever thought why Mesa wasn't punished regardless of his actions? He killed, he stole extremely rare material from military base and even insulted them. Yet and despite all that, he was still sitting with us like usual. I thought about it, The only reason I could think of it, they were afraid, AFRAID !!! A group of elite professional huntsmen ignored his actions, the military of the strongest kingdom ignored his actions. Mesa hold the power to scare them all away, who would want to have an enemy that can destroy a cities with ease. That day in the market, Mesa caused that amount of destruction with a single move. But did you notice that after such a huge and destructive attack he didn't look tired even in the slightest? Mesa is that strong, he is strong enough throw that ball multiple times, Imagine the amount of damage he can do if he got angry and started attacking all out without holding back"

Ren's words made everyone realise how powerful Mesa truly is. They knew he is strong, far too strong, but when they thought about Ren's words, they understood Mesa had the strength to scare kingdoms.

Ren continued " Do you remember our first day? Mesa fought with Ozpin until Ruby stopped him, I can't help but think what would have happened if the fight continued. I have a feeling Ozpin would have been killed back then, I'm also sure Ozpin realised how powerful Mesa was that day and feared him. That is why Ozpin was this tolerant when handling Mesa, he didn't dare to anger him "

Ren took a deep breath then continued again " If you want to help Mesa…. If you want to have the chance to help him and talk with him, then you need first the strength to stand against him. Currently, even if all of us joined hand, we are not strong enough to last 1 second against Mesa. Even without his semblance, Mesa can defeat us all in less than a minute and yesterday match is a prove of how strong he is even without his semblance "

No one tried to retort against Ren's words, they understood he spoke the truth and saying anything else is just lying to themselves.

Pyrrha looked down as she clenched her hands. The people always looked up to her and treated her like something out of reach, she didn't like their actions but it still boosted her confidence in her capabilities, but now she wondered is she really that strong? Is she that skilled? Compare to Mesa, she was nothing. To the first time in her life, Pyrrha felt weak and desired more strength more than anything.

Pyrrha stood and said " I will go back to have some rest, you should have some as well "

The others looked at her with pity, They could tell she was blaming herself for all of this. Ren and Nora stood up and followed Pyrrha leaving team RWBY alone. Neither team MNPR or team RWBY could bring themselves to sleep tonight.

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The next day, Pyrrha separated from her team and headed toward Ozpin's office. When Pyrrha entered the office, she saw Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood and Qrow waiting for her.

Ozpin spoke first " Good morning Miss Nikkos. I hope you managed to get some good sleep to night "

Pyrrha didn't respond, her tired eyes answered for her. Ozpin sighed then said " We would like to talk with you about an important matte. I hope you will not tell anyone about what we are going to tell you. It is very important for humanity survival "

Pyrrha tensed hearing Ozpin, She couldn't help but think about Mesa, is he related to this?

Ozpin asked " What is your favourite fairy tail? "

" What? " Pyrrha replied in surprise, she didn't expect such a question.

Qrow sighed then said " This is going to take some time to explain "

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In a warehouse in Val, Cinder and her team were with The White Fangs, Cinder was talking with Adam, who just arrived to Vale.

" When we started this plan, it was not suppose to be like this!! We lost dozens of our brothers and sisters, new and old. They were not caught, they were killed!!! It is all because of you and your grand plan !!! " Adam was extremely angry, many of The White Fangs old members and new recruits died in the past few weeks.

" We are going to be bring change to this world, some sacrificed is a must " Cinder replied coolly

Adam unsheathed his katana, he pointed it toward Cinder and said " What about I turn you into a sacrifice for their souls? "

Cinder smiled at him and said " After everything we had done and all the efforts and times we wasted, you want to stop when we are near the end, and here I came to give you a good news "

" What good news ?" adam asked while his sword still pointing toward cinder

" Mesa, the student who stopped our attack on Vale few days ago, fought with his friends and left Vale yesterday After heavily injuring Winter Schnee. The news were suppressed by Ozpin and his group " Cinder replied with smile

" And how do you know? " Adam asked her

" Oh, I have access to their control system, They can't hide secrets from me " Cinder replied with a sinister smile, she continued " Now that monster is not in Vale, carrying our plans will be far easier. Also, don't you want to have revenge on him for killing many faunus? This is your chance, you can take care of his friends and adopted sisters "

Adam seemed convinced as he lowered his weapon as he said " Very well! Give me details about these friends and sisters and remember to not touch them or touch Blake Belladonna, they are mine " He then left along with his subordinates

Cinder smile widened, she looked at Mercury and ordered him " Call Neo, tell her to prepare. Today, Beacon will fall !! "

Mercury nodded with smile, on the other hand Emerald seemed worried. She spoke to Cinder with worried tone " Cinder, I'm having a bad feeling about all of this. What if he comes back? What if all of this part of their plan? "

Cinder looked annoyed by Emerald words, she said coldly " You don't have to worry, just do your job "

Cinder walked out of the warehouse leaving Emerald thinking for herself.

