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20% The Frogged Prince / Chapter 2: A Little Break Won't Hurt, Much

Chapter 2: A Little Break Won't Hurt, Much

The early noon sun dappled the ground under the trees at the edge of the forest. Asterid relaxed happily on a bench beneath the branches, sketching out her horse, Smithy, contentedly chewing on some grass, three other horses with him, enjoying the warm spring weather. The guardsman and groom she snatched on her way to and from the stables this morning were enjoying the sandwiches Sky, her lady's maid, handed to them, as she gathered the small brunch for Asterid and herself to enjoy. Asterid put her small notebook into the pocket of her blue riding habit, and smoothed out the lines of her matching riding skirt.

"So much more peaceful here than at the castle, Sky. I needed this. Especially since I won't be able to get away at all by the end of today. All the big players will be here by this evening."

Sky tutted and glanced at the two young men loitering by the horses, out of earshot. "You know very well that we should not have harried off this morning! After all, the delegations from Littoral, Orogeny, and Stochasta are already here. Just because the last one from the Indivedic Empire isn't here doesn't mean you can avoid your duties."

"Sky," Asterid drew out her name, "you know very well that neither I nor my sister, as unmarried ladies," She emphasized, "are going to meet with anyone we don't know in the morning."

Starting in on their late breakfast, Asterid and Sky neatly ate the egg sandwiches, fruits, and nuts they brought with them.

Asterid paused, "Though Rosie will probably be meeting with them with father, in her position as future Crown Princess."

Sky sighed, "We should still be back at the castle helping. There are only two days left!"

"Oh, yes. That and more for playing host and making sure no wars start, or scandals made, at my sister ascension and birthday gala." Asterid gazed out toward the castle. "I'll do what I can and must, but it is really such a bother. I hate having to deal with politics. Staying on guard all the time and trying to guess people's motives."

The wind gently blew and the forest sang with the songs of birds, animals, and insects as they welcomed the season. Asterid took a deep breath and listened, then whispered, "I need this, so I can get through it."

Sky shook her head and handed Asterid a embroidered waterskin. Taking a drink, and giving a wry smile to Sky when returning it.

The young guardsman approached them, giving a slight bow. "Highness, it appears the last of the guests from abroad are approaching the castle. Perhaps we should head back now?"

Looking to the right, along the line of the forest, there was a caravan of people, moving at a moderate speed toward the castle. "I suppose you are right Guardsman Granite, it looks like the right amount of people in an envoy to be escorting a prince." Asterid stood and smiled, "Let us be off and get back to the castle before they arrive."

Within minutes all four of them were mounted and heading back to the castle. Upon reaching the castle and entering the stables, they reported the Indivedic envoy's incumbent arrival. With a final pat for Smithy as the groomsmen took him, Asterid and Sky made their way up to her rooms to change.

On the way, they encountered General Kelloggii, Asterid's maternal uncle. "Uncle Quercus! Here to make sure Rosidae doesn't break all the hearts of the kingdom?" Sky curtsied and continued to walk to Asterid's rooms.

Quercus gave a chuckle and shook his head, "As if I could stop your sister from doing what she has complete control over. No I'm here to make sure you don't go running off and avoiding all those pesky jobs you have to do in preparing for the ball. You'll see I did an amazing job of it, seeing as you are here." He stroked his beard and looked down his nose, with amused eyes, to Asterid. "The Dowager Queen wants your presence. I'd suggest going there in a different outfit though, she seems rather put out with you at the moment. Something about running away from possible suitors."

"Who are either in love with my sister, the possible political gain that I represent, or the money I have." Asterid sighed.

"My niece is so jaded." Quercus wryly smirked, "Keep it up and I'll take you in when you put yourself up on the shelf."

"I'll take you up on that, your home is further in Cartazonos Forest and nearer the Rompot mountains. It'll make it way easier to meet our friends." Asterid smiled.

"So you managed to meet them out here? I guess that isn't too surprising considering your sister met them at a young age as well." Quercus started heading down the corridor, away, "You girls just don't get how strange it is that you've even met our friends so far from where they frequent."

"See you later Uncle." Asterid continued to her rooms with a wave and a smile as she parted from Quercus.

Sky was waiting, an apricot gown laid out and waiting to be put on, as Asterid arrived.

"Come now, get out of your riding clothes." Sky rushed Asterid and started in on making her look presentable, muttering, "We shouldn't have gone out, and now we will have to work extra hard just to make things right."

"Sky, you sound like you are more that just three years older than me!" Now in the gown, Asterid sat at the ornate vanity, letting Sky brush and rearrange her hair into a more complicated coiffure, a net of gold adding that something special to it.

"There's no helping it, seeing that you constantly worry me with going out with so few guards and at the most ill advised times!" Sky finished touching up her appearance here and there, smiled, "Much better. Now you look just right."

