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82.89% Its just a game. / Chapter 58: Raid End

Chapter 58: Raid End

Ok, there was something I thought about that could be confusing a little. So Bob is a living muscle, but he has bones. the bones act as something support for his muscles as without them he would be a pile muscle on the ground and would move like a slime and stick out small tendrils of muscles otherwise no solid limbs or well not until he made some sort of magic to hold up his form. Ok, that's all for now.----------------------------------------------------------------------------

30 minutes after the first raid they were rushing towards there third raid zone following a trail of destruction.

"Sir why are we chasing after it. Shouldn't we just. Let it do what it wants. it has seen to leave the captives alone."Looking down to my side there was one of the few dwarves who came with us on our raids. "Yes I would like to agree to what you have said but we have a slight problem How many people have managed to escape from there attacks and it seems like they are growing in numbers too.""What do you mean I thought you it just summoned others of her kind and had them following It.""You see those mangled mounds of flesh that were somehow still alive. That is what happens to those who don't make it through the first hurdle of the transformation, And they have only made it through 1-5 of the hurdles. I was hoping to keep them a secret for a little while but brought her along just in case something unexpected happened.""What's wrong with there numbers growing? As I see it the increase in the numbers is a good thing If they are already found out about."

"I would agree but because that's why we have such a large amount of captives but my there nature they are extremely curious and aggressive creatures. So some might wander off getting captured. And I would rather not happen."

Soon we were arriving in front of the next camp It was in the process of there assault among it. Looking around I noticed from within the shrubs and trees many Bodies are crouching close to the ground hiding. Within the camp there was. I guess they do learn quickly."

Looking Among the ones hiding I notice a few wearing masks skulking about growling towards the new faces that started to wander off.

"You will probably want to stay behind for a little. As it seems they are ok with ignoring you but I can't say what would happen if we interfered with there hunt."

"How do you know so much about this race there is no record of them before it must be a new race created by the system."

"Let's just say they are lesser versions of me. I got quite the infectious bite."

Strolling past the lines of perimeter guards I made my way towards the center of the fighting. AS I moved through I noticed many people going through the transformation that surprised me the most was there was not a single one who has been eaten as they do seem to like flesh quite a bit. But I guess it is the elders of the group guiding the young ones.

Feeling a burning sensation through my abdomen. Looking down I notice a spearhead sticking through. Grabbing the spearhead I pulled it through feeling something bump into my back before falling over. "Look I ain't in the mood for any more of these surprise attacks." Turning around an Elven guardsman was shaking in his boots as he backed away. "Like how would you like it if someone was constantly attacking you from the back it is rather annoying." Raising my hand with the spear "Just like so." At the end of my words, one of the new faces among them jumped upon his back before ripping into his shoulder. One of the elders of the group started to make there way over to the young one. "Let it enjoy this." Despite what the young guardsman was going through he was still grabbing at his leg where a dagger was hanging from. "Persistent, aye." Driving the Spear into his hand. Causing his current quite yelps of pain to become quite the loud screech. "The Spear is your youngling if you even know how to use it." Turning back to the crowd I continued my way towards the epicenter of the combat.

Upon arriving what greeted me was the woman I brought along but she had quite a large fur tail kinda like that of a Wolf swaying behind her as she was charging into a man in full plate male. Moving over to the side I snap my fingers a large stone chair rose from the ground as I leaned into crossing my legs As I watched the fight.

The fight was nothing special it was a test of endurance as she would just charge him, get smacked away rinse and repeat. I decided I wasn't going to watch this so I made my way into the fight grabbing the man's breastplate slamming him on the ground a few times before letting go. Feeling a soft Body cling to my leg.