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In the basement under Beacon, Pyrrha was standing in front of a huge machine looking at the injured fall maiden. Pyrrha looked back toward Ozpin and his group.

" If everything you said is the truth, then why no one know about it and think it is only a fairy tale? " Pyrrha asked

Ironwood answered her " If the world knew about this, then many will look for the maidens to get their powers and use it for their selfish desires. What happened to Amber is an example of what could happen to the rest of the maiden. Not to mention, there are evil people out there that far worse than any grim "

Pyrrha nodded slowly then asked again " Then why are you telling me all of this? "

Ozpin walked two steps toward her, he answered her " We have been watching you Pyrrha, and we wish you to obtain the maiden's power. You are the one with the best qualifications "

Pyrrha didn't reply, Ozpin could see the confusion and worry in her eyes, so he continued " I know this is not easy to get all in one go. If not for the fact we are short on time, we wouldn't have told you everything like this. But we believe the ones who attempted to kill Amber and stole half of her powers are in Beacon. Originally, we hoped Mesa will help us when they make their move. But now, our plans had to change "

Pyrrha felt pain in her chest at the mention of Mesa, she calmed herself and asked " The maiden's power, is that strong? Why someone would hunt and kill other to get it? "

Ozpin answered her " If the one who possess the maiden power and can control them perfectly then she will be able to rival someone like Mesa "

Ozpin words ignited Pyrrha's desires. She desired to have the strength to bring Mesa back and help him, but she knew her limits, she didn't dream to be able to move mountains like Mesa. But now Ozpin told her there is a way to gain strength and reach Mesa.

Ozpin noticed the change in her and smiled internally, he continued with the same face " You don't have to give me answer now. After your match, you can come here and give me your answer. But you should understand the consequences. We want to transfer the powers using Atlas technology, but such a procedure wasn't done before and we won't know if that might harm you. You might suffer permanent damage, so keep that in mind before you make your decision "

" Yes, sir " Pyrrha answered and left the basement. In her heart, she already made her decision, there was no need for her to hesitate.

Glynda looked at Ozpin disapprovingly " You purposely spoke about Mesa, right? That is really a disappointing behaviour, Ozpin "

Ozpin closed his eyes " I know, Glynda. But you must understand that we are truly being pressured. I will pay the price of this lie later, but for now, protecting Remnant comes first"

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An hour later, Pyrrha was walking toward the arena to meet with her friends, she was still thinking about what she learnt. Her desire for that power was growing the more she thought about the possibility of being able to bring Mesa back.

" Pyrrha !! over here!" The sound of Nora calling for her woke her from her thoughts

Pyrrha looked in the direction of Nora, who was standing near Ren, Ruby, Blake and Weiss. Pyrrha walked in their direction.

" What did Ozpin want from you? Is it about Mesa? " Ruby asked Pyrrha, she was worried for her friend

Pyrrha didn't want to lie to her friends, but Ozpin made her promise to not tell anyone, so she could only hide the truth " Yes, he wanted me to ….. Tell him about his behaviour, and if there was any change lately. " Pyrrha felt guilt for lying.

Ruby nodded as she said " Don't worry, someday will find that idiot and bring him back. We will make sure he will apologize and fix his attitude " Ruby tried to lighten Pyrrha mode. Pyrrha gave her a grateful nod.

Ren wanting to change the subject said " The match is about to begin, I don't think Yang will be happy if we got even a second late"

The group walked inside, a minute later they saw Yang and Mercury standing in the middle of the fighting stage. The match was about to being as the countdown was going on, the two competitors were talking to each other.

Once the count, the two fighters dashed toward each other. Yang was punching while Mercury was kicking. The fight continued for few minutes and ended with Mercury's defeat.

The rest of Yang's team and NPR were celebrating, Ruby screamed " Great job sis!!! "

Yang looked in the direction of her sister and gave a peace sign as she was walking by Mercury's side. Suddenly Yang turned toward Mercury and punched his knee breaking it.

Ruby and the rest stopped cheering, they were shocked by Yang sudden action. Yang seemed to have a satisfying look after what she done. The audience could hear her speaking saying " You deserved it loser "

The audience was enraged and started booing and calling to punish Yang, who in return looked around her in confusion. Soldiers entered the stage pointing their weapons at Yang.

" Come with us, you are under arrest " The leader of the soldiers said

" What? He attacked me first!! Are you blind? " Yang replied with anger, she pointed at the big screen which was repeating the match. When Yang saw herself attacking Mercury who was standing there while clapping for her with smile, a look of shock and confusion appeared on her face.

" There is something wrong !! I tell you, he attacked me " Yang screamed again

The leader didn't care about her words, he simply replied " Come with us, or we will have to use force "

Yang stopped talking as she followed the soldiers. Ruby seeing her sister being taken away couldn't stay still. She immediately followed her sister using her semblance. The rest followed Ruby.

