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75% The Iron King / Chapter 3: Ancient Power

Chapter 3: Ancient Power

Archie fell into a dark room and the only place where he could see light was where he came from, a hole about twenty meter high maybe more it was dark inside and Archie could not see a thing. He was just glad he was alive and in one piece.

Archie took out his cellphone and used its LED light as torch, and began walking , trying to find a way out of the mess he got himself into. He knew his parents would kill him if they knew he was wondering around such a dangerous ruin. Archie walked for some time and he saw a huge metal covered wooden door. He tried opening it but in vain the door was jammed, sealed from the inside. It looked like it wasn't opened for thousands of years, the door was in a bad shape. It looked like something was used to attack it. he asked himself "Can this be the imperial treasure room?" Suddenly a thought came to his mind "is this the throne room? Is this what Mr. Henry was talking about?". Archie picked up an old metal spear, it was in bad shape but he thought it's now or never, so he inserted the spear in the small gap between the doors and pushed with all his might but the spear broke into two. He then picked up another spear and inserted it in the gap again.

Suddenly he heard Max's voice, Max was searching for Archie and found him in front of the gate. "Don't stay there! help me." Archie ordered. "I don't think this is a good idea, we should wait for others to get Mr. Henry", replied Max. "It's now or never Max. We can't wait for someone to save us we have to do it ourselves! Now help me!", exclaimed Archie. Max and Archie both tried this time but were unsuccessful. Archie applied so much force on the tip of the spear that when the spear broke, it scratched his hand. Archie was so angry that he began punching the door. The moment Archie's bloody hand touched the door, the door unlocked. Archie kicked the door open and lead them to a big hall. The big hall had windows but there were broken pieces of stones that were covering them. Through the stones small rays of light were entering the big hall. The big hall had a mass of old statues right in its center and there were statues of knights and soldiers on the wall and in front of an elevated space. It looked like they were guarding something.

The moment the fresh air came in the old statues turned to dust leaving an ugly throne all by itself in the far end of hall. This is it the throne room Archie thought.

"I don't like this place! It's pretty scary. People say that there are unnamed creatures living here in the castle we shouldn't be here", max was scared. Archie replied, "C'mon bro! Don't be a scary cat, everything is fine!". Archie walks towards the throne, while walking he saw a seal the Abassids' Seal on the floor, Archie told Max, "it is said that the throne room had the abassid seal fixed into the floor and no one was allowed to cross it, it is said who did turned to dust". Archie was about to cross the seal when Max advised him to stay there as the rumors might be true but Archie ignored Max's advice and continued further. He entered the seal and nothing happened so he continued onward. Archie had reached the Blood throne by now. The throne was in total seven stairs high from the ground, the first four stairs lead to a platform and the remaining lead to the Blood throne that was placed in the center of the platform.

Archie was so impressed by the ancient throne that he touched it. When Archie touched the throne, the throne cracked and a strong light was emitted from the throne. Suddenly the entire throne was covered in lights. Suddenly Mr. Henry and the rest came down to the throne and Mr. Henry couldn't believe his eyes. He asked himself "Can this kid really be the prophesized king? No the last abassid died 8000 years ago there is not even a chance that one of them even survived. But even if one did survived why after all these years?". Max asked Mr. Henry, "What is happening?" to which he replied "its awakening after 8000 years of rest."

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