Looking down at my leg there she was gripping onto it rubbing her head against it. Grabbing at her back trying to pull her off. seemed to be quite the trouble as she has the grip of a newborn infant you can't take shit from them no matter how much ya try. "Common Let's go, Off ya go" Soon I got her to release her grip of my leg but it only took my leg with her. "Let go of my damn leg." Grabbing my leg from her as she loosened her grip looking at my leg than me with a confused look. "Yes, it comes off. But it ain't no pleasant feeling I can't turn off my sense of pain like you, not yet." Grabbing my leg it reattached itself quite fast without much needin to be fixed. I just stared at her as her tail was swaying like a windmill. Bringin up a cloud of Dust. "You are just like a dog, go get the others of the pack." Turning around she made her way roaring as she ran off into the camp."Now that's a lot of them When you said a pack I didn't expect this many.""They have more than quadrupled their numbers. Even tho losing some."

"So we stoping the raids now. You have done more than what we asked for."

"No, The hunt just began, We can't stop it now."

A savage grin slipping onto my face as I stared at the gathering crowd in front of me. Soon she was before me again, Her tail wagging just as violently as her charge. "It seems this is everyone." Looking around the back of the group were the ones wearing masks were at the back guiding all of them into the center. "Look, I know the hunt just started. I was originally gonna be quite pissed at what you all have done. but it seems you all know how to not let them escape and have done a good job at it. So The hunt will continue. Just like before but you will have to quite down. As it is very shocking that they did not hear you coming looking at the trail of destruction you have left behind you. Now, Get Going."

At the end of my words, all the elders of the groups Started roaring as some ran off with the young ones trailing behind. "I swear, I said quite."

The small dwarf by my side. Had an awestruck look on his face as he was staring at the charging group."I thought we were trying to stop them."

"We were but, I decided this works quite well."

"So your just letting them go without supervision."

"No, I will be going with them. Try and keep up, will ya."

Getting close to the ground. Soon crackling could be heard throughout my body as the bones started to forcefully change shape to allow for easy running on all fours. I gotta find a way to turn off my sensation of pain.

Taking a deep breath I bolted off after them.

Pov The Dwarf.Time skip 3 days.

We are following after that pack with each encampment of there's becoming more and more brutal with less of those mounds of failed transformations. Bodies ripped apart bit by bit heads crushed into puddles on the ground Hearts beside bodies somehow still beating trying to keep the bodies still alive. I guess this is one of the curses of the system. A body that will not give up until you hit that feared 0hp. Plunging my spear into a heart as I walk by. Sometimes I wonder why our ancestors choose them over the humans and elves.

Soon we seem to have caught up to them as there were many of them surrounding a Fort roaring to the others at the top.

Soon up in the bright sky, there were a large amount of these creatures flying up in the sky being lead by this upstart of a god. They really can't think that he can just fly over the wall in the middle of the day.

Low and behold the moment they were in range a hail of arrows bolts and mage spells came flying in there direction. He might have a high regeneration but that will just incinerate him. he can't even regenerate from that. Should I just let him die. It would work out in our favor we could just rush in and take the mountain. There are those few that could put up a fight but without a figurehead should be easy enough.

No, No, No, we need him alive. His animalistic ways can be overlooked because he cares for his people. Wait, whats that. looking up there was a shinning object in his hand releasing a dangerous amount of mana. Soon the mana began to take shape into a giant of mana pressing its hand down on the barrage of attacks causing the projectiles to go flying off course while the magic attacks started to exploded as if hitting a solid object.

After the barrage of attacks, more waves were being sent towards the giant hand that was hurling towards them. But not without retaliation from the beasts as there we balls of flame, acid, poison and several bone lances being launched towards the wall.

Sadly the hand wasn't able to make contact with the wall but it did its job it seems as the beasts are currently plummeting like meteors towards the fort. Again he is releasing a lot of mana and it just takes form. What is going on with him? Is it the power of Gods."(An Cards)

Soon the wall had many large holes in it singling the start of the siege as all the beast except a few started charging towards the holes in the wall climbing up and through. Piling into the Fort like ants into an anthill.

Soon from within the base explosions started rocking the walls as Elves were sent flying over the wall into the tide of beasts to get ripped apart by there hungry and playful claws.

I Ran up to the gate along with the rest of us as we couldn't climb up and through the wall. Soon from the inside, the gates were being opened by a few of the more intelligent beasts to let us through. Tho a little late as we just finished preparations to blow the gate open wasting all our effort. Soon we arrived at the center of the fort were a pair of pure white wings that were stained in blood were lying on the ground not far from where a man was being held to the ground.