When the group managed to catch up with Ruby, she was standing in front of a small room where Yang was being held. Inside the room Ozpin and Qrow were talking with Yang.

When Ozpin walked out of the room, he paused as he looked at Ruby and the rest. He said " Stay with Yang, she will need your support" then left

Ruby and the other entered the room.

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In Atlas, Mesa was sitting with Jacques Schnee in Jacques's office. Mesa was writing in a book while Jacques was watching the tournament.

Jacques just witnessed Yang weird assault toward her opponent, he turned toward Mesa and asked " This is you work, isn't it ? "

Mesa replied without looking at Jacques " Nope "

Jacques snorted then said " Then how did you know this is going to happen? Do you really expect me believe you don't have a hand in this? "

Mesa look up from his book, he gave Jacques a sly look as he said " What can I say …. I'm a man of many talents, and one of them happen to be information gathering. I know all the details related to The White Fang invasion plan. This is but a part of the bigger game "

Jacque's eyes twitched hearing Mesa's answer, he replied " Learn to be more humble. Beside if you know everything, shouldn't you stop it? What are you planning for? Everything you are doing is a sheer madness!! I can't find anything logical in you actions "

Mesa gave Jacques a smile which caused the later to shiver " It's not your place to know, you are only supposed to finish my orders. Naturally when the time comes, you will understand everything. For now keep carrying your orders ….. You don't have to worry to much about your company, as I said you will have your share of benefits when everything is over "

Jacques nodded then asked " What about the book you are writing? "

Mesa replied with sinister smile " Oh this is a little story for volume 5. It is where the great evil will show itself preparing for the final act hehehe "

Jacques felt the temperature of his body dropped and despite that he kept himself collected and calm. He looked back to the screen and said " The next match will begin soon. It is your partner vs Penny "

Mesa said " Yeah, I know. Want some spoilers ?"

Jacques raised his brows as he asked " What spoilers ?"

Mesa answered " Pyrrha will cut Penny in half horizontally, it will be the signal for the attack to being "

Jacques was surprised " Are you for real? Penny is the advanced combat robot that Atlas created after spending fortunes "

Mesa didn't reply, he was focused on his book again. Seeing Mesa ignore him again, Jacques cursed internally and didn't dare to show it.

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Back with Yang and the others, Yang explained what happened but no one believed. They didn't think she did it on purpose, but may be being tired and the whole thing with Mesa caused her hallucinate.

When everyone were trying their best to support Yang, they heard voice of Port calling << The next match fighters come to the stage please >>

Yang looked at Pyrrha and said " You don't need to worry about me, I'm fine. Just go and win the tournament "

Pyrrha nodded and said " When i'm done I will come back "

Pyrrha left and her two teammates followed her. After leaving Yang and her team, Ren asked the other two " Do you think she will be okay? She didn't seem well to me, like she was angry but not able to express herself she was …. Distressed"

Pyrrha replied " Yang is not weak, she will recover from this and we will be there for her. After the match we will go back and stay with team RWBY "

Ren and Nora both nodded their heads, Ren said " Good luck in the match, we will be cheering for you "

Nora added " Yeah, break her legs "

Pyrrha smiled back at them, and headed toward the arena. Ren and Nora headed toward the seats to watch the match.

Pyrrha continued to walk toward the stage, Pyrrha could see Penny walking like her on the other side. They both arrived at the same earning a lot of cheering from the audience, especially for Pyrrha.

Professor Port started the countdown. During the few seconds, Penny spoke to Pyrrha " Salutations Pyrrha Nikos, It's an honour to finally meet you. This will be so much fun " Pyrrha looked at her opponent and smiled " Good luck "

Penny replied " you too "

Once Port finished the countdown, Penny was surrounded by her floating swords, gesturing them around to her command before launching a volley of them at Pyrrha, who ran towards them and leaped through or deflected each aimed blade. The swords flied into the air until they turned around and came back to the fight.

Pyrrha returned the shield to her back, twirled the javelin to block each sword swipe of Penny's, dropping her weapon when she needed to somersault away after being hit by a slash, only to magnetically return it to her hand as Penny readies another wave of blades.

This scene earned a comment from Port " My word! What a tremendous display by miss Polendina! "

Fully glowering, Pyrrha rushed forward and jumped on an incoming sword, swinging down on Penny, only to have the assault halted by a collection of blades, though she leaped away from the retaliatory slice as Penny backed away as well. She tried to defend against the multitude of swords with the length of her weapon, but was forced back regardless, prompting Pyrrha to roll the shield from her back onto her arm with her polarity.

Pyrrha wasn't doing well, looking down at her hands, she saw her Semblance black energy bend the weapons in her hands unnaturally for a split second.

Pyrrha spinned wildly as she deflected and dodged each sword, until she got close enough to Penny to deliver a few slashes with the spear, sending her flying back as Pyrrha batted aside the blades called to their wielder's aid. Penny slided and made a new series of motions, the weapons folding up until she's circled by several laser rifles, a few of which open fire on the approaching Pyrrha.

Pyrrha avoided the blasts and fought off the remaining swords with her spear until she slipped into position to charge at Penny and knock her back. Pyrrha straightened herself with a victorious grin that disappeared into dizziness, just as she saw Penny rocketing forward, weapons firing behind her like a jetpack so she could leap into the air, then came down as an energized meteor on her opponent.

Pyrrha rolled back to her feet but she didn't expect a sword to knock her shield off, then another to do the same for her blade. She tried to get the latter back with her magnetism, but was stopped by Penny's flying swords.

Penny grinned and raised her arms as the swords floated above her, she aimed to strike. Pyrrha looked with shock at Penny as the later swords started to double then triple and so on. The blades kept multiplying and turned into unreal thicket of blades. At the sight of this, Pyrrha unsteadily stepped back.

Penny sent them all forward, Pyrrha was left with no choice but to spread her arms and send out a magnetized shockwave. Each blade was sent reeling back to Penny, who was also unintentionally affected by the Semblance attack. Pyrrha only had a brief moment to understand what's happening before Penny's arms were spread wide as she gasped, the strings attached to her own weapons curling around her left arm and midsection.

Penny was sliced to three pieces; the left arm, the lower half of her body and the upper half. Pyrrha and the entire stadium were watching in shock as the swords dropped to the ground. Pyrrha starred in abject horror, eyes wide and mouth agape.

The voice of Oobleck could be heard in the background saying " Broadcast, what are you doing? Kill the feed! "

As if it was answering the professor, the screen feed was replaced with a picture of blake queen chess piece and bloody red background.

A voice rang out for everyone to hear << This is not a tragedy. This was not an accident. This is what happens when you hand over your trust, your safety, your children, to men who claim to be our guardians, but are, in reality, nothing more than men. Our Academies' Headmasters wield more power than most armies, and one was audacious enough to control both. They cling to this power in the name of peace, and yet, what do we have here? One nation's attempt at a synthetic army, mercilessly torn apart by another's star pupil. What need would Atlas have for a soldier disguised as an innocent little girl? I don't think the Grimm can tell the difference. And what, I ask you, is Ozpin teaching his students? First a dismemberment, now this? Huntsmen and Huntresses should carry themselves with honor and mercy, yet I have witnessed neither. Perhaps Ozpin felt as though defeating Atlas in the Tournament would help people forget his colossal failure to protect Vale when the Grimm invaded its streets. Or perhaps this was his message to the tyrannical dictator that has occupied an unsuspecting kingdom with armed forces. Honestly, I haven't the slightest clue as to who is right and who is wrong. But I know the existence of peace is fragile, and the leaders of our kingdoms conduct their business with iron gloves. As someone who hails from Mistral, I can assure you the situation there is... equally undesirable. Our Kingdoms are on the brink of war, yet we, the citizens, are left in the dark. So I ask you: When the first shots are fired... who do you think you can trust? >>

The screens were shut off after the speech. The speech affected everyone, a state of fear and anxious was spreading through Vale.

The troubles had only just began, the sound of wailing alarms heard throughout Vale as the screens readings were showing ' Warning Announcer: Aler. Incoming Grimm attack. Threat level: nine. Please seek shelter in a calm and orderly manner '

The crowds began to flee, wild and screaming, through the exit tunnels, while the professional huntsmen and soldiers were trying to control the situation and calm the people. Their attempts didn't work as a huge nevermore appeared in the sky causing the fear to increase.

Meanwhile, Mountain Glenn was almost silent, as every monster lurking there from Beowolves to Boarbatusks, Ursai and Nevermores, and even lumbering Goliaths with wide red eyes rushed forward.

With Ironwood, He was looking around in worry and guilt when his scroll started ringing. He brought it out, seeing that Ozpin was the caller he took a deep breath and then answered " Ozpin, the girl…. I-I can explain! "

Ozpin ignored his word as he ordered angrily " You brought your army to my kingdom, James. Use it " then he cut the call.

Ironwood's worry turned into determination. His fleet of ships was being attacked by even more giant Nevermores. Ironwood attempted to contact his fleet and give orders, but none answered him. He didn't know or expect that a girl with two hair color along with little thief took over his fleet using a virus.

Back on the stage, Pyrrha was on her knees looking at Penny's body, she had a mental breakdown. She could hear her teammate calling for her as they approached closer and closer. Suddenly A huge nevermore dropped from the sky right in front of her. The grim was aiming for Pyrrha, who in return looked at huge monster blankly. When the nevermore lowered his head in attempt to attack Pyrrha, Ruby appeared out of nowhere with Penny's sword in hand and stabbed it in the eye. Ruby then jumped back in front of Pyrrha as she said resolutely " Leave her alone !"

Pyrrha looked in shock and awe at Ruby, but when she saw the nevermore intending to attack Ruby, her face turned to that of worry but a explosives and bullets came from the back killing the nevermore. Pyrrha and Ruby looked to the back, as they saw all the combatants who participated in the tournament coming toward them excluding Cinder's team and Mesa.

Pyrrha looked back at Ruby as her eyes welled up " Ruby, I'm so sorry "

Ruby replied with sad face " Me too "

Then Ruby's face show a resolute look as she looked at sun " Sun give me your scroll "

Sun gave his scroll to her with confused looked, Ruby called her scythe which was stored in the jet lock.

Seeing Ruby's action, the rest all did the same. Pyrrha's eyes showed a determination look as she stood back again.

The two professors Port and Oobleck came toward the young huntsmen and huntresses. Oobleck told the students " Today will probably go as unforgettable event in remnant history. I would prefer for my students to live and tell the story. Be careful, go now !!"

The students ran out of the stadium leaving the two professors fighting grims alone. When they got out, they saw the soldiers fighting the grimms all over the place along with General Ironwood.

The general noticed the students arrival, he looked at them with a dignity suits a general as he said " You have two choices, Defends your kingdom and your school… or save yourselves. No one will fault you if you leave. Let's move out !!"

The students looked at each other and murmured before a yellow monkey faunus spoke up " Come on guys !!! let's go "

The students joined the fight against the grim. Pyrrha looked at her friends and teammates before saying " I have to go back to Beacon. There is something there I have to do!!! "

Her friends looked at her, they were about to ask her what was she intending to do but she spoke again " I will tell you everything when this is over "

The group nodded in understanding, they wished good luck for each other as Pyrrha sped returning to Beacon.

After Pyrrha's leave, the Atlassian robot knight which were fighting alongside the soldiers and the huntsmen began to attack their masters suddenly without warning. The situation in Vale became a lot worse with the robots siding with the grim.

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Minutes later, Pyrrha made it to the school. She moved directly toward the basement like Ozpin showed her previously. Ozpin was waiting her in the basement as she called him earlier telling him she was on the way.

When she arrived at last, Ozpin said " Are you sure you want to do this? This is your last chance to step back "

Pyrrha nodded with complete resolution " Yes, I'm sure"

Ozpin nodded, he said " Enter the machine now!! We don't have time to waste "

Pyrrha entered the machine in order to get the maiden's power. Ozpin stood near the controlling panel as he started working.

The machine started working, Ozpin looked up with anticipation, however a surprising arrow came out of nowhere hitting the machine where Amber was sleeping. The arrow stabbed amber killing her immediately.

Ozpin anticipation turned into despair " NO !!"

A light came out of the machine and move toward the back were an ambered eyes girl walk out from the shadows. Ozpin watched in terror as the girl gained the powers of the maiden. On the other hand, the girl, Cinder, was gloating with joy as she got the maiden strength at last.

Cinder looked at Ozpin with her eyes shooting fire " Finally " she said

Ozpin took a deep breath, at the same time Pyrrha broke out of the machine and stood next to Ozpin with her weapons prepared for battle.

Ozpin seemed about to say something when another voice rang from the shadows " You guys are really slow. I was getting bored waiting for someone to get the maidens powers "

The two opposite party looked at the direction of the voice, a sinister red eyes welcomed them. As a young man was standing their with a lazy posture.

The young man fixed his standing then walked few steps closer to them. He gave them a wide grin. This grin filled the hearts of the other three with endless fear. The young man gave a vipe of endless death and malice. It was like all evil in the world gathered in a single person.

Pyrrha looked stunned she murmured " Mesa ..."

The young man looked intently at Cinder as he said " looking at you now and how happy you are for gaining that power is really hilarious!! You have no clue of what you signed yourself for hehehehe "

The sinister laugh ran in the basement, the three who were listening felt like it came from a demon. They didn't understand nor could explain why, but the very presence in front of them spilled nothing but unprecedented evil.

Ozpin, being the one who lived for countless years, managed to calm himself a little before asking " Mesa, why are you here? "

" I'm here for the relic " Ozpin received his answer, which caused his heart to turn cold, Ozpin eyes looked dangerously at the youngman, who in return ignored him and looked toward Cinder, he said " flaming bitch, I sincerely suggest you to be obedient, otherwise you will have a really bad day hehehehe "

His words were anything but sincere, he was calling her bitch and ordering her to be obedient, these words angered Cinder to the extreme. Her rage surpassed her fear as she gathered all the flame she could and attacked.

A horizontal pillar of flame was unleashed by the new maiden toward her target. Cinder watched as her target gave her a mocking smile and raised his hand. The next scene caused her endless terror. Her flames were suddenly devoured by a pitch black flame, the black flames devoured all the flame she unleashed as it made it way toward her. It only took an instant for all her flames to be devoured and for her to be surrounded by the black flames. She didn't dare touch the flame, she attempted to use her semblance and maidens power to remove it but she couldn't. She was stuck in a prison of black flames.

At the side of Ozpin and Pyrrha, when the two saw the black flames they felt despair, especially Pyrrha.

Ozpin face was pale and the terror was clear on his face. Ozpin mustered all the courage he could before saying " Centos, how do you know of the relics and why you want them? "

Centos looked back at Ozpin with his mocking smile " When do you think we didn't know about the relics? "

Ozpin gripped his cane harder than ever as he said " The relics are very powerful artifacts. They shouldn't be used by humans or the world be endanger !!"

Centos laughed loudly, his laugh felt so sinister to anyone could hear it, when Centos stopped he looked at Ozpin " It's really funny hearing you talking like this. You kept lying to everyone around you until you believed your own lies. You acts like an angel or a guardian gaining the trust of the people only to send them to their deaths, you only brought death for your followers, for what? When do you think it will be enough? "

Ozpin face turned to a mixture of horror and guilt, while Pyrrha looked at Centos with anger and confusion " Why are you talking about professor Ozpin like this? He did nothing but help the humanity "

Centos glared at her " OH dear red, you are just another blind fool, thinking you are doing good to the world by being a huntress by following the order of this man in order to save the humanity. You were willing to take the risks and obtain the maiden's powers. And now, you are defending him. You will come to know what kind of filth he is in the future. As for now, you can scram, you are not worth my time. Leave while you can "

Pyrrha took her stance preparing for battle as she said " Never !! "

Centos shook his head " Fool !!"

In that instant, Ozpin pushed all his powers to the limits and unleashed a surprise attack using the distraction Pyrrha provided. Pyrrha couldn't even register Ozpin's movements, they were beyond anything she had ever seen, just a blur of green. Pyrrha focused on Centos who was still standing in his place with a purple aura in the shape of a rib cage surrounding him, in front of him Ozpin's cane. Pyrrha was confused where did Ozpin go ??

Suddenly a groan of pain was heard from the back, Pyrrha looked toward the voice and widened her eyes. Ozpin was leaning at the wall with cracks all over it, his aura was flickering. Pyrrha gasped at the miserable sight of the headmaster.

Ozpin looked up with despair, nearly all of his aura and magic reserves were consumed in a single exchange, he was defeated in a single move!!! He said weakly " miss Nikos, get out of her. This is not a fight you can do "

Pyrrha looked conflicted, but the conflict look was replaced with a determined one. She pushed her semblance to the limit by throwing the machine which contained Amber's body toward Centos.

Her attempt couldn't shake Centos not even in the slightest as a black flames erupted burning the machine alongside Amber's body to nothing. Pyrrha saw the energy around centos expand rapidly forming a huge skeleton arm. The arm then swapped toward her at alarming speed. She could only attempt to block it with her shield. But the shield couldn't stop the direct blow. Pyrrha was sent across the basement with her shield shattered to pieces.

She lied on the ground with her aura broken and pain assaulting her body. She used her will power to stand up again and look toward Centos despite the pain. A line of blood could be seen running down from her head to her forehead. She knew she can't win, but she didn't want it to end like this.

At this moment Ozpin spoke " Pyrrha !! Get out of her, this guy treat people like insects, he will kill you. Don't throw your life for nothing!! Live to fight another day !!"

Pyrrha determination was replaced with conflict, Centos looked at Ozpin with annoyed look " You know, I don't treat people like insects!! If I did then I would have treated you in a complete different manner "

Ozpin snorted and said sarcastically " You killed many without any hesitation as if they were an insects, I truly wonder how would you act any differently?"

Centos laughed " Very well, You shall be the first person to be treated like an insect hahahaha "

Under the watching eyes of Pyrrha and Cinder, Centos aura turned into half body skeleton which was few meters tall. The skeleton extended it's hand and grabbed Ozpin then raised it midair.

Centos gave a wild laugh as he said " When I deal with insects, I crush them to death !!!"

The two girls watched in horror as the giant hand slammed Ozpin at the wall crushing him between the palm and the wall. When the palm was retrieved, What left of Ozpin was left in the open. What was a human previously, now looked closer to an insect after being crushed, blood was dripping down slowly from the mixture of bones and flesh. The sight horrified the two girls beyond anything.

Pyrrha turned around and ran out of the basement as fast as she could. Her insects completely controlled her instincts, what was inside the basement is a monster that she would never dare to fight.

Centos disabled Susanoo as he looked toward Cinder, who in return was shaking in fear. Centos walked toward her slowly, with each step made, cinder's fear was increasing.

When he stood right in front of her with only the black flames separating them, Cinder was already crying and Centos could smell and see her peeing herself out of sheer fear. When she saw the great power she desired more than anything prove to be nothing in front of this monster, when she saw the man that even her mistress considered as a threat and obstacle being dealt with like an insect. Her mind couldn't handle it and let the fear control her.

Centos grinned madly as he erased his flame then walked closed closer to her. He extended his hand toward her cheek and carsed it gently as he said " Are you going to be obedient little bitch? "

Cinder nodded.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

In Vale's streets, The White Fang members alongside the Atlassian knights were surrounding the remaining students and the soldiers as their numbers dwindled to half under the sudden attack of The White Fang and the robots, The students and soldiers were killed all alike. The White Fang suffered many deaths in the past few weeks made the hatred seep down their bones and seek revenge no matter what.

Adam stood in the front of The White Fang leading them, his sword was dripping fresh blood as he looked at the terrified students and the angry soldiers including the general, he said " You humans mistreated us!! You considered us animals!! And when we stood against you, you killed us mercilessly and even brainwashed some of our brothers and sisters to fight us with you. Today is your judgment and you shall suffer. Especially you two" he said the last part as he pointed at Yang and Ruby " Your adoptive brother killed many of us, and since he is too afraid to show up. You shall pay in his stead "

Yang and Ruby were afraid and angry, the same could be said for the rest of the present people. A laughter rang behind The White Fang soldiers with words full with insult " Who would be afraid of a group of rabid animals, Heck I'm even insulting the animals "

Adam and his soldiers turned around with anger toward the source, on the other hand the students were happy seeing the guy who just arrived. Ruby started to tearing as she said " Mesa !! "

Adam rage increased when he realised who is the guy in front of him, he also became extremely wary as he knew about this guy strength.

The Atlassian robots surrounded the new enemy without orders as they prepared to erase it. This resulted in another laugh " Since I'm here, I might as well kill the filthy animals on Mesa's behave"

This sentence confused everyone with the exception of team RWBY, Ren, Nora and Ironwood. In fact, it caused them to become more afraid than before, even Ruby who was happy just a moment ago now turned pale. They still remembered their encounter with The Black Reaper.

Adam was about to give order for the attack when a sudden smoke covered his target. Out of the smoke a group of monsters appeared and attack The Atlassian knights destroying them instantly.

When the movement stopped and everyone took a better look at the monsters, both sides freaked out. In front of them 3 giant dogs with two heads staring at them, each one of them had the size of a nevermore and the scariest thing was their purple ringed eyes it truly gave them an ominous feeling that even the grim couldn't match.

Ironwood face turned extremely ugly, this was the guy who supposedly the worst among the three brothers.

Somnus didn't bother to look at The White Fang he completely disregarded them, he spoke in loud but those who heard him didn't if he was talking to them or to himself " Feed them or not …. My poor pets deserve better "

Somnus then looked at The White Fang, he said " Never mind, You are just a group of animal not worth even to be a food to my pets. Just kill yourselves "

What followed was something that no one of the students will ever forget. The White Fang Soldiers turned against each other killing themselves coldly. They didn't try to dodge or defend they just move to kill and get killed. The only two who kept standing without moving was Adam and his right hand. Adam looked around himself in terror, when suddenly noticed the last soldier raising his sword toward his own neck and cutting it. His soldier committed a suicide !!

The students couldn't understand what just happened, the soldiers killed each other and the last suicided. However, some knew what was going on. Ironwood had a terrified look, this was far worse than anything he ever expected. The guy needed to give a single order and everyone will die. This was too freakish.

Somnus looked at Adam and said " Don't wonder about it, As lowly animals it is only natural to follow the orders. Since you are not suitable to be a model for all the animals out there, you shall be an example. Skin your face and scram !!!"

The students widened their eyes as Adam brought his katana close to his face and cut ruthlessly his own face. The man screamed in agony and then walked away while still screaming, this sight will haunt them forever.

Somnus didn't bother too look at the leaving Adam as he focused on the students and the soldiers. He said " You guys are the best of the students and the soldiers. The one who had the skills to stay alive. I wonder how good you are going to be if I train you hehehehe"

The sinister laugh rang out scaring them, The students the soldiers equally stepped back. The only exception was Blake who was angry at this guy behaviour. She spoke loudly " How could you treat us like animal? We are people like you "

Somnus stopped laughing, he gava Blake an amused look, he noticed that she was extremely tensed and afraid so he said " Ohh !! How brave of you to speak against me …. I like you !!! You don't have to worry, you can say whatever you want, I swear I won't hold it against you or take revenge or the like ….. Now explain why I'm wrong "

Blake was surprised by his words she wasn't sure if he spoke the truth or not. She hesitated a little before she began speaking with passion. Blake could notice the amused look he was given her with his smuggy smile along with the weird looks she was receiving from others but she didn't care as she continued. Yang was staring at her partner as if she was an idiot. Yang was not the only one, everyone had stares

Blake continued speaking for a whole 5 minutes straight. When she was finally done, she took few breaths of air.

Somnus nodded as he said " I believe you are done talking, right ?"

Blake blinked then nodded, Somnus said while still smiling " That was a great speech and very stimulating, If we were alone and in different place and different, I might have already fucked you till you couldn't walk for days to come. I believe the men around you have similar thoughts"

Blake started blankly at him, she felt like attacking, he was insulting her diginity. But a hand grabbed her shoulder. Blake looked to the side to see a worried Yang. Yang asked " Are you okay? What was that? "

Blake was confused " I'm fine, why are you acting weirdly ?"

Yang said with worried tone " You are the one acting weirdly. You began meowing and purring in a very weird manner like a cat in heat. What is wrong with you?"

Blake looked at her teammate weirdly. But when she looked around and she saw how people were looking at her, she felt something was wrong.

Somnus gave a cough gaining their attention, he was still smiling " sorry dear, it seems you forgot how to talk the human language for a little out of anxiety. The Speech indeed seemed very sensual and moving, don't worry I will keep my word whatever you meowed or purred earlier I will put it all behind my back " Somnus spoke in a manner that made seem a very generous man. Blake realised he did something to her felt cheeks turning red out of shame.

Ironwood pointed his gun toward Somnus and asked " Somnus, Why are you here? Are you related to this attack? "

Somnus hearing the questions rolled his eyes and answered " I'm here for fun. I did know about the attack but I'm not an accomplice. I would feel insulted if I had to work with animals and lowly thieves to carry such a simple plan "

Ruby was the next to gather he carriage, she spoke with a righteous aura " How can you act like this? You have a great power, shouldn't use it for helping others instead of this? You didn't spare your own brothers, you can be a hero instead of a monster "

Somnus wasn't affected in the slightest, he asked a question in return " Do you believe I can make you kill your sister then drink her blood while having a smile on your face? "

Ruby paled and stepped back, she didn't even dare to imagine herself doing it. On the other hand, Yang's eyes turned red. Somnus laughed " Can you even begin to imagine the looks of the people when they realised what I did to them. Do you know the limits of your brains, imaginations and your intelligence? I do it because it is fun hehehehe "

Somnus clapped with maniac smile, he said " Let's play a game. You have to start running, I will change something in each of you one by one. Those who can run fast enough they will escape with brain intacs. Those who fails will have a penalty. The begin in 3 …. 2 … 1 … run !!"

No one ran away, all of them stared back at him. Suddenly The monkey faunus sun walked toward Blake and said with pride " I have always musterbated imagining you. Please let me kiss you " Then he attempted to kiss her which earned him a punch from Blake but that didn't seem to stop him. As he kept receiving beating and trying.

Somnus said while laughing " 1 down, who should I play with next? "

The students and the soldiers started running away. No one of them wished to be brainwashed into doing something so shameful or worse.

Somnus laughed evilly, he brought out his scroll and send a message << Sown the seeds >>. He turned around and walked away.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

In Beacon, Centos was inside the vault with Cinder, Cinder was listening to every command. She didn't dare to play anything with this demon. She opened the vault for Centos who didn't hesitate to enter and brought the relic out. He smiled warmly at Cinder, he walked slowly toward her with a warm charming smile. Cinder was slightly shocked but her fear still dominant. Centos gave her a bear hug while still smiling.

Cinder wore a confused look at first then turned into absolute horror and pain. She felt her body set on fire, in reality It was Centos body burning, the flame was roasting cinder little by little. Cinder tried to resist, but the more she did the tighter the hug became. It didn't take long before Cinder heard the sound of her bones breaking. Now, she was crying because of pain instead of fear. Centos looked at her tears then kiss it on the face. Black flame started to burn on the top of her check. After sometime, Cinder lost her conscious because of the intolerable pain. Centos let go off her to fall on the cold floor with a very severe burning injuries. He gave a satisfied smile and walked out of the basement. While he was walking outside he met with Emerald and Mercury, the two had ugly faces seeing him.

Centos didn't try to attack them as he continued walking away, but he said " Your boss is down there, she is alive, but a little sick because of weight loss"

When the two saw Centos leaving, they sighed in relief then ran toward the direction he came from. After sometime, the two stood in front of Cinder. Emerald puked at the sight while Mercury cursed. Mercury said with disgusted sound " What the fuck happened her? Was it his work? That twisted fucker "

Emerald continued puking while crying. The sight was definitely not a pleasant scene

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

In Vale, the students and the soldiers met with the rest of the forces fighting in Vale including Qrow and Glynda.

" What happened to you? Why you act as if you saw a ghost ?" Qrow asked Ironwood

Ironwood hugged Qrow surprising the later, Ironwood then let go of the hug as he said " I wish I met a ghost, it would have been a 100 times better "

Qrow and Glynda became more confused. They were about to ask about more details when they heard Ruby screaming


The trio ran toward Ruby, in Ruby's hand laid a weak Pyrrha. The rest of her friends were surrounding her.

Ren asked her in extremely worried tone " Pyrrha, what happened to you? Are you okay? "

Pyrrha spoke in a low voice but everyone heard it " I'm not .. sop … sop. He was killed…. Professor Ozpin was killed "

Everyone felt like they were having a nightmare

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