Winston was not as shocked as he could have been. His emotions were still slightly numb so he did what any person would do, and he clicked the option to turn into a slime, next thing he knew, he was a 10cm blob of blue slime. His both was kind of transparent, giving it a strange, but kind of cute look.
"These abilities are interesting, maybe I should try them" Winston thought to himself. He looked at the sword and told the system"Absorb!" In his mind. His body immediately started to crawl up the sword, and consumed it. He grew from about 12cm in diameter to about 16cm in diameter.
"The ability I'm most excited for is the Body shaping" he thought. He immediately told the system"Body shaping!" In his mind. His body started to move and change shape in sync with his mind. He could easily change the shape of his body with a thought."Let's try a simple shape, Dagger!" He envisioned a small dagger and his body took the shape of it, making a glowing blue dagger. He disliked the feeling of being inanimate, so he told the system"Back to human form!" He was instantly back to human form, but he could feel himself being a bit stronger by almost a fourth."It seems that body mass for the slime equals strength for me." Winston looked excited.
Winston's dad, Barry, was sitting in a reclining chair in the living room. A few seconds later, his son walked in."Dad, Can I take a week off from school?". Barry Replied"Just don't stop school for too long" as he knew what his son was going through. Winston immediately went to finish the paint job on his car, as he had big plans for the day.
"Finally done"Winston sighed. He had been working for almost two hours non-stop, and despite it being almost 10 pm, he wasn't tired. He decided to take his car out tomorrow, and go for a joyride.
"I should probably get a little sleep at least" Winston decided. He walked to his room and laid down. He fell asleep almost 15 minutes later.
"Yawn" Winston I'm immediately jumped out of bed and ran to the garage. There he found a sleek black car with a max speed of over 160 Mph and 37mpg. He immediately opened the driver door and hopped in. He clicked the button on the keychain, and the old garage door creaked open. He drove out and the door closed behind him.
Winston was headed to an abandoned junkyard. Why? It has a lot of mass for him to absorb, and it was a few miles out from the city where there are very few people. He also plans to take over the supervision building for it and use it as a hideout, as it was also abandoned.
After about ten minutes of cruising, he found it. He pulled up into the driveway and parked his car, he decided to call it a Dominator. He just thought it sounded cool.
After he parked his car, he went a few meters away to where the junkyard was. It was about 2 acres, the size of a city block. After he made sure no one was watching, he transformed into his slime form and devoured anything he couldn't use as a mechanic. "There is a lot of stuff here". Winston thought, but then he did the slime equivalent of a shrug and started absorbing.
This left him with several tons of metal, plastic, and rust. After he absorbed it all, he looked at his stats.
Name:Winston Smith
Avg. combat power:870(He consumed literal tons of stuff)
Skills:Absorption, Dissolve, Body shaping, storage, mimic
Inventory:1. ]
"What!" Winston Yelled, shocked. How has his combat power risen so drastically? Then he remembered, he ate literal tons of stuff."What are these two?" He wondered "I didn't notice the lottery or the inventory last time" he selected the lottery option, then a screen cane up with rapidly changing messages, finally settling on[Skill:Medusa's eye: Can activate ability that causes anyone to look into your eyes to become stone]"Great!" He thought."It should be useful if I get into any trouble." Then he selected the [Inventory] option. [Inventory: Item: Lucifer's wings:absorb to gain access to wings in human form as well as the skill[Devil's wings] that can grow with host] Seeing the message, Winston was excited and curious at the same time."Why would I have this if all things? Well, it doesn't matter anyway, Absorb!". Winston clicked the option excitedly, the felt his back grow slightly heavier, as he was in human form. A pair of giant black angel wings was on his back. He could freely control them, too. He decided to put them away, as they vanished as if they were never there. As he walked towards the supervision building, he noticed he was exponentially stronger, he threw a punch at an old car that was beside him, only to find that the car was sent skidding for about fifteen feet. "This feels great!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. He decided to calm down before someone heard and came over to check. He walked over to the supervision building, only to find inside it was…
Get cliffed bois
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