Asterid examined her reflection and had to agree, after the morning ride her eyes glittered happily, her bearing was more lively and relaxed than it had been since the foreign and kingdom's nobles started congregating at the castle. Since her debut ball on her sixteenth birthday she was now obligated to carry out hostess duties, whenever they had guests. Most of the guests from the edges of their kingdom and a number of the foreign nobles making up the envoys from abroad arrived at the castle within the past five days. As she had only just been introduced to society, Asterid had the smallest group of nobles to entertain. They were made up of some of the younger generation of their own nobles and a number of the older, as in, those not fighting to gain or giving up having the attention of Rosidae. Luckily they were for the most part laid back or late risers. Which was why Asterid hoped that her little morning break would pass unnoticed. "Guess I'll have to go see Grandmother now, before she really gets angry. I can appease her by telling her Mr. Prince is here."

Once more in Magnaphta's green and purple sitting room, Asterid faced a less congenial grandparent, though no less fashionably turned out, in a fine magenta gown with black opal jewelry accessories.

With a contrite expression Asterid began her play for a lesser scolding, "Greetings Grandmother, sorry for being so slow in answering your summons. I have heard that the Indivedic envoy has finally made it to the castle."

Magnaphta's expression didn't change, instead starting a fine tapping with her fan against her fingers. She sighs, "Asterid Agate Bidasar, you are no longer a child, free to run away and not deal with your duties. While you have been acting properly since the first of our guests arrived, and helped with the various small things your sister and I could not get to, this escapade of yours does your and our family's reputation no good.

"Yes, there are times where everyone wants to do away with the hassle and trouble of dealing with their duties, but you know that one should not give way to easy pleasures instead of doing your part.

"Luckily, those who you are in charge of have not noticed your absence." Magnaphyta's eyes narrowed, "Mostly because your sister kindly picked up your slack, even though she has twice as much to do as you! Be sure to thank her, and if I hear about you gallivanting off to the forest again, I'll make sure you aren't allowed anywhere near the stables without my permission!" Magnaphyta gave a final last rap of her fan.

Asterid made a full curtsy, "Yes, Grandmother, I understand." She showed her determination, "I'll go help Rosidae now."

"Good, she should be in the greenhouse terrace, she'll need you to take over hosting so she can greet the envoy with your father. Then, when you're done, help Liesegang with arranging the seats for supper. Then, with whatever else I've, or your sister, has forgotten." Magnaphyta waved away Asterid and forth her companion.

With another small curtsy Asterid left, to work.

That night, after a busy noon, afternoon, and evening, Asterid was in her sister Rosidae's rooms. Her sitting room was facing eastward and styled in cream velvet fabrics. Both were wearing night robes over their chemises, sprawled on the couch next to each other.

Asterid spoke up to the framed ceiling, "Thanks sis', for covering for me this morning. Sorry, I, sorry I made you do that." She sighed, "I don't think the castle has been this full since mother passed, though I remember it not." Asterid frowned, "It's hard to believe Grandmother handled all of that by herself."

"Huh," Rosidae let out a gust of air, "you're right, she did do that one herself. It's hard to believe, that about a decade can change so much."

Companionable silence flowed between the two of them.

"Gods, I'm tired!" Rosidae flung her limbs about. "Why is turning eighteen so much more work and less fun than sixteen!"

Asterid giggled, "Oh come on! You thrive on this stuff! The only thing that bothers you is that you have to sleep to keep up your energy!"

Rosidae laughed, "Right! Having to sleep is the worst thing! I want to do! Why do we need to sleep? Elves just have to meditate for a few hours and they're good to go! It's just so unfair." She pouted, then turned to Asterid with a smile. "Thinking on unfair, I got to meet, how did you call him? Mr. Prince? He's fairly handsome, he's the son of the current emperor's youngest son and is eighteen. He is definitely angling for a marriage alliance."

Asterid raised her brows, "Oh, this news is unfair how? For how you get to see a potential suitor before me? I'm not too sure my marrying a man from a country known for using marriage to gain control of countries is a smart move." She paused, "Though as a prince consort for you, it might not be bad? You get to keep a close eye on a troublesome element in the wider political sphere, and also the inner one?"

Rosidae rakishly smiled, "It does sound fun, doesn't it? The fact that you can think that out means that you don't mind playing the game half as much as you say."

"The fact I can think it out means I know how to stay out of trouble! I really don't want to create extra work for everyone to clean up. Like today." Asterid grimaced, "No wars started from a stupid comment from me, thanks!"

"Oh? Using the princess-caring for-her-people card sister? It's great you care, I do too, but that isn't why you don't like it," Rosidae laughed, "You are really just lazy! Wanting to read and play all day. Do you think you could get away with doing that if you weren't a princess?"

Laughing back Asterid shook her head, "Of course, my being a princess is exactly why I do it! And it's also why I work hard understanding politics! Luckily books help in studying human behaviour."

"Ah! An excuse to read!"

Asterid and Rosidae continued talking to each other for another hour, before heading in for bed. More work to do tomorrow, and soon it'll be Rosidae's birthday.

ijustwannareadpls ijustwannareadpls

Next chapters will probably come out way later and not as quick. Almost a good chapter.

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