Inspecting him I got 2 pieces of horrifying information one that he is an angel born and not a low born either second he has the class governor. They were pouring resources here to turn this into a city they are not going to take this well. And an Angel, they wanted this to become a capital city.

Looking over to the Struggling angel as he flung curses and insults towards the start up god. I couldn't help but get worried. Soon from within the Lord's mansion, 2 kids were dragged out. One with Pure white wings just like the city lord in a Golden dress while the other was in dirty rags with the tips of her wings being as black as the darkest nights.


"Hmm, Don't touch her does that mean I can touch the other." He moved away from the one with pure white wings to the one in rags and loured his hand to her but this time he said nothing. He even seemed to be relieved. I don't understand them, such Bloodline elitists. Even to the point of disregarding your own child.

"You sure I can, I might just eat her for all you know."

"Hmmph, Do with you as you wish she is impure a cursed child of the night."

Kneeling as low as he could get he looked at the little girl with a defiant look in her eyes.

"Don't eat me, mister, I don't taste good. I have tried before. I taste like spoiled rat meat."

After spending a few seconds staring at her, he stood up. Smiling. "You have my promise young one I won't eat you, Nor will they." he says as he gestures to all the beasts around him. "But I can't say the same for your father."

He moved over to the other little girl causing the angel to flip out once more. "Pinky Promis you won't hurt me." Turning his head to the side he saw the little girl sticking her little scared hand as high as he can with her little pinky sticking out. "Yes, Pinky promise little one." Lowering his hand he put his pinky that was the size of her entire hand on her little pinky. "There you go."

Turning away from the child that was currently shacking with joy he moved towards the other little girl. "Why did you not kill her she is a low born she is worthless father said so she is not worth me. Take her not me She has wings of black." Before he even got to kneel in front of her his smile faded before he frowned sighing he looked towards one of the low born waving it over and saying something quietly causing the low born to lodge its teeth into the child's shoulder before backing off and back into the crowd.

Soon she collapsed to the ground Spasming as fur started growing all over her arms her wings once pure became a silverish color gaining a metallic look."What did you do to my Child she was perfect. She was my gem. FIX HER THIS INSTANT." Nothing was said to reply to the man as his struggle kicked up a notch as the little girl transformation finished. Soon in place of the once little angel, there was a little girl with silver wings, blood-red eyes, and covered in Silver fur all along her upper back and forearms. "Eat." Soon the child looked up towards where he was pointing before jumping onto her once father ripping him apart as he cursed his once-perfect child for being unclean.

Turning around he started to leave.

"AHHHH." Like a bolt of lightning, he turned around looking over to the other little girl who he had promised had the other little girl bitting her arm. As quick as a bolt of lightning he arrived beside her flinging the one to the side. Grabbing the little girl with fear in her eyes. "Yyou promised me.""FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK."

Soon she started to transform but it didn't last long until an Energy that made you just want to bow started seeping out of him and into her. stabilizing the transformation.

Getting up he started leaving after he sniffed the air a few times. Looking over to me he smiled lightly

"You will want to leave soon unless you want to become there partner." He said gesturing towards a group of the female beasts that started tackling some of the males. Before flying off with the little girl in his arms

"Men, Hurry up we have to leave."


Yo so this chapter had two many ideas behind its writing first off was I wanted to show that aspect change parts of who bob is mostly in how he acts in certain aspects so for this chapter showed bob's aspect of the beast and how it changed his fighting style and with a dash of gluttony in there in who he ate some of the elves or at least parts of them. This also means bob has the other aspects affecting him in some way one. Like lust Increased sexual desire like a lot, Void a need to change and adapt becoming stronger and better and such.

Also, bob has a weak point for kids, in particular, kids that don't have an easy life.

Now lastly, after completing a hunt the females will start going into heat. Not the children, only the adults.

LiquidHatred LiquidHatred

Hope yall have a great day